Chapter 639
Xia Yu asked Aunt Wang to sit there, held her shoulders, and said calmly, "Bao Niang, I would be happy with you."

Aunt Wang put Xia Yu's hands on her shoulders and was massaging her evenly, "It would be nice if you were there, babysitter."

This is fate. Sometimes relatives are better than those who are not related by blood.

Since the small grocery store is only open for a while in the morning, Daniel goes to work in the field in the afternoon, and Aunt Wang hasn't visited it for a while.The next day, when she was about to go out, Xia Yu stopped her.

"Baby, where are you going in such a cold day?"

"Hey, let Daniel do everything. This kid should also rest more." Aunt Wang put on a coir raincoat and was about to go out.

Although Daniel eats a lot, he does all the hard work. After all, he is fat and tired, so he should rest.Aunt Wang also treats him as her own child, and loves him dearly.

"If you want to go, I should go. I have been locked at home for several days. I should also go to activities. You can just rest at home." Xia Yu wanted to stop her, so she went forward to untie the bag coir raincoat.

Aunt Wang took her hand, "Your hands don't seem to be doing field work, and I am the same. After a long time of inactivity, my body is hard."

Both of them couldn't hold on, so it was better to decide to go together. In this way, it would be much faster than doing it alone.And it won't be too tiring.

Since they were going to the field, mud could easily get on their bodies, so the two of them didn't wear new cotton clothes, but put on old ones.

As soon as I went out, I ran into Aunt Qian, and as soon as I saw that she had taken the farm tools to go to the field, she started to scold others, "Hey, isn't this a rich household in our village? Why, you wear old clothes too? work?"

Aunt Qian was thick-skinned, and the others were embarrassed to keep persuading her to move out of the village, so she just pretended that everyone else forgave her.After restraining myself for a period of time, the old mistakes of the past reappeared.

She knew that Aunt Wang didn't want to argue with her, but Xia Yu couldn't help but argue with her. She was an elder, even if she wasn't from the same village.But after living together for so many years, Xia Yu shouldn't say that she is.

Before seeing Xia Yu, Aunt Wang's family, and Xu Erhua's mother and daughter eating well and wearing warm clothes every day, I felt very uncomfortable.After finally seeing them wearing their old clothes again, I wish I could rush over to say a few words.And even though she picked it, if others saw it, they would only speak Xia Yu.

She just waited for Xia Yu to refute her, so that she could teach her that she doesn't know how to be respectful or respect the elderly.

"Aunt Qian, if I remember correctly, this is not 'your village', is it? This is our village!" Xia Yu laughed, holding Aunt Wang's hand, and continued walking forward.

Xia Yu didn't mention other things at all, but only mentioned that Aunt Qian was no longer from Lianyun Village.

Aunt Qian didn't expect Xia Yu to reply with this sentence, and didn't say anything else, but she wanted to drive her away inside and outside the words, but she drove her away very rationally, which made her even more annoyed, "I'll live here no matter what. I have been neighbors for so many years, and I have been neighbors for so many years. Why are you so unreasonable?!"

"If you want favors with Aunt Qian, you should hurry back to your own village! Ah!" Aunt Wang couldn't help it anymore, she was obviously the one who picked it up and wanted to cause trouble, but now she is accusing Xia Yu of being unkind.

(End of this chapter)

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