Chapter 457

Xia Yu sat on the stool by the table, poured himself a cup of tea and was about to drink it, after thinking about it, he handed it to Li Xian, "Do you want to drink it?"

Li Xian is extremely picky, but that's all she has now. If he can't get used to it, she won't force her. She can't force him to change his habits just because others like her. What's more, these are not Unbearable bad bugs.

Although Li Xian frowned, he still took it, took a sip, and said: "I don't think this place is very good, you should live with me."

He is trying his best to keep on the same level as her. If it was before, it would be impossible for him to drink, but now Li Xian realizes that accepting a person means accepting everything about her, loving what she loves, and missing her. thought.She can accept it, and unconsciously, she doesn't feel that it is particularly dirty and can't be swallowed.For this reason, he felt particularly surprised.

Xia Yu took another cup, poured another cup and drank it, then stood up, looked at him, and said seriously: "Xian, I don't want others to think that I am using your money, relying on you Go today."

How much money she earns depends on what kind of life she lives.In this way, it is practical and comfortable to use.The money she earned was enough for her to live well.She has always been indifferent to what others think, but she knows that Li Xian will care very much.

Li Xian was stunned for a moment, not because of what she said, but because of what she called him.It was the first time for her to call him like this. In the past, no matter how much he reminded her, Xia Yu couldn't change it. It wasn't her intention, but because she felt that such a name was too intimate, and she couldn't utter it.This also shows that she does not accept herself wholeheartedly.
But now, without any request from him, Xia Yu can call him so naturally, how can he not be excited?

Seeing him staring blankly, Xia Yu thought he had hurt his self-esteem, so she wanted to explain.But he was hugged by Li Xian.

Li Xian closed his eyes, and said softly: "Xia Yu, I promise you, I only love you in this life, and there will be only you. If you fail, you will be struck by lightning!"

Xia Yu wanted to struggle but it was useless, she could only rest her head on his chest and count his heartbeats silently.In fact, such tenderness made her leave very reluctantly.She also knew that she had been running away.

He just said: "These vows are like empty promises to me... Well, that is equivalent to an empty promise, meaningless."

If an oath can bind a person's heart, then she would rather let him make a more poisonous oath, so that she can feel at ease, but these are useless.

"Yes. I also know that it is difficult to convince you, but I will let you see." Li Xian said, and let her go.

"It's getting late. You go back. I'm going to rest." Xia Yu said, and he stepped forward to open the door.It's not appropriate to keep him here for a long time, and she really wants to be alone and think about what happened today.

Li Xian didn't say much, he walked to the window, looked outside at the brightly lit street, then took out the brackets on the window and closed the window, carefully checked whether it was inserted, looked at her a few more times, and then said: "Okay. Make sure to lock the door before going to bed."

After speaking, he walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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