Find a man to fall in love with

Chapter 56 The taste of coffee is very good

Chapter 56 The taste of coffee is very good (16)

Fifteen minutes later, the lengthy meeting started again after a brief break.

This time, all the etiquette personnel of Qian Nuan and others were invited outside the meeting room. It is said that the next meeting is a very important internal high-level meeting, and the discussion of important confidential issues is involved, and ordinary people are not allowed to enter.

Instead of guarding in the conference room, the pressure on a group of people suddenly eased a lot, at least everyone can sit down and rest.

Where there are girls, there will be no silence. After sitting down for a while, several girls are sitting together with their heads in their arms, and they start to hate skin care and beauty experience and men.

Qian Nuan sat aside, quietly listening to everyone's conversation, when a girl suddenly looked at her.

"Wow, your skin looks good, how do you take care of it?"

Qian Nuan was stunned for a moment before realizing that the words were addressed to her. The other girls looked at her one after another, and Qian Nuan immediately became the focus of everyone's attention.

She was not used to it, and her voice was very soft, with a little humility.

"Actually, I haven't taken care of it deliberately. I usually use facial cleanser in the morning and evening, and then add a basic moisturizer."

When some girls heard her words, they obviously didn't believe it. You must know that they usually put all their wages into it every month in order to take good care of their skin!

Qian Nuan's skin is not only fair, but also has a healthy pink color, which is very smooth and translucent from any angle.

Can such a good skin be nourished by just using facial cleanser and lotion?

Ghosts believe it!

They think that Qian Nuan is deliberately concealing the maintenance secrets, and they don't want to share them with everyone.

How selfish!
The girl who asked Qian Nuan turned her head away, as if she didn't want to talk to Qian Nuan anymore. Seeing her like this, the other girls also turned their eyes away from Qian Nuan and stopped looking at her.

Not long after, the pleasant conversation of several girls sounded again in the rest area.

Qian Nuan didn't mind that everyone ignored her, so she simply took out her phone and looked through it.

About a minute later, the door of the lounge was pushed open, and a tall, clean-looking woman in a well-tailored professional suit walked in. She saw several people in the lounge.

He asked aloud, "Who made the coffee just now?"

Several girls raised their eyes one after another, and looked at the noisy woman. Qian Nuan also looked at the woman, and was about to answer her question.

The girl who went to the tea room with her to make coffee earlier spoke before her.

"I rushed with her."

She pointed at Qian Nuan with her finger, and the tall slender woman looked at Qian Nuan following her gesture, and said something while turning around.

"You guys come with me."

The two of them were slightly intimidated by her slightly serious tone. Could it be that there was something wrong with the coffee they made?

Qian Nuan stood up with the girl and followed the tall slender woman to the door of the lounge.

The woman took them directly to the meeting room. After entering, everyone should be taking an intermission. Some people in twos and threes were bowing their heads and whispering, some were flipping through documents, and some were looking down at their phones.

Qian Nuan noticed the man directly in front of the meeting room almost at a glance.

When he looked towards her, Qian Nuan felt like being hit by an electric current instantly, a panic flashed in his eyes, he quickly lowered his head, and followed the tall slender woman forward.

Never thought that when she stopped and raised her head, she would be standing in front of Shang Beizhan!

(End of this chapter)

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