Chapter 75

The lights in the entire venue have been completely turned on, and the eyes of the reporters are a little bright. Zhou Jie stood by and looked at the invited designers and reporters. He was very satisfied. The criticisms are all gone now.

One thing I have to admit is that designers know their clothes best.

The models who appeared at the beginning filed out and stood separately on both sides. In the end, Claire and Song Weimu came out side by side. Claire was the happiest person, and the effect was even more surprising than she imagined. Come on with a smile.

The reporters below were originally here for Claire, but now it is even more lively. When the time for questioning started, Claire was filled with microphones of different lengths, such as, "Ms. Claire, why did you choose the little-known Ms. Song?" "Ms. Claire's new product is amazing. It was released in Hong Kong City. Do you want to enter the East?" "Is Miss Claire satisfied with this launch?" ?” Waiting endlessly.

Over there, Song Weimu was also extremely lively. She was a newcomer and hadn't participated in the press conference yet. Compared with Claire, who was obviously an old fritter, this one was obviously easier to conquer, and she might be able to ask some hot answers.

——Even if they dress better than paparazzi, it can't change the nature of these guys who live off their pens.

The Vicks collar on Song Weimu's neck has been taken off, and he only wears the long dress. Under the light, the lace piled up like snow almost blends with the skin color. This one has long sleeves, which is not too exaggerated. The puff sleeves are also covered with snow-like lace, and the wrist protrudes from the layered lace. The wrist is as white as snow, very elegant. Those who know the goods have seen the bracelet with overlapping red and green gemstones on her wrist, which is a new jewelry. The designer's new work, looked at each other, the spotlight became brighter, and the following questions were thrown up one after another.

No matter how they bombarded, Song Weimu remained motionless, maintaining a just right smile on his face, until a reporter couldn't help but asked, "Miss Song, you first entered the fashion circle and cooperated with Miss Claire. The reason why you don't answer now is because Are you embarrassed to say that?"

This sentence is too poisonous.

What are you embarrassed to say?

Clearly referring to things that everyone knows well.

The fashion circle is more open and chaotic than the entertainment circle. The acceptability of gays in the circle is much higher than that outside the circle, and it is not uncommon. Claire is not married until now, and her only friend is the minimalist Queen Anne. Those people Not daring to offend two people who are already vassals in the circle at once, the reporter's intentions can be said to be very vicious in picking soft persimmons this time.

Claire over there moved her ears, and was about to rescue Song Weimu, when she saw the folding fan in Song Weimu's hand suddenly unfolded and then closed violently. Come to see me, don't you even know a little etiquette? Where are the guards? Don't delay!"

The originally malicious reporter was dumbfounded.

Originally, he could misinterpret a thousand meanings of whatever Song Weimu said casually, but he didn't expect that Song Weimu didn't follow the script at all.

Now that she had started to pose, she simply put it to the end, looked around in awe, and the person she was watching subconsciously shrank her neck, and the closed folding fan in her hand twirled lightly in a circle, looking at the quietness below After coming down, he seemed satisfied and said, "Is there anything else important?"

The following stunned, but none of them responded.

Carlisle's Chinese was not good enough, and the assistant part-time translator next to her whispered in her ear twice, and Clareton burst out laughing.

At this moment, a reporter finally came to his senses, and replied with a loud voice, "Your Majesty, I have something to play—"

Turning their heads in unison, the reporter was stared numb.

The reporter bit the bullet and continued, "Can Your Majesty answer a few questions from your servants?"

Song Weimu finally gave her a straight look, then lowered his eyelashes at random, and said lightly, "Reject."

The reporter was dumbfounded.

After this battle, no one remembers the original embarrassing question. Claire joked to the reporter, "She was dragged over by me during filming. She is a little girl. Don't scare her away. Otherwise, if I can't find someone in the next show, it will be over."

Song Weimu couldn't show off at this time, and restrained the glamorous and noble expression on his face, and showed a standard smile to Claire, "Miss Claire is supporting me. Miss Claire has an invitation, so I have to be there no matter what."

The press conference ended in a harmonious atmosphere.

Afterwards, I don't know who recorded that episode and posted it on the Internet. The number of hits soared, and all Song Weimu's fans burst out laughing.

"That reporter must be stupid."

(End of this chapter)

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