Advocate for the deceased

Chapter 387 White spot reappearance

Chapter 387 White spot reappearance (29)

Officer Peng looked up at the fat man and nodded, as if he felt that the files had been simplified.

"Here is the information on the family building of the Third Hospital, and the information on Yang Duxiu's residence in the Gulou community before he moved in. I have found out all the contacts.

As for his childhood information, I am still looking for it. According to our existing information, he was adopted by a couple with the surname Yang. The time of adoption is not yet available, and there are discrepancies in the household registration information at this later stage.

According to my inference, his adoption time was during the Cultural Revolution, otherwise the information in the later period would not be so confusing. You guys look at it first, and I will look for the previous files. "

Zhou Hai was instantly attracted by her words, and raised his hand to stop this sister Peng.

"Sister Peng, what I'm interested in is the information before the adoption. Let them sort out the later information. I'll take a look with you."

She shrugged her shoulders and asked the two girls to find out the information related to Yang Duxiu's household registration in these files and make a copy, and they went to look at the old files.

As he spoke, he took the two of them to a small room, which smelled musty as soon as they entered. Sister Peng looked through it with a small note, and found a round handle on the rotating top of a filing cabinet. The cabinet moves out.

"There are two names in the records before Yang Duxiu was adopted. I'm not sure which one is accurate now, so I'm looking for both."

As she spoke, Sister Peng wrote two notes with names, one for each person, and asked Fatty to find a number range, and asked Zhou Hai to find a number range, while standing in front of another cabinet and searching.

Zhou Hai looked at the household registration files, and found that, as this sister Peng said, these were manually recorded files. Look at the two names, one is Su Muke and the other is Su Xiangrong.

In this way, the scope of the screening has been greatly reduced. Just look for Su's surname. After an unknown period of time, Zhou Hai's neck has become a little stiff. He raised his head and shook his head.

As soon as I opened it, there was a person surnamed Su, the head of the household was Su Liman, Hui nationality, and his professional registration was a foreign language teacher in Southeast No. 1974 Middle School, and his wife was also Hui nationality, and his name was Mu Anni. Teacher, there is a purple red seal for canceling the account. Both of them signed the account on February 2, 10.

Did the two die together?
This is being persecuted, or.
Before he could think about it, he quickly turned to the next page. Zhou Hai was breathless when he saw the name, and the name Su Muke came into view.

The relationship with the head of the household is the eldest son, and the date of birth is July 1963, 7. There is no other information behind.

Zhou Hai quickly shouted at Fatty and Sister Peng.

"I found it!"

Fatty and Sister Peng quickly put down the notebooks in their hands and came over, took the notebook in Zhou Hai's hand and read it, and Sister Peng compared the note in her hand.

"It seems that this one is really similar, the name and date of birth match exactly!"

"We need to look for the other one too. We need to look for Suliman's information to see if he has any brothers. After all, the deceased yesterday is related to Yang Duxiu by blood."

"Okay, let's look for it again. In fact, it will be easy to find one."

As Sister Peng said, she found the information about Suliman that Zhou Hai had found just now, opened the gap in the binding, and could vaguely see a row of numbers. After copying the numbers, Sister Peng quickly found a few files.

These files are not far from where Zhou Hai is standing. Before Zhou Hai can figure out Sister Peng's intention, she seems to have discovered it.

"I found it, here it is, take a look!"

As he spoke, he handed the file book to Zhou Hai. It was the same manual record, but it seemed to be more worn out, and it was still written in small letters with a brush.

The above record shows that the head of the household, Su Maxiu, Hui nationality, is a doctor by profession. The eldest son, Surya, was born on June 1923, 6, and the second son, Suliman, was born on April 3, 1939.

Behind it is Surya's wife and the household registration information of his four sons, namely Su Muyu, Su Muyang, Su Muchun, and Su Muyan.

Zhou Hai looked carefully at the bottom of Suliman's page, there was a small line of information written in dark blue pen.

It can be seen that it was filled in later, with the date of moving out on it, and the bottom of Su Matthew on the household registration homepage is also stamped with a purple seal for cancellation of the household, which is February 1969, 2.

It seems that this Su Maxiu is the grandfather of Su Muke. Su Liman died just after Suliman came of age.

Surya and their remaining household registrations all said moving out, but this time is a bit intriguing. All of them moved out in April 1969. As for where to go, there is no detailed introduction below, just use blue The seal is directly stamped with a seal that the household registration has been transferred.

Zhou Hai didn't understand what this chapter meant, so he turned to look at Sister Peng, and explained without asking her after a little thought.

"It was a relatively turbulent era, many people were sent to labor reform from below, and some were directly transferred back to their original villages and towns.

Intellectuals like him, if they still hold a half-official position in the unit, most of them have been sent down, and it is difficult to find out where they have gone. "

The fat man thought for a while, "I heard from my mother that at that time, those with poor family status had to be reformed through labor, and many families went there as a whole.

However, the management is quite careful. Everyone’s household registration follows the food, and they all eat the fixed amount of food. No matter what this person is doing, even if he is going to reform through labor, he needs to bring your food. Relationships go, after all, it is a planned economy.

You said that you can check it from this aspect. After all, if you want to relocate the food relationship, you need to issue a certificate of household registration. Where can you find this information? "

Sister Peng looked at the fat man and laughed, "Looking at you chubby, you are still quite active. I know this. There was an old lady who checked the information of her wife before. After all, she was arrested when she left home. Come back, this is what happened when I first started working."

"and after?"

Sister Peng recalled a little bit, "At that time, I found a retired senior, and found some information from many years ago in the warehouse, and I really used this method to find out the information about moving out.

That's enough, let's not keep it a secret, you are all in a hurry to go to the house. "

Speaking of which, Sister Peng quickly opened a filing cabinet on the northernmost side, took the household registration information book, rummaged for a while, and found a wooden box, and the fat man hurried over to help pick up the box and walked to the table.

Sister Peng put down the book of household registration information, opened the box, and searched by date.

"We have classified them according to the different seals, but this is all done by our seniors. In this way, we can find some information, but there are very few people who need to find this information in the past two years."

Having said that, Sister Peng found a stub, and her hands froze.

"Looks like I found it!"

(End of this chapter)

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