Advocate for the deceased

Chapter 277 The Evidence of Disappearance

Chapter 277 The Evidence of Disappearance (10)

Huang Zhongsheng felt that Ji Chengan was not lying. This kind of pain and self-blame can break a person. It is probably because of this reason that he came to be a police assistant.

But no matter what, we still have to wait for further inspection results. At least he didn't lie about the alarm clock. You must know that before the investigation team came, Zhang Chao, who was in charge of the case, didn't know about the alarm clock.

Huang Zhongsheng ordered Ji Chengan to be taken down to wait for the test results. When he left the interview room, Zhang Chao stood at the door with his pocket in his pocket, looking at him with frowning eyes. Ji Chengan averted his eyes and did not speak, and followed the police officer. up.

The man had just been taken away. A local policewoman led a man and a woman up to the second floor and said something in the direction of the conference room. The man didn't seem to want to come over. The woman and the policewoman kept persuading him. , with a hesitant look, he knew what was going on at a glance.

Huang Zhongsheng immediately stopped his movements and waved his hands at the three of them.

"Come here, what's the matter?"

The female policeman walked over with the two of them. The woman seemed a little timid and stretched out her hand to grab the man's arm. The female policeman smiled at the two of them seeing that they were so nervous.

"Don't be nervous, the police station is a place to tell the truth, there is no need to be afraid, we are serving the people.

You husband and wife will tell me what you just said to the leaders of the special case team. You are providing clues for the police, so why be so nervous? It is too late for us to encourage you! "

As he spoke, he didn't make any urging movements, and just looked at the two quietly like this. Such an attitude seemed to make the two of them less worried.

A few words made Huang Zhongsheng a little impressed. This female policeman did a good job in psychological work. Sure enough, the tense expressions on the faces of the two men relaxed a little. Huang Zhongsheng quickly let himself put on a more amiable smile.

"Come on, sit in the room for a while, tell us what you think, Da Liu will pour you two cups of tea."

Huang Zhongsheng directly led the people into the meeting room, but his amiable voice, which he felt good about himself, was still high-pitched. The two flinched instantly, and Huang Zhongsheng scratched his head.

Not to mention that he has been a criminal policeman for a long time, he is full of evil spirits, and he really doesn't know how to be gentle. Thinking about when he hugged his son and cried when he hugged him, he was also very depressed, but Huang Zhongsheng waved his hand at the fat man helplessly.

"Fatty, come and handle it!"

The fat man walked over unsteadily, and when he passed by Huang Zhongsheng's side, his eyes were wide open and his neck was stuck, with protest and dissatisfaction on his face.

"I'm a trace inspector, not your investigator!"

Huang Zhongsheng raised his fist at him and narrowed his eyes.

"We are all members of the investigation team, don't engage in internal divisions, be careful that I will let Haizi deal with you!"

The fat man rubbed his nose, walked to the side of the two with a face of reluctance, and instantly opened a pair of small eyes, and smiled into a gap, looking at the two harmlessly.

"Our leader is used to being tall and loud, talking like thunder, scaring you two, come with me, let's sit down and talk slowly if we have anything to do."

The fat man's smiling eyes were still very friendly, and he led the two of them to the innermost part of the meeting room, while the others continued to do their own business, and Liu brought two bottles of water.

Seeing that there were not too many people watching, the two of them seemed to really relax, and the fat man moved closer to them.

"What's the matter, tell me!"

The man pointed at the people in the conference room, cleared his throat and asked, "Are you all from the task force?"

The fat man nodded, "We are all from the Southeast City Bureau to help Mocheng clear up the accumulated cases. How did you find this place?"

The woman poked the man's arm, did not reach out to take the water glass, and urged:

"Speak, let's go back after we finish."

The man took a sip of water, put down the bottle, and organized his words a little.

"My name is Chen Jianshan, and I work at the Sanitation Department of Mocheng. A friend called me this morning and asked me if I stayed at home on October 2010, 10, and what I saw and heard at night!"

The woman next to the man raised her hand and slapped the man's arm.

"When you say that, the police comrades are confused, and they can't understand a word. I really don't know what to say about you!
Come on, let me say it! "

The fat man looked at the woman and swallowed. It seemed that he was not afraid now. He saw that this house was run by a woman. As expected, the social status of the man after getting married would decline.

The woman leaned forward and began to say:
"In July 2010, when our old house was demolished, we rented a new house from a buddy on the No.7 floor of Zhongcun Community. They only renovated the kitchen and bathroom, and simply repainted the other rooms. Make do with living there.

At that time, I happened to be pregnant with my eldest child, who was due to give birth in a few months, so I usually stayed at home and didn't go out much. I spent all my time watching TV in Unit 18, No. 301, the rented apartment.

This morning, his guy called and asked us if we heard anything or saw anything on December 2010, 12. He said that the murder case in their community had started to be investigated again, and they asked the tenants and decorators if they saw anything.

My family member said no, hung up the phone, and then I thought something was wrong, got up and checked the calendar, my boss’ birthday is the third day of November in the lunar calendar, according to the Gregorian calendar, that day is December 2010, 12.

I sat on the bed and thought about it, because I had a stomachache the night before my eldest son was born, and he was not at home on night shift, so I kept wandering around in the room.

I remember that it was almost twelve o'clock at night, and I saw the room on the easternmost side of the second floor of NO. Turn on the light and stand in the north room to look over.

I saw that the windows on the easternmost side of that family were lit, but the curtains were blocked, and I watched the figure and the curtains shaking constantly.

I thought at the time that the couple in this family can really make a fuss, and they still have the strength to toss around in the middle of the night, but then it seemed that the windows were not closed, and the curtains were opened a little when the wind blew, and I saw three people in the room , not two people. "

The fat man didn't pay attention to it at first, he just pointed at the two of them with the law enforcement recorder procedurally, but the more he listened, the more he felt something wrong, so he interrupted the woman.

"Sister, you said three people, did you see clearly?"

The woman patted her thigh, "See clearly, I was still thinking about this when I gave birth to the baby.

A man was lying on the bed, a woman was lying on the ground, and a young man was standing by the bed, seeming to be cursing and saying something. The man kept kicking his legs and tossing on the bed, while the woman was lying on the ground without moving.

You see, when you interrupt, I don't even know what to say! "

The fat man had black hair, and the muzzle of the gun was turned fast enough, and with a smile on his face, he handed the mineral water to the woman.

"Sister, don't worry, just think about it slowly.

and then?
That young man standing, did you see where he went after that? "

(End of this chapter)

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