Chapter 500 Used for emergencies

Seeing her persistence, Daniel reluctantly nodded in agreement.

"By the way, babysitter, you take the 100 taels of silver note." Xia Yu almost forgot about it, took out the 100 taels of silver note from her bosom, and handed it to Aunt Wang.

Aunt Wang said in surprise, "This..."

Then she thought about it, she didn't know the origin of the money now, and if she showed it in front of these people, wouldn't she add confusion to Xia Yu?And with this money, wouldn't it be possible to clear up the relationship for Xia Yu?I held back my curiosity and didn't ask any more questions.

Seeing that she didn't ask, Xia Yu explained: "I asked Ling Rufeng for this. Hui'er saved his life before. Didn't I want to propose marriage to Hui'er? It was just to repay her. Since my son disagrees, then of course the marriage will fail, and I asked him to give the money directly, which is considered a kind of favor, so I won't mention this matter in the future."

After listening to her explanation, Aunt Wang realized that she grabbed Xia Yu's hand and said anxiously: "This money should be used for your emergency first, or, shall we go with you?"

Xia Yu thinks about it, she really needs money now, but she is not very relieved that Aunt Wang will follow, besides, there are so many children in the family, Huier, and Xu Erhua's four girls, Xia Tian is now back, There is also a son of Brother Zhang, and sometimes Yang Xiaoni is also here. This whole big family is full of weak women, so I really don't feel at ease.

"How about this? I'll ask Brother Zhang to go with me. When he arrives in the town, he can go to Zhao Erxiao. Usually our store will also clear up the relationship with the government. Zhao Erxiao is more familiar with these procedures. You should stay with me, babysitter." It's better here." Xia Yu thought for a while and found a compromise.

Aunt Wang was worried that she would go alone.And she really needs to be taken care of. She was taken away by the government. This matter was not discussed. If no one walks around for her, it won't work. No matter what, she needs to notify the people in the restaurant in the town.

And in order to avoid the last time when Hui'er ran to the town alone because of worry and had an accident happen again, she felt that with someone following her, at least Aunt Wang and the others would be less worried.

Besides, brother Zhang has inconvenient legs and feet, and he can't help if he stays here. It's better to let him go to the county town to find Zhang San, so that the two brothers can take care of each other when they are together.And now that there is Da Niu, it is enough for him to be here.

After hearing this, Aunt Wang had no choice but to do so. After all, she was a woman and rarely went out. She was also afraid that once she entered the yamen and met the official, she would be too frightened to speak.Anyway, it will cause trouble for Xia Yu.

Don't blame Aunt Wang, the villagers here are usually active in this village, and even rarely go to the town once, everyone has little knowledge, if it is someone else, it is probably the same as her, see Most likely, Master Guan's feet have already softened from fright, so he can't say anything to justify him.

Don't let them hesitate, which makes people feel that there is a ghost in their hearts.

Brother Zhang took the 100 taels of bank notes and set off with these people.Aunt Wang and others sent her out of the village, Xia Yu hated her and didn't turn back. Aunt Wang wiped her tears and went back until she could no longer see them.

Hui'er comforted her and said, "Mother, don't worry. Sister Yu is so smart, she will be fine."

(End of this chapter)

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