Chapter 756 Her Story
Xia Yu doesn't know how Auntie Sun got this news, but it's entirely possible that Li Xian revealed it by accident.So she didn't pursue the details, and just replied: "Yes, grandma, there are some old stories in the family, and I liked to listen to them when I was a child, so I wrote them down. If grandma didn't dislike her granddaughter-in-law's clumsiness, she could tell you Said."

Mrs. Li nodded and let her speak.

Xia Yu chose a more interesting and simpler story, but Mrs. Li listened attentively, and before she knew it, it was already late.

Seeing the tiredness on her face, Xia Yu stopped and said, "Grandmother, can I talk again in the daytime tomorrow?"

Mrs. Li looked really tired, but the stories that attracted her kept spinning in her mind, and she wanted to hear two more after hearing one.

Firstly, these stories are very attractive, and secondly, as she is getting older, the most people in the family usually ask her is to say hello or something.Xia Yu was concentrating on explaining to her, even making her laugh from time to time, at this moment she was reluctant to leave.

This is always the case when people get old, and I especially hope that someone can be by my side, talk to her, tell stories, just like a child.So Mrs. Li knew what Xia Yu meant, but she kept silent.I just hope to hear her continue talking.

Xia Yu originally thought that Mrs. Li asked herself to estimate some prestige, but she didn't expect such a result, and she was a little dumbfounded.Seeing the old lady looking at her expectantly, she couldn't bear to refuse.

Seeing her like this, Xia Yu knew that she was fascinated by what she was listening to, and she didn't want to let her go, so she felt a little embarrassed.After talking for so long, she was also dry and tired.And even though this person wanted to call her grandmother, he was not her relative, so he was somewhat uncomfortable.

Seeing her bow her head, Mrs. Li also saw that she felt a little tired, and finally said: "Then I will send someone to call you tomorrow."

Before, she didn't feel much about this new granddaughter-in-law. She had spent her whole life worrying about her husband's family and her children. Her biggest wish was to spend her old age in peace. Now there is nothing for her to worry about. Children and grandchildren have their own blessings, so she only attended Li Xian's marriage on the same day, and they didn't even see him off when they left.

It's not that she doesn't love this grandson, but that Li Xian is not by her side all the year round, plus it's a generation gap, so the relationship will not be very deep.The most important reason is that she has been taking care of Empress Li.That person who is like a child can rely on her enough.

It's just that he is really playful like a child, so naturally he doesn't spend much time with him, and Empress Li can't be exposed to others, so the old lady often feels lonely.

Now I see that Xia Yu is not only easy to get along with, but also respects her very much. When she tells a story, she doesn't mean to be perfunctory at all. Whenever she goes to something she doesn't understand, she will always explain it to her patiently until she understands it. .I fell in love with this granddaughter-in-law from the bottom of my heart.

Anyway, she will stay at Li's house in the future, are you afraid that no one will accompany her?So Mrs. Li didn't plan to make her tired anymore, and agreed to let her go back first.

Only then did Xia Yu remember that she had brought some gifts for Mrs. Li when she came. When she brought them out, Mrs. Li was quite surprised.

Looking at it again, these gifts are still very valuable. If they are not sincerely willing to give up, they are really afraid that they will not be able to take them out.What's more, the style and color she chose were all just to her liking.

I didn't expect this child to have such a delicate mind.When she saw Xia Yu for the first time, she thought like everyone else that Xia Yu was not good enough for Li Xian, but now it seems that sometimes the appearance is not important, the important thing is to have an exquisite heart.The grandmother of the Li family accepted her sincerely.

Xia Yu greeted Mrs. Li before taking a few steps back and leaving the room.

She was not familiar with the Li family, so Mrs. Li was very thoughtful, so she asked the most trusted girl around her to see her off.

(End of this chapter)

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