Chapter 382 Decision
Under Lin Fei's careful guidance, Baoling and Liu Xinyi's mana grew rapidly, and the consummation in the mid-innate stage was almost a matter of course.

Jiang Xiaoyun, Zhang Yu and others also made rapid progress, and they seized every opportunity to learn from Lin Fei, because from Lin Fei, they also felt an inexplicable sense of urgency.

But it wasn't them who made the fastest progress, but He Zhen and He Ling who had been stationed in Tianji Island.

After repelling Li Kuihong and others, He Zhen and He Ling's strength continued to improve again, and the golden core realm was also broken by them once.

He Zhen and He Ling were originally the real dragons of heaven and earth, and they had been cultivated in Tianji Island for thousands of years, but due to the constraints of their skills, their mana realm has been stagnant.

After learning the real dragon skills taught by Lin Fei, they burst out the original potential of the real dragons, and the strength that had been suppressed for hundreds of years also burst out.

Bao Ling, Liu Xinyi and others were envious of He Zhen and He Ling's rapid advancement, but they also knew that their spiritual roots and physique could not be compared with the real dragons of heaven and earth, and only through their own hard work could they gradually advance.

Now on top of a mountain peak in Tianji Island, Lin Fei looked into the distance, thinking silently.

"Lin Fei, what are you thinking? Is there anything bothering you?"

Jiang Xiaoyun walked gently to Lin Fei's side, leaned against him and asked.

Jiang Xiaoyun found that Lin Fei seemed to have something on his mind during this period of time. Although she didn't say it or show it clearly, she could feel it.

"It's nothing, I'm thinking about some cultivation matters."

Lin Fei put his arms around Jiang Xiaoyun and responded with a smile.

In fact, what Lin Fei had been thinking about was what would be inside the Gate of Enlightenment that day, and why Li Batian would shoot Li Tiannan down with one palm.

If it was really a huge trap, then would he have already fallen into this vortex as the chosen one?
Is it all a huge conspiracy?But who is manipulating such calculations?What is the purpose?

Lin Fei still couldn't figure out these things, but he didn't plan to tell Jiang Xiaoyun and the others in detail, Lin Fei didn't want them to carry these mental burdens prematurely.

But now that I have embarked on this path, it is impossible to turn back, so I have to go on firmly.

No matter how big a conspiracy is waiting for him, Lin Fei is determined to break it with his own ability.

I control my own life!Lin Fei said secretly in his heart.His arms holding Jiang Xiaoyun couldn't help tightening.

Feeling Lin Fei's tight embrace, a red cloud flew over Jiang Xiaoyun's face.

"Thinking about cultivation? You are already very strong now. Didn't you also say that cultivation requires one piece at a time? Haste makes waste. We must lay a solid foundation and advance steadily?"

Jiang Xiaoyun looked sideways at Lin Fei and said.

"Very powerful? Hehe, it's not enough. The complexity of this world is beyond your imagination. I've heard rumors that there is a mysterious fairyland above this world, but that mysterious fairyland seems to be a bit confusing. I can't figure it out."

Lin Fei smiled and said to Jiang Xiaoyun.

"Mysterious fairy world?"

Jiang Xiaoyun was a little taken aback.

"What kind of place is that? We have a good time here, and we don't necessarily have to go there. What if it is a fairyland? We are all happy together, isn't it better than a fairy?"

Jiang Xiaoyun felt a little confused. She didn't know what Lin Fei meant when he suddenly said this. Although the fairyland sounds beautiful, it is an unknown place after all.

Since she began to practice, Jiang Xiaoyun knew that the path of cultivation is full of hardships and dangers, and it is not as beautiful as outsiders imagined. Now she can get such a rare peace, and she really cherishes it.

Jiang Xiaoyun was really reluctant to enter an unknown place again.

"No matter what the future holds, we must face it bravely. Don't worry, we will be together forever."

Lin Fei said firmly.

"Come on, I have something to tell you."

Lin Fei embraced Jiang Xiaoyun with a flash of inspiration, and both of them disappeared from the spot.


"What, boss, you have to go out again."

Hearing Lin Fei's arrangement to everyone just now, Zhang Yu was stunned.

The last time Lin Fei went to Europe, he disappeared for more than a year, which made everyone really worried for a year, and also caused the newly established Star Dream Sect to encounter the biggest crisis.

Now that Lin Fei wanted to go on a long trip again, everyone was full of worry.

"Lin Fei, you're going out again. Is there any reason why you have to go out? Xingmengzong really can't do without you."

Jiang Xiaoyun said with some worry.

"Master, if you have to go out, I will go with you, so that we can take care of each other."

Bao Ling believed that Lin Fei had his own reasons. She felt that no matter where Lin Fei went, she would follow him, and she could no longer be as worrying as last time.

"I'll go with you too. There are so many people and strength is great. I don't feel at ease if you go out like this. Now that I've advanced to the Innate Realm, I won't hold you back forever."

Jiang Xiaoyun knew that his strength was still far behind that of Baoling and Liu Xinyi, but after all, he was also an advanced talent. He could fly against the wind, and his strength had also increased a lot.Unlike before, I could only watch Baoling and Liu Xinyi fly around helplessly.

"Yes, Master, if there is anything, we all go, there is strength in numbers."

"That's right, master, this can also open the banner of our Xingmengzong."

Hearing everyone's opinions, Lin Fei waved his hand and said:
"The place I'm going this time is far away, and it may be more dangerous. It's not suitable for you to go. If you go with me, I will have to distract you and take care of you, which is inconvenient. So this time, I will take no one with me." , I will go alone.”

The place Lin Fei planned to go this time was the mysterious American tribe he had searched online.

Lin Fei knew that Patriarch Longxuan had gone there several years ago, and there is no news about it until now, most likely he died there.

Ancestor Longxuan may encounter danger as a fake pill in the later stage, so he certainly doesn't worry about bringing Baoling, Jiang Xiaoyun and the others into danger.

"Since it's so dangerous, Lin Fei, don't go, why don't we practice here safely?"

Hearing what Lin Fei said, Jiang Xiaoyun was a little worried. She knew that Lin Fei was a strong-willed person, but she was really worried that Lin Fei would be in danger just like last time.

"There is no danger in the way of cultivation. I have a reason to go, but this time, it may take a little longer than before. Now I can't say for sure."

Lin Fei murmured.

"Boss, how long are you going to go? What if we encounter the last crisis after you go out?"

Zhang Yu also didn't want Lin Fei to put himself in danger, and he was also worried that Xingmengzong would be targeted by others, after all, Xingmengzong is a bit of a big fan now.

(End of this chapter)

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