Advocate for the deceased

Chapter 107 Where did the tadpoles go?

Chapter 107 Where did the tadpoles go? (Four)
Zhou Hai nodded, "Fatty is right, most of the women in our country are more traditional, and this kind of thing is still hard to accept."

As he said that, he had already taken off the diaphragm and put it in the container prepared by Xiao Liang. After all, this place is in contact with the upper and lower posterior vaults, which is the tadpole's favorite place to stay, and it is also easy to find DNA.

"Okay, the last step is to open the head."

Speaking of which, Zhou Hai cut open the scalp of the deceased, and there was a subgaleal hematoma in the wound. The amount of bleeding was not very large, and the fracture was only slightly collapsed, and the corresponding brain tissue was not damaged. This is not a fatal injury.

However, Zhou Haidao took a closer look at the temporal part where the craniotomy had been performed. There was a defect in the skull, and it was repaired. The defect should look like a triangular arrow.

"Observing the shape of the deceased's skull defect, Zhang Miaomiao's brain injury was still very serious at that time. Fortunately, it is in this position, but it will still have a great impact on her temperament and some other behaviors."

The fat man took pictures of the wound and fixed it, and asked puzzledly:
"We know about the change of temperament, what do other behaviors mean?"

"The sexual desire is strong, so she chooses to wear a diaphragm!"

Xiao Liang hurriedly lowered his head, but luckily everyone was a man, so it wasn't too embarrassing.

The fat man shook his head, "Thanks to Team Huang being here today, it would be embarrassing if it were Chu Meiren and Changhe's case."

Several people didn't speak, but they all silently agreed. While talking, the lunatic had already stitched up the corpse tightly.

The test needs to wait for a while. Just now, because the autopsy was in a hurry, he didn't check the clothes of the deceased. Now Zhou Hai went to the next table, and looked through the clothes of the deceased while arranging them.

A set of silver-gray sports suit with a layer of latex inside appeared in front of several people. The material is not very thick, but it feels extremely elastic. It is a bit like the material of a diving suit, but it is a little thinner than that.

Gently stretched the skinny pants, the elasticity is still great, it seems that they are the kind of pants that wrap around the body tightly, no wonder the deceased's vagina can store a large amount of beige liquid.

A pair of sports shoes, some white substances stuck to the soles of the shoes, which have been completely stuck in the gaps of the shoes, a bit like latex paint, the lunatic poked the bamboo part on the other end of the cotton swab, the white substances are still very soft and can be picked up .

The lunatic sends it under the nose and asks, "Paint?
Where did she step on the paint. "

Team Huang stretched his head to take a look, "Paint?
It should be the special paint used to draw zebra crossings, otherwise it will be difficult to dry this season, but this is a good clue, we can find her running route. "

Xiao Liang shook his head, "It doesn't need to be so troublesome, just find her mobile phone, she wears a smart bracelet, there will be a record of the route, just see where she stopped."

Team Huang looked embarrassed and punched Xiao Liang on the shoulder.

"Why didn't you say it just now?"

"I was taken aback by a group of robbing people, and I forgot about it when I looked back."

Everyone couldn't help laughing, Xiaoliang was good at making up swords, and now he was not inferior to Fatty's eloquence.

On the plate next to the clothes were the deceased's car keys, a sports bracelet, and a water bottle. Looking at the special cover on the belt, it was obvious that the water bottle was stuck on the waist bag and tied around the waist. Know that it is high-end goods.

Zhou Hai tore off a layer of gloves, picked up the kettle and unscrewed it, smelling the smell of energy drinks. There is nothing wrong with drinking this for exercise, but it will not help her suppurative tonsillitis.

"Xiao Liang, has the drink in the deceased's kettle been tested?"

Xiao Liang shivered when he was named, "Oh!

This has been submitted for inspection, together with the water sample.

