Advocate for the deceased

Chapter 407 Vitiligo Reappearance [Part 3]

Chapter 407 Vitiligo reappears (49) [third]

Apparently the lunatic discovered the essence of the matter, Zhou Hai lifted the piece of tissue, put it in a box, and hurried back to the dissecting room.

Hu Nan glanced at him, "What are you going to do? Aren't you going to submit for inspection?"

Zhou Hai shook his head, "Take a look at the tissue section. Disease or other reasons can't cause the same white spots. I think it's a scar."


Hu Nan waved his hand, "Stop making trouble, the scars are even more uncontrollable, and they can grow as long as they want depending on their physique."

Hu Nan paused, saying that this must be the case with ordinary scars, but it is a different matter if it is a burn from a specific object, such as a soldering iron or a hairpin. These specific shapes can cause almost the same scar if the boundaries are very clear.

Seeing her stunned look, Zhou Hai nodded vigorously.

"You guessed right, I just suspect burns!"

Hu Nan shrugged.

"But the burn should be more serious!

If the burn is too shallow, without nodules or hyperplasia, is this a burn? "

Zhou Hai smiled, turned on the light and walked directly to the microscope, sliced ​​the piece of tissue that had just been removed, cleaned and stained it, and placed it directly on the propeller of the stage, and began to slowly adjust the magnification while observing carefully.

It was adjusted after a while, and the lunatic helped to connect it to the monitor. A huge picture appeared in front of my eyes. There were no depressions or growths in the entire sliced ​​skin, but the edges were clearly defined, but there were obvious differences in color. Somewhat scary.

Hu Nan instantly understood Zhou Hai's intentions, "Are you saying that this is not only a burn, but also a burn caused when they were very young, and it healed better, and they have been treated accordingly, so the scar is a superficial scar, only with pigment. Change."

The lunatic snapped his fingers. These two people are too terrifying. They can analyze so many things after a little communication.

Zhou Hai nodded.

"Dong Bin's original identity was from XJ, and he came here alone to work hard. In the end, in order to stay in the southeast, he married Zhu Xiangtao's daughter, that is, Zhu Cuiwen who brought a child after divorce.

I don't need to say how unsuitable these two people are. From age and appearance to knowledge and character, I am now wondering why Dong Bin married Zhu Cuiwen, and even though they don't live together, they take good care of Zhu Cuiwen's children? "

Hu Nan reached out to stop Zhou Hai's arm.

"You mean, this Dong Bin may be a child of the Su family, he is related to Yang Duxiu and this Su Mule, and their marriage is just a restriction?
Or, is it the control over Zhu Xiangtao? "

Zhou Hai narrowed his eyes, "Dong Bin and Zhu Cuiwen have been married for ten years, that is to say, they got married in 2005. At this time, Zhu Xiangtao is already dead, so there is no need to control him. I still doubt what Zhu Xiangtao said to Zhu Cuiwen!

How could secrets and property like the dungeon be casually communicated to outsiders? Dong Bin was either used to check and balance Zhu Cuiwen, or he was cultivated as an heir. "

After hearing Zhou Hai's analysis, the lunatic has already sent Sister Zeng a WeChat message, asking her to compare Dong Bin and Yang Duxiu.

Hearing Zhou Hai's analysis, he kept scratching his hair.

"If it is the choice of heir, why did Yang Duxiu kill him?"

Zhou Hai shook his head.

"Perhaps Yang Duxiu has a better candidate?
He can take out millions to play games at will, and his financial ability is no problem.

There are large jade and treasures stored there, which cannot be taken away. Although they are valuable, they cannot be sold, so they are no different from waste.

Looking at the size of the room and the arrangement of the shelves, there used to be more than that.

Obviously all the remaining small pieces were sold, and don’t forget that he still has his ex-wife and son to go to Germany. We don’t know whether this departure is to cover up his secret or to let them live a better life. "

Hu Nan covered his mouth, Zhou Hai's analysis was too bold, but he really put all the connections through.

Su Mule's obedience is at the mercy of others, and she cannot get rid of the control of product D;
This Dong Bin's obedience also has the same white spots behind his ears;

As well as the untraceable mother and son in Germany, it seems that the truth is getting closer.

However, this Yang Duxiu's ability to control people's hearts is really terrifying. Zhang Mingquan, Dong Bin, and Su Mule were held tightly by Yang Duxiu, and they followed his requirements and arrangements without fear of life or death.

Hu Nan looked confused, now that these known conditions were connected, she looked at Zhou Hai who looked pensive.

"I also think what you said is reasonable, but according to your analysis, where is this Yang Duxiu?

What identity do you live with?

Did he really change his image, just hide in a corner of Southeast City and watch his masterpiece, wanting to enjoy the helplessness, suffering, and panic of the police?
What can he get?
Revenge on society? "

Zhou Hai narrowed his eyes, "Such a person cannot be explained by multiple personalities, he had several masks in his life.

Perhaps it was this Su Mule who was thrown sulfuric acid by the red boy back then. The two of them were just doing something together by virtue of their similar appearance.

Everything including this underground was originally owned jointly, but Yang Duxiu just took control of everything bit by bit, holding everything in his hands like a frog boiled in warm water, and then started to carry out his own plan.

However, I don't think he has retaliated against the society viciously. If that is the case, as long as he planted bombs in the unexplored underground passages he has mastered in Southeast City, half of the city will be destroyed directly.

After all, what he controls can be done easily.

As for the corpse found in the underground passage, the time of death was 20 years, and the clothes on his body were the most fashionable Soviet army coats in the early 90s.

As for the identity of this person, even if there is no way to confirm it, we can still guess that it is the red boy, so I didn't waste my energy asking them to investigate, after all, Huang Zhongsheng and the others don't have enough energy now.

So, I don't think that's what he wants.

The four dead people in Duping seemed to be demonstrating their abilities, and in his eyes, these people deserved to die. The comments he heard and the results of the investigation made him firmly believe that what he did was right, even though Zhang Mingquan thought so .

As for Lucy, perhaps it was to piss me off, and to punish my father badly for that previous case.

As for Dong Bin's case, one was to eliminate the heir with white spots, or to make this Su Mule—his substitute die.

Leaving the remaining dungeons may be for people to understand those dusty secrets. "

Hu Nan looked at Zhou Hai puzzled.

"You think too well of Yang Duxiu. How can such a vicious person be so kind?"

(End of this chapter)

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