Chapter 426 Getting Ready

Otherwise, she would really set up shop again in the future, going back and forth, so busy that she didn't know when she would start.

Then he said to Hui'er: "Now we have some spare money, I want to renovate the house, Hui'er, what do you think?"

As soon as Hui'er heard it, she knew that the "home" she said meant her own home, not Xia's. Hui'er, who had always been carefree, hesitated, and said, "But sister Yu, it will cost at least a dozen taels to build a house. My mother hasn't saved enough, you are good enough to us, how can you keep using your money?"

They also have their own income and cannot always use other people's income.

Xia Yu smiled and said, "I have regarded your house as my own for a long time, and I have been living there all the time. You all treat me as an outsider and want to drive me away. I am thinking of myself, so that's good." Right? Where are you guys using my money!"

Hui'er thought for a while, and then said: "But in this case, your mother should say something. Why don't you repair the Xia's house first, and then you will have money, and then talk about things here, no one else will." Gossiping."

Xia Yu is a thousand people who don't want to. Now Xia Tian is not at home anymore. He is in a school in the town and has a place to live. Don't worry about him.Her father is the only one at home, and she doesn't want to deal with people like Zhang Xiuhua.
But Huier was right, if she paid for the Wang family to build a house, even though Aunt Wang was also her babysitter, she was still a child of the Xia family.She didn't care if her house was ruined like that, but she helped her nanny first.What do others think?

If Mrs. Zhou Wang didn't know that she opened a restaurant in the town before, it was fine, but now that she knows, she will definitely tell it everywhere. She didn't say it before because she didn't want others to know that the Xia family is doing well. , plus the fact that her daughter ran away from home.Afraid of drawing attention to her.

But if Aunt Wang's house is newly built, she will definitely be sour and talk about it everywhere.Everyone's attention was on the Wang family, and they didn't pay much attention to her daughter's affairs.At that time, those poor relatives of the Xia family might start to trouble her again.

The most important thing is that facing their finger pointing, the Wang family will become very difficult to deal with, and those who gossiping must be silenced first.

Of course, there are pros and cons to this.In the countryside, the elderly are supported by their sons. Xia Youcai has a conservative concept. If the family builds a new house and lives a better life, the first thing he thinks of is to take over his old mother.

Xia Yu thought for a while, and then showed a sincere smile.Although Mrs. Xia didn't like Zhang Xiuhua, she still loved her filial son the most.

At that time, she will add fuel to the flames and make Xia Youcai insist again and again. I believe the old lady will agree softly.At that time, Zhang Xiuhua will never be able to please her in front of her.Just think of it as something she did for Xia's grandmother.

Said: "That's right. Hui'er, you are not wrong in your consideration. Then I will withdraw the money first and tell my parents to let them rebuild the house first."
It doesn’t cost that much money to repair a house in the countryside. The land already exists, so you don’t need to pay for it separately, just spend some materials and labor.Moreover, the millet has been harvested, and the people in the village are free, so the wages given at this time are not expensive.It's a good opportunity to build a house.

Anyway, just renovate it over there, and then rebuild Aunt Wang's house after it's repaired. At that time, no one else has any opinions. It's impossible to push Xia's house to be rebuilt again, right?

(End of this chapter)

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