Advocate for the deceased

Chapter 152 The Mysterious Case Under the Bridge

Chapter 152 The Mysterious Case Under the Bridge ([-])


I am Sun Guoqing, Director of the Yongan City Public Security Bureau. If you have anything to say, you can talk to me. "

Zhou Hai heard the sound and turned to look behind him. A middle-aged man with a square face was standing behind them. Zhou Hai pulled the fat man up from the ground.

"My colleague needs to wash his face, and it's better for Director Xiao to stay."

The man waved his hand behind him, a policewoman trotted in, handed the fat man a warm towel, the fat man stared at him without blinking, wiped his nose briefly, and sat quietly beside Zhou Hai.

At this time, Zhou Hai had already introduced the documents and Zeng Zhiqiang's affairs in detail. Director Sun frowned, and glanced coldly at Director Xiao behind him.

"It's all my management mistakes. We will deal with the relevant personnel seriously. Zeng Zhiqiang is a good comrade. If you need any cooperation from the Yongan Bureau, feel free to ask. You can call me directly.

In addition, don't worry, I will arrange for people to find the storage location of the corpse now. "

Within 3 minutes, a male police officer came back and whispered a few words in Director Sun's ear. Director Sun's face became more and more ugly, and he turned to look at Director Xiao.

"Take these people from the Municipal Bureau to the mortuary of Yong'an City Funeral Home, where the corpses are temporarily stored!"

Zhou Hai was stunned, "Thank you Director Sun for your cooperation, let's go first, please make a copy of the relevant case files for our colleagues who came with us."

As he spoke, he waved his hand and asked a person from the XC district to stay, and they followed the police officer who led the way to the funeral home in Yong'an City.

Arriving at the funeral parlor in over half an hour, a criminal policeman from the XC district, who was tall and rough, glanced at his watch.

"Forensic Doctor Zhou, let's find a place to eat after we take over the body of the deceased. It's almost one o'clock in the afternoon."

The fat man turned around, "Persevere, you can mention anything at this time, don't mention the meal, because you are in the funeral home."

The man bared his teeth and laughed loudly.

"It's okay, I'm so hungry that I can eat it in the toilet!"

The fat man turned around and chased after Zhou Hai. The relevant staff searched for a long time before finding the relevant registration, but the policeman snapped his fingers when he saw this storage location.

"You didn't put the body in the freezer?"

The funeral home worker looked up at the policeman.

"The phone call from your city bureau said that the remaining storage costs need to be handled by the family members of the deceased. Our freezers are relatively tight and there are only a dozen or so.

No way, I moved it to a room temperature morgue in November, so the weather started to get cold in November. "

Zhou Hai stopped the policeman who wanted to refute, "Go to the room temperature morgue!"

Following the staff carrying a large bunch of keys, they bypassed the gorgeous funeral hall and walked towards the row of bungalows on the northernmost side. The door of the leaky house was opened, and the dim lights were turned on. I looked at the form on the wall, walked to the flat car at the northernmost end, and checked a form attached to the body bag.

"This is it, take it!
That fee..."

The policeman from the Yongan Bureau who went with him grabbed the staff member.

"Okay, I'll sign it, and we will pay all the expenses."

The man sighed.

"Okay, come and follow me through the formalities."

Several criminal police officers from the XC area were about to carry body bags, Zhou Hai quickly stopped them.

"Pull the car out, and then put the body bag into the body transfer box on our car. Be sure not to touch the zipper, and it has not been frozen at low temperature. In such an environment, some bacteria will grow. If you are lucky, a layer of fungal film will form."

Everyone got into the car, met the criminal policeman with the file halfway, and drove towards Southeast City together.

Two hours later, in the No. [-] dissection room of the center.

After eating, Zhou Hai looked through the original autopsy report and files again, and the fat man had already had his body bag brought over.

At this moment, the fat man's nose was already a little bruised. Wang Xuchao, Madman and Xiao Liang, who entered the dissecting room one after another, glanced at the fat man's image in surprise.

"Brother Xu (fatty), what's the matter?"

The fat man looked at Wang Xuchao resentfully with emotion on his face.

"In order to protect Haizi, Director Xiao from Yong'an slapped me in the face.

You have to report to Director Liu that the Yongan City Public Security Bureau seems to be no longer under the jurisdiction of Dongnan. We just wanted to find Xu Miaochi's body, and we refused to talk about it. We became angry and beat people.

In my opinion, they don't need the help of the Forensic Center anymore, they can do everything by themselves! "

Fatty's eye drops were in place, Wang Xuchao's face was gloomy, he took a photo of the fatty and sent it to Director Liu, Zhou Hai ignored the actions of these people, and asked Xiao Liang to turn on the video recorder and start reporting. Prepare the content of the deceased, as well as the introduction of the autopsy personnel.

Zhou Hai stood in front of the dissecting table, gently opened the body bag, and Xu Miaochi's body suddenly appeared in front of everyone. Looking at the state of the body, Zhou Hai's movements paused.

A layer of off-white fungus had formed on the face, neck and torso of the deceased, and the eyes, mouth and nose had been completely covered by mycelium, like a web made by a spider.

The four carefully removed the body bag, which was also covered in a vest and jeans worn by the deceased.

"In the case of all cremations in China, it is really rare to see, this is a molded cadaver [1].

The deceased was stored in the freezer for a period of time, and then moved to normal temperature for storage. In the humid and low temperature environment between ten and zero degrees, such mold hyphae and spores multiplied and covered the entire surface of the corpse. Corruption is also curbed to a certain extent. "

"Hehe, this time I opened my eyes!"

While Zhou Hai was explaining, he looked around for the mycelia on the deceased's body. When he reached the top of the deceased's head, cord-like bacterial plaques appeared on the shoulder armor, which caught Zhou Hai's attention.

He pointed here and gestured to the fat man, and the fat man understood and quickly handed Zhou Hai a bottle of spray medicine.

"What's this?
How come mycelia have faults like gullies. "

Zhou Hai didn't answer the lunatic's question. He put the corpse in a side-lying position, and sprayed a spray on the neck and back. As the pungent smell dissipated, the mold-covered plaque became clearer.

Arranged in parallel are four cord-shaped blank areas, and there is a shorter and thicker blank area not far from the left. As the plaques here become more and more clear, the fat man pointed and shouted.


Is this a handprint? "

Zhou Hai nodded, and glanced at the lunatic.

"This is a handprint, and it is the handprint left by the murderer. The hyphae will never be easily broken, so it means that the person's entire hand was smeared with drugs that inhibit the growth of fungi to cause this situation."

The fat man's nose was swollen and sore, and his voice was muffled.

"Wait, Haizi, you mean the murderer touched a drug similar to Daknine?"

 [1] Mold corpse: refers to the phenomenon that after death, a person is placed in a closed and humid environment, and a layer of white mold spots or filaments grow on the surface of the corpse due to the growth and reproduction of mold.It is usually seen in a certain part of the corpse, and it is rare to cover the whole body.

  According to the growth of mildew and mildew, it is beneficial to estimate the time of death and provide a scientific basis for inferring the time of crime committed by criminals.

  If the corpse is kept in the freezer for a long time, it can also form a moldy corpse.

  Mildew spots begin to form in the mouth, nose, and eyes, and then spread to the ears, jaw, and the whole body, and can form on the body and the surface of clothes.Mildew spots coalesce to form flakes.Visceral tissue can also be further moldy, and a large number of mold spores can be seen under the microscope.

(End of this chapter)

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