Advocate for the deceased

Chapter 261 Rabies Virus

Chapter 261 Rabies Virus (16)

Wang Man tilted his head and pointed his gun at the man's head without flinching.

And he walked towards the room step by step. The man's eyes were like lightning, staring at Wang Man for a moment, and constantly adjusted his direction according to Wang Man's movements. The boy hung limply on the man's arm inside the bend.

A lot of people from the Xuzhou Bureau had already rushed into the room, and the two people who fled through the window just now screamed twice outside, and it was no need to guess that they had been captured.

And this man, with fierce eyes and strong muscles on his body, looked like he had a brain. He didn't act rashly, but kept staring at Wang Man.

"Let me go, give me a car and hurry up!"

At some point, the lunatic rushed over with a suitcase and stood at the door. Seeing this situation, he opened his laptop and found a picture, and held it up to Wang Man.

At this time, Wang Man was standing on the south side of the room, and the man who kidnapped the boy was standing at the window on the north side, while the madman was standing at the door, so the man couldn't see it.

Wang Manzhuang glanced at the door inadvertently, saw the computer picture that the lunatic held up, and instantly understood his intention.

The lunatic flipped through a photo again, the above was the introduction of this location, the font was huge, the kind introduced by PPT, and there was the word Zhou Hai on it, if Wang Man could laugh out loud in another environment, the lunatic wanted to convince himself It is also quite hard.

He coughed lightly, "Are you in charge of transportation, or are you in charge of organ harvesting?
If you let go of this hostage, you still have hope of living. If you are so persistent, I will shoot you dead. "

The man smiled, and forced the boy's hand a little harder, the skin was cut, and blood flowed out.

Wang Man adjusted the aiming position of the muzzle, moving upwards from the heart.

"I know a coroner who told me that if you want to kill a person and make him incapable of threatening resistance, you can do it by cutting off his medulla.

In actual operation, either aim at the criminal's nostril and shoot, or directly aim at the position of the throat and cervical spine.

I think you must know where the medulla oblongata is?
Want to try my marksmanship? "

The man's eyes flashed fiercely, and the knife in his hand was about to swing.

At the same time, Wang Man shot.

A shot hit the man's jaw, and it seemed that he had entered a slow-motion state for a moment, and slowly fell backwards, with a trace of unwillingness in his eyes. The knife in his hand had already fallen to the ground, and he fell with it with a plop.

In an instant, everyone in the room let out a sigh of relief, and the lunatic knelt on the ground on one knee.

His body was completely soaked, and he was panting heavily with sweat. His heart was about to jump out of this thrilling feeling. Wang Man walked over and kicked the knife away from the man's hand, turned around and shouted at the lunatic.

"Crazy don't pretend to be dead, come and see how the two of you are doing?"

Then the lunatic walked into the room with the suitcase in his hand, seeing the man dying with red and white sprayed all over the ground, the lunatic almost spit it out on the spot.

After squatting on the ground and retching for a long time, he got up and moved over.

Liang Chuan and Lu Tian were not much better. Although they are policemen, there are not many policemen who have actually killed people. However, such a vicious incident was completed without asking for help, which is still very happy.

The lunatic first checked the boy's status and found that he was only anesthetized and it would take some time to wake up.

The first person Wang Man entered and shot was still twitching on the ground. Although he looked at the blood all over the place, he was fine. He was shot in the right armpit. The shot here hurts the most, but there is no major problem. Bandage it up Just go to the doctor.

The hijacked man, needless to say, had his brains shattered, he was completely dead, his eyes were staring at the ceiling, and his hand was still bent. The lunatic quickly searched his pockets and found a mobile phone and a A small book, found a wallet in his trouser pocket, found an ID card and quickly handed it to Wang Man.

"Find an ID card!"

Wang Man took a look and saw that this person was Zhu Xiangyu, male, 42 years old, from Huizhou, Guangdong, and handed his ID card to Liang Chuan when he saw this.

"Give me a search to see if the identity information is accurate."

"The information is true. The photo is of me, or a retired soldier. How could I do this?"

Wang Man didn't speak, and asked Liang Chuan and the others to bring Boss Wan and the two people arrested outside. Of course, the old man who guarded the door was also taken away, and then asked to check the tomb in the yard. What's going on? Hard to say.

Xiao Liang invites everyone out, after all, there are photos and evidence to be taken at the scene.

The new trace inspector didn't come with him today, but Xiaoliang is now taken very professionally by the fat man. The dissecting table and the pool are the most carefully extracted, and of course the sewer pipes that the fat man fears most.

The fat man sitting in the office, watching Zhou Hai shaking his legs while looking at his watch, suddenly sneezed loudly, rubbed his nose and muttered angrily.

"Who is this who misses me and talks about me?"

Just as he was talking, Zhou Hai's cell phone rang, and the caller was Wang Man, who briefly explained the matter.

".That's how things are. As for the boy's situation, we have to wait until he wakes up to find out whether he was kidnapped or something. I checked the fingerprints but couldn't find the identity information. It seems to be a problem with the entry.

The little notebook found on Zhu Xiangyu's body is full of numbers, which are completely incomprehensible. I can't identify them, but I have taken pictures of them all and will send them to you in a while. You can take a look. "

"Okay, let Xuzhou find a vehicle, send someone to bring the body and all the personnel back, and go back to the southeast for autopsy and testing, otherwise I'm afraid there will be deviations.

Also, you said Boss Wan's place is a cemetery. Since it is a burial cemetery, does that mean there are bones?
That being the case, every tomb must be opened for inspection. If the organs have been removed, there will be traces of corruption even if it is corrupted. The lunatic's ability is no problem, but this is a lot of work. The only people you bring with you are the escorts. , help with the rest. "

Of course Wang Man agreed, after all he was convinced of Haizi's ability, but he still needed to find his boss to coordinate.

Zhou Hai hung up the phone, and all the photos of the scene and the things recorded in the small notebook were sent over. The fat man leaned over and looked at the series of numbers, which made his head dizzy.

"I'll go, isn't this the password?"

Zhou Hai nodded, "It seems to be a password, this Zhu Xiangyu is a soldier, I think he should have some relevant knowledge.

Find Dr. Nan quickly, they will surely understand this. "

Fatty went to contact Dr. Nan, Zhou Hai's phone rang, and it was Xiao Zeng who called.

"Forensic Doctor Zhou, we have found the patient who has had a kidney transplant."

Zhou Hai paused and became tense instantly.

"Could it be that the person is in the southeast?"

(End of this chapter)

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