Advocate for the deceased

Chapter 150 The Mysterious Case Under the Bridge

Chapter 150 The Mysterious Case Under the Bridge ([-])

Just an hour after the TV news was released, Team Wang and Zhou Hai were having a meeting when a small policeman ran in.

"Head, a young woman came downstairs and surrendered.

It is said that at around 06:30 this morning, she drove through the north section of Dingshiqiao on the Qianhai first line. At that time, she felt that some stray cats and dogs were crushed, so she did not stop.

He said that he had just driven back from out of town and was tired from driving all night. He guessed from the news that he might have hit the person, so he quickly surrendered. "

Wang Xuchao was taken aback and glanced at Zhou Hai.

"Let her come up!"

Since the person turned himself in, Wang Xuchao was more lenient about him, and did not bring him to the interrogation room for questioning, but just cleared out the people in the office, leaving Zhou Hai, Fatty and himself sitting at the desk.

After a while, the person was brought up. The young woman was too scared to speak, her lips trembling slightly. When she saw a few people sitting in the office, she quickly bowed. Wang Detachment motioned her to sit on the opposite side, and the woman followed her words. Sitting down nervously.

"Since you took the initiative to surrender yourself, tell me, what did you do this morning?"

The young woman quickly stood up and waved her hands vigorously.

"I really didn't hit anyone. I brought the driving recorder on the car. If you don't believe me, take a look."

After finishing speaking, the young woman tremblingly took out a driving recorder from her purse, put it on the table and pushed it in front of Wang Xuchao.

"I am Wang Yan, the editor of Southeast Daily, and I went to Rizhao yesterday for editing and editing. Because I have a manuscript to be typeset in a hurry today, I rushed back in the early morning.

When passing the Binhai Road under the Qianhaiding Stone Bridge, I was a little sleepy and my mind was a little distracted. I suddenly felt that the car was bumped, but I stopped the car and looked in the rearview mirror. I didn’t find anything. Hei didn't see clearly.

This is my work permit and ID card. I’m telling the truth. A woman is really scared to drive at this point, so I didn’t go down to see it. "

The driving recorder has been connected to the computer by the fat man.

"What time did you pass there?"

The fat man asked while operating, and the woman took out a small notebook to find the time she had recorded.

"I only found out the time by checking the monitoring. If you look for 06:23, it's here."

As the fat man entered the time, the computer screen was enlarged immediately, turning into a pitch-black scene, with only two weak headlights illuminating the road ahead, but suddenly the screen flickered, and the car immediately fell into the opposite lane. The car stopped for a while and then started slowly.

The fat man kept zooming in on the shaking front, looking for it frame by frame, and sure enough, he saw a figure lying on the ground at the edge of the headlight on the right, but he couldn't see clearly because the light was too dark.

At the same time, this scene also verified Zhou Hai's judgment. Zeng Zhiguo was lying on the road before, so a car accident can be completely ruled out. The fat man backed up the video, and then returned the driving recorder to the woman. let go.

"You were driving tired at that time. Any job is not as important as your life and safety. Don't rush like this next time, or you will be in danger. Come and I will go down with you to extract your tire marks."

Seeing Fatty go out, Wang Xuchao looked at Zhou Hai, "When will the test results come out?"

Zhou Hai glanced at his watch, "Tomorrow morning at the soonest, the blood sampled on the surface is too polluted, it needs to be extracted and manually analyzed, it will take a long time, so be patient.

I'll check to see if there are records of Zeng Zhiqiang's physical examination in major hospitals. His physical indicators are very bad, and he shouldn't feel nothing. If all the lesions in the stomach, liver and spleen are ignored, the tumor in the medulla oblongata of the brainstem It will make him feel a lot of discomfort.

I have communicated with Dr. Nan, he had swallowing and coughing, hoarseness, paralysis and atrophy of tongue muscles and other symptoms a few months ago.

With the current tumor size, there should be ipsilateral cranial nerve palsy, decreased muscle strength, increased muscle tone, tendon hyperreflexia, and positive pathological signs in the contralateral limb.

Give me a photo of Zeng Zhiqiang, and the fat man and I will go to major hospitals to check whether such a patient has been admitted to the outpatient clinic. "

Wang Xuchao nodded, and quickly sent Zhou Hai a photo.

"Okay, I'm still investigating the case that Big Brother Zeng handled before, and of course we need to find the person who reported him——Zhang Xiaotian."

The next morning, Zhou Hai and Fatty returned to the center after checking the last hospital. As soon as they entered the office, they saw Wang Xuchao sitting in Zhou Hai's seat.

The fat man was in no mood to joke.

"Wang Detachment, you are now comparable to Huang Shiren. We just came back from the investigation, and you blocked the door."

Wang Xuchao automatically filtered out the fat man's question. His face was unshaven and his eyes were bloodshot. He looked like he hadn't slept all night.

"Haiko, is there any progress on your side?"

Zhou Hai shook his head, "Either he has never seen a doctor, or he didn't list it with his real name. We have read hundreds of related cases, and there are a few that are similar. I have retrieved the medical records. Didn't I bring them back? But there's little hope."

Wang Xuchao pushed a file bag in front of Zhou Hai, "This is Xu Miaochi's autopsy report and related photos. Director Liu told you to take a look."

Zhou Hai was taken aback, what's the point of looking at this now, isn't it?
"What do you mean, the dead have not been cremated and have been kept in the morgue?"

Wang Xuchao nodded, narrowed his eyes like a rabbit with red eyes and raised his hand to rub his hair.

"Xu Miaochi's family did not agree with the school's proposal for compensation, so they did not come to collect the body for a long time, nor did they agree to be cremated.

Bureau Liu meant that if you look at it this way, if there is any inconsistency or more conclusive evidence, we will take the body back. After all, we still have this authority. "

Zhou Hai glanced at him, this matter can be big or small, if the corpse is forced to come back, it will fall out with Yong'an City, although Yong'an City is directly under the leadership of Southeast City, if there is no conclusive evidence, the leaders of the Municipal Bureau will be very upset Embarrassed.

After receiving the autopsy report, Zhou Hai looked through the photos carefully, but Zhou Hai stopped in a neck photo. There was a long and narrow wound on the right neck of the deceased near the shoulder armor, but in the autopsy report No corresponding records were found in .

At the same time, there was a dark red spot here. As soon as Zhou Hai stretched out his hand, the fat man had already handed him a magnifying glass with a circle of LED lights, and then stretched his neck and moved his head closer.

"Corpse spots?
Why are you in this position? "

Zhou Hai squeezed the photo and narrowed his eyes, held up the report and pointed to a passage for Wang Xuchao to read.

"It's not a plaque, it's a subcutaneous hemorrhage, and there is no chance of touching the ground in this position, or there is no bruise that can be caused by the same movement as the face.

According to the autopsy report, when the deceased was found, he was lying prone on the ground of the playground, with mud blocking his mouth and nose. The cause of death judged by the forensic doctor was a heart attack and a fall, resulting in suffocation caused by blocked mouth and nose.


It seems that Director Liu can negotiate. One omission is understandable, and several inconsistencies in succession are the problem. "

After Wang Xuchao heard this sentence, he stared at Zhou Hai with wide eyes.

"You mean, her first autopsy was wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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