Chapter 806 Rewarded to you
Xia Yu winked at him, then stretched out three fingers, and then scratched them with the index finger of the other hand, which was a "king" character.

"My lady is so smart, why don't I reward you, Master." Li Xian smiled.

He didn't express his thoughts clearly, but Xia Yu knew that the word Wang represented the future throne.

The crown prince lost the help of the Zhu family, and he became an enemy of the Fan kingdom. He was suffering from internal and external troubles, and Ling Rufeng would give him a boost. Then everything would be ready.

The country is a matter between their men, Xia Yu doesn't care and doesn't want to care about it, but she knows that what Li Xian said can be done, she doesn't know how to bring down the prince when the time comes, anyway, Ling Rufeng must have the strength up.

In fact, after she met the prince, she felt that Ling Rufeng was indeed a more suitable emperor than him.Ling Rufeng is also ruthless, but he is like the sun, which can illuminate the earth, while the prince is like the moon, bright but not warm, and more brutal. His way of governing the country must be to control violence with violence. I don’t know what will happen then. !
Moreover, Xia Yu wanted to expand her business. If the crown prince became the emperor, others would regard her as belonging to the Li family.The prince will not let the Li family grow stronger.

It's different if it's Ling Rufeng. He has been friends with Li Xian for many years, and he knows what kind of person Li Xian is. However, if he becomes the emperor, the Li family will be much safer.

Her action was very cute, Li Xian couldn't help but feel hot in his heart, and quickened the action in his hand to undress.

Xia Yu held his hand, "No!"

"Are you sure you don't want to?" The two joked at this moment.

"Definitely not." Xia Yu held back a smile and said seriously.

However, seeing that Li Xian's hand had already stretched towards her body, put it on it and scratched it gently, and said in his mouth, "Do you want it? Do you want it?"

The feeling of itching to laugh makes her love and hate, if he doesn't soften up, he will definitely get worse, Xia Yu finally compromises, who let her be so easy to be discovered by others!

"I want it, I want it!"

Now basically everything has been settled, and they let go of their minds, and they just want to have another child to be consummated...

With the new business philosophy brought by Xia Yu, the Li family is more scientific in terms of management than before, and it saves a lot of trouble.Empress Li is recovering better and better now. Mrs. Li invited a doctor for him. After seeing him, she said that he is expected to recover as before, which makes the whole family very happy.

After the Zhu family was destroyed, they began to let people know the existence of the young master of the Li family.Although many people were very surprised, they also understood their approach.

The Li family did not tell others that Empress Li had been poisoned to death. They just said that he was very weak since he was a child, and he survived after asking a mage to do it. People who know about it, otherwise their lives will be lost, so they have been hiding it all the time.

Now that he has turned eighteen and his body is fine, the Li family dared to let him out.

This is also good for him. After all, hiding it has limited his intelligence recovery, and it is easy to be caught by the hostile family. It is better to put it in the sun directly. They only dare to come out.

When Xia Yu was free, she still went to the old lady to tell her stories. Empress Li also listened carefully. She also thought of a lot of intellectual development games for him to play. She found that Empress Li was actually very smart, but she was locked up all the time. Very introverted, don't like to talk, don't know how to deal with people.

(End of this chapter)

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