Advocate for the deceased

Chapter 172 Jedi Pursuit

Chapter 172 Jedi Pursuit ([-])

Dismembering the corpse or beheading the victim will not take the effort to remove the human skin and tissue. Regardless of the ethical and criminal perspectives, this is a very huge project. Especially looking at this tissue, you can feel that the murderer's methods are extremely unfamiliar. .

Zhou Hai's eyes flashed, did the murderer deliberately confuse the public, or deliberately provoke the police?
There was a sound of footsteps, and Zhou Hai followed the sound and raised his head. Sure enough, the fat man ran over quickly carrying the investigation box, and he could make a fat man weighing more than 200 kilograms walk like flying. Something must have happened, or he had found something. !
Zhou Hai hurriedly put the piece of tissue into a bag and threw it to Wang Man again. Wang Man was so frightened that he slipped his hand and almost dropped the bag.

"Haiko, what do you think I found?"

Chu Menghan rolled her eyes behind Zhou Hai, "Fatty, can we change the opening line?"

The fat man smiled sweetly at Chu Menghan, "My Haizi is used to it, if he can't hear my loud voice when he appears on the scene, he should be worried."

"You are skin."

Chu Menghan didn't bother to talk to him, but Fatty's temper was really good enough, he didn't care what he said.

Fatty put away his smile, walked up to Zhou Hai, opened the investigation box, and handed Zhou Hai an evidence bag.

Zhou Hai was taken aback.

"A thumb?
Or the right thumb! "

The fat man nodded, "Yes, it's the thumb, I found it behind those trash cans.

It seemed that the driver was in a hurry to stop the car today, and all the trash cans behind were smashed together, otherwise this finger would stand out in front of the trash can. "

Zhou Hai had already taken out his thumb, took out his magnifying glass with LED lights, and brought it to his eyes. The thumb was a bit stubby, especially the knuckles at the front seemed to be half short, and the back of the fingers and fingerprints were very rough and glued. Covered with oil and dirt, accumulated deeply in the lines.

The severed end is not the articular surface, but cut off directly at the tiger's mouth. This knife is much more powerful and decisive than the one that just cut the scalp. Could it be two murderers?

Zhou Hai frowned, put the severed finger back into the bag, and handed it to Wang Man.

Chu Menghan had already leaned forward, seeing Zhou Hai's expression, his heart ached. After all, Zhou Hai didn't have such an expression when dealing with the Miemen tragedy. Could it be...

"what happened to you?"

Zhou Hai pondered for a moment, glanced at Wang Man and Fatty, and finally his eyes fell on Chu Menghan.

"Did the garbage truck not let go?"

Chu Menghan nodded, "Although the driver is the one who reported the crime, I can't let them go until the scene is searched."

Zhou Hai looked at the status of the on-site search. It seemed that the first round of blanket search hadn't yielded much. It was already past seven o'clock and the morning rush hour would soon be reached, and the traffic would be even denser. investigation of the case.

"I suggest that we mobilize manpower to close this section of the road, dump out the dozens of boxes of garbage, and the garbage on the truck, and check them one by one.

Judging from the degree of pollution of the scalp tissue just now, it wasn't thrown here randomly. The black oil stain looked like waste engine oil or animal fat that had been deposited for a long time. There is no such place nearby. "

Following Zhou Hai's narration, Chu Menghan's expression became more stern. If it was really thrown here with the garbage truck as Zhou Hai said, it would be impossible to start this case.

Chu Menghan patted Wang Man on the back, "According to Forensic Doctor Zhou's request, mobilize manpower, let the traffic police team cooperate to close this section of road, and lead all the personnel to start checking the garbage."


Wang Man didn't complain, and turned around to leave. The fat man caught him and asked him to help carry the investigation box.

"Come on, deputy Wang detachment, help me carry it, I will follow in the past to investigate, take pictures and record at any time, so that the search speed will be faster."

Just as he was talking, he saw two more people approaching not far away, and the fat man waved his hands at them.

"Madman, Xiao Liang, you two came here so slowly on a turtle, walk away and start working with me to dig through the garbage!"

Xiaoliang didn't care, his anti-odor physique was not just boasting, the lunatic's cheeks trembled.


New Year's Eve still digs through the trash? "

The fat man rolled his eyes and said, "Don't go if you have the guts!"

Having said that, the lunatic glanced at Chu Menghan and Zhou Hai who were standing at the end of the bridge, shrank his neck and followed the fat man.

Chu Menghan didn't move in a hurry, and glanced at Zhou Hai with some clarity in his eyes.

"Did you just have reservations?"

Zhou Hai didn't expect that Chu Menghan, who has always been carefree, would be so thoughtful.

"Although no DNA analysis has been done, according to my experience, the scalp tissue and the thumb are not the same person.

The murderer who cut the scalp was hesitant and flustered, the knife technique was inconsistent, and there were many repeated cuts.

And the killer's method of chopping off the fingers was very decisive. Although it was not the articular surface, the overall cutting was very neat. "

Chu Menghan was startled, and thought about Zhou Hai's words, "You mean the deceased is now two people, and the murderer may also be two people?"

Zhou Hai let out a long breath, trying to relieve the nystagmus caused by tension.

"One more thing, when the thumb is chopped off, the dead is alive!
The flap at the stump shrunk inward, showing a response to life, and the blood vessels also shrank.

But the scalp tissue did not respond to life, and the flaps of the wound were all stretched without bleeding. When the murderer cut his scalp, he was already dead. "

Chu Menghan was shocked by Zhou Hai's words, Zhou Hai could analyze so much with just a thumb and a piece of scalp, but since Zhou Hai didn't choose to say it in front of everyone, there must be his considerations.

Take out your notebook and record all your analysis.

"I'll go see what they're searching for."

"I'll be with you!"

Zhou Hai picked up the suitcase and followed Chu Menghan towards that street.

No, we should tell that piece of garbage to go now. There are more than a dozen garbage dumps, all scattered on the road at intervals. Police officers wearing masks and gloves went into battle in groups, carefully rummaging through all the garbage.

Madman and Xiao Liang also joined the search team, reminding the surrounding police officers what to look for and what is suspicious.

You must know that today is March [-], and the lunar calendar is the twelfth day of the first month. Many shops in Southeast City have not started operating before the fifteenth day of the first month. As the old saying goes, the first month is a year, so the amount of garbage is huge.

Fatty and Wang Man led the people to drive the garbage truck to the middle of the road, and slowly dumped out the garbage. Following Wang Man's pause gesture, the garbage truck moved forward a little, and then started dumping again. The second time, the garbage truck was basically emptied.

Even in winter, the strong smell of corruption directly entered the nose through the masks. Many police officers rummaged a few times, turned around and retched twice, and there were even a few mice jumping up and down in the garbage.

Zhou Hai never took his eyes off the garbage. Although he didn't reach out to rummage through it, he observed everywhere. Time passed by, and when he reached the fifth pile of the garbage truck, a greasy black plastic bag, It caught Zhou Hai's attention instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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