But Sister Zeng said, Director Pang asked Sister Zeng to tell us that the cost of laboratory tests for the second group is too high, saying that our second group has a lot of tests every month. "

Zhou Hai was startled, and reacted for a long time.

"This is~
What's the meaning? "

The lunatic knows that Zhou Hai is not clear about the many twists and turns in the country, but I believe that Director Pang also wants to control the budget, but it is too much for Sister Zeng to convey this, and saving is not the way to save.

"Director Pang means, let's save the budget and avoid testing and testing if possible. After all, the cost of a DNA is still very expensive."

It was only when Zhou Hai said this that he suddenly realized, but this is a necessary auxiliary method, how can it be saved?
Detachment Huang waved his hand, "I'll ask Director Liu to respond, and see if I can apply for a special approval fund for you.

After all, since June last year, 80% of the criminal cases were solved by your second team. If you compare this ratio with the ratio of the test, many things are self-evident. "

The few people didn't talk anymore, they were working and tired, the responsibility was their own, the credit was someone else's, and they had to control the consumption in the end, the lunatic frowned, Director Pang's handling of this matter made people feel a little irritated.

Zhou Hai didn't think much, he didn't have the energy to waste his brain cells on Director Pang.

He picked up the slides of the YD contents he had just extracted and placed them under a high-power electron microscope. Since he disliked the high cost, he could do some simple ones himself.

After adjusting the eyepiece, he looked around in the field of vision, but he didn't see a single Mi Qingzi.

Zhou Hai looked puzzled, did he make a mistake in his judgment?

Impossible, the color, shape, and taste are all correct, but why are there no rice green seeds?

Even with azoospermia, there will be a small amount of deformed or lifeless miqing, so either the vas deferens were born with abnormalities, or the man has been vasectomyed.

The former couldn't satisfy Zhang Miaomiao, whose temperament had changed drastically, so it seemed that her boyfriend's identity was worth investigating.

"The contents of the deceased's YD contained rice green liquid, but there was no rice green seed in it. This man had a ligation operation, and I don't think unmarried men would have a ligation operation.

It seems that the mysterious boyfriend Zhang Miaomiao is going to be investigated.

We're looking for where are the missing tadpoles? "

The fat man has already bent over laughing, Haizi's Chinese level really needs to be improved.

"Pfft, little tadpole?"

Zhou Hai gave him a white look, and the fat man restrained his smile. Team Huang patted the fat man, staring at Zhou Hai with shining eyes.

"It's good to have a direction. I'll go to the law firm where the deceased worked. Maybe I can gain something."

Zhou Hai raised his hand and grabbed him, "I'll go with you. I've been in the hospital for a long time and went out for a walk. The test results won't come out until the afternoon at the earliest."

"The deceased's car will be sent to the center in a short while, and our detachment will follow to investigate."

Zhou Hai nodded, "Xiao Liang and Madman will follow along to investigate!
Especially the mobile phone of the deceased, as well as all the personal items in the car, let them check the paint on the shoes of the deceased. "

The lunatic hugged his shoulders and smiled, "Of course this is no problem!"

Team Huang took a look at Zhou Hai, trusting his team members so much, no wonder these people defended him so much, Fatty hurried over with a smile.

"I can tell that Haizi can't leave me.

If I come to escort you as a driver, I can't trouble Team Huang to take you there and send you back, and I don't feel at ease if you drive by yourself. "

Fatty was blocked inside and out, Zhou Hai nodded. In fact, he was not assigned a job when the survey was arranged just now. It would be better to take Fatty with him when he went to Zhang Miaomiao's work site. Row.

Team Huang laughed loudly, "Fatty, I found out that you have the talent to be an old mother, really!"

The fat man and the yellow detachment rushed towards the parking lot laughing and chasing.

 Cursed that some two book friends I drove the train did not bring paper to the toilet, the air conditioner was not cold while driving, and the water was cut off halfway through the shower!
(End of this chapter)

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