Chapter 674 The New Year

The cold winter passed quickly.In the blink of an eye, it's New Year's Eve.

There is a custom in the village that on the first day of the new year, no sweeping or work is done.So one day in advance, every household starts cleaning.Cleaned everything inside and out of the house.The farm work has been done ahead of time, and we are waiting for a good year.

This year, because many people have earned more money than in previous years, it has become the happiest year for the people of Lianyun Village.

And because of the improvement of everyone's living standards, Aunt Wang's small grocery store business is getting better and better, and the scale has also expanded. Like the women in the village who have no strength and no craftsmanship, they are invited to help look after the store. Pay some wages when the time comes.

Most people in the village are living a good life, and Lianyun Village has become a well-known wealthy village.It made people in other villages envious.

The house of Aunt Wang's house was recently repaired, and many of the things in it were newly replaced, and there was not much dust left, so it was not difficult to clean.But they still wiped every corner with a cloth seriously.

The children wiped very vigorously. While cleaning, they sang the nursery rhymes Xia Yu taught them, laughing and joking, making the room feel warm.

At night, the children were so excited that they couldn't sleep, and they gathered around to let Xia Yu tell them stories. Hui'er had heard many stories, so seeing Xia Yu's tired look, she said, "I Come and tell you!"

For the children, everyone speaks the same, so there is no question, and they all answered in unison: "Okay! Okay!"

Huier began to speak vividly.Several children were sitting on small stools with their hands on their chins, looking serious.It wasn't until Xu Erhua boiled the water and put it in a big wooden basin to soak their feet that the children calmed down.

On the morning of the first day of junior high school, there was snowflakes in the sky again, and it was very beautiful. The children got up early in the morning and were very excited to see the snow. They put on their best clothes and ran out, lively and lively.The auspicious snow heralds a good year, and not only the children are happy to see the snow, but the adults are equally delighted.

Every household also smoked from the kitchen early in the morning, butchered pigs and sheep.You have worked hard for a year, and you should reward yourself well in the new year. It also means that life will be prosperous in the coming year, and the days will be better.

On New Year's Day, as usual, everyone lifted the tables, chairs and benches, set up a stove, and the whole village celebrated together.The women are busy washing vegetables and cooking, and the men are killing chickens to collect firewood and so on.And the kids play games together.

Xia Tian also came back. He took a wooden stick and wrote on the ground to teach the children how to read.Not only boys but also girls want to learn something.

If it was before, some villagers would laugh at them if they tried their best. Girls should embroider, wash and cook at home.Not only these villagers, but also those rich families, many also believe in the idea that "a woman who has no talent is a virtue".

But now, if you don't have knowledge, you don't even have the opportunity to help Aunt Wang shop.Because I don't know how to calculate money and my brain is not flexible, I definitely can't help.

However, the wages paid by Aunt Wang are high, and embroidery is a time-consuming and laborious task, with little effect.And now while looking at the store, Aunt Wang also allows them to do some embroidery work, which is equivalent to the work that they usually do at home. When they get it in the store, someone will pay their wages, who would not want it!
(End of this chapter)

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