Chapter 323

Hearing a "click", the phalanx of the man's index finger was snapped off by Liu Xinyi, causing him to scream in pain, and he knelt down on the ground.

The tall French man next to him was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect this seemingly weak girl to move her hands directly without saying a word.

Seeing that his companion was injured, he also rushed forward, raised his fist and threw it at Liu Xinyi.

The middle-aged couple and the onlookers couldn't help exclaiming. They didn't expect the girl to strike directly without saying a word, and the tall French man who rushed over was tall. If the girl was hit by this punch, the consequences would be terrible. It's unimaginable.

There was only a "bang", and before Liu Xinyi could make a move, Baoling next to him kicked up and kicked the man throwing his fist away, and then fell into the Seine River with a "plop".

The surrounding crowd hadn't recovered from the fright, and they were stunned by Baoling's kick. They didn't expect these two beautiful girls to be so violent, and they were so different from their appearance. It matches.

Especially Bao Ling, who has blonde hair, a hot figure, and a leather outfit, looks a little heroic at the moment. Could it be that these two girls are martial arts masters?Everyone has this question in their hearts.

Liu Xinyi ignored the man's screams and stepped on his chest. She tore open his jacket and took out a wallet from the inner pocket of the jacket.

Liu Xinyi dropped the wallet and threw it into the arms of the middle-aged man.

"Look, is it your lost wallet? Look carefully, is everything in there?"

The wallet was found by Liu Xinyi, the man who fell down was shocked and confused, he didn't understand how he had never seen these two girls before, how did they know that he had stolen the wallet.

And these two girls are so powerful, could this be the legendary Huaxia Kungfu?

The man who fell to the ground did not dare to say anything, but the severe pain in his fingers still made him break out in cold sweat.

And the man who was kicked into the river by Baoling didn't dare to come over after he emerged from the water. He endured the severe pain of his ribs being kicked and broke, and swam desperately to the other side of the river, fearing that he would be caught by the two again. A violent girl was caught.

"Yes, this is our wallet. The money, bank cards and ID cards are all there, but the passport is not in it."

The middle-aged man was very excited with the wallet in his hand, but he also looked at Liu Xinyi expectantly, hoping that she could help again.

"Passport? I'll ask him again."

Liu Xinyi raised her foot and kicked the stomach of the fallen man. The man rolled several times at once. If it wasn't blocked by the railing by the river, this kick would have kicked him into the river .

"Where's the passport? Where did you lose it?"

Liu Xinyi asked in English.

At this moment, the man looked at Liu Xinyi as if he saw a terrible monster. He covered his abdomen with one hand, held back the severe pain, pointed to another street with the finger that Liu Xinyi had broken off and said:
"In a trash can over there."

After he finished speaking, he quickly lowered his head, not daring to look at Liu Xinyi again.

"It's in the trash can over there, go find it."

Liu Xinyi told the middle-aged couple what the man said.

Hearing this, the middle-aged woman ran away and quickly found the passport in the trash can.

"thanks, thanks!"

The middle-aged couple was very grateful to Liu Xinyi and Baoling with their lost wallet and passport.

"Then what do we do?"

The middle-aged woman pointed to the French man lying on the ground with doubts on her face.

"Girl, hurry up, or you will be in trouble if the police come over."

Although the surrounding people admire Liu Xinyi and Baoling's heroic behavior, they are also worried that they will cause trouble.

"It's okay, you go first."

Liu Xinyi smiled slightly and waved to the middle-aged couple.

The tour guide who had been following him was also very surprised by the two heroines who appeared suddenly. He couldn't figure out how the two girls found out about the thief.But he also hastened to say at this moment:
"Let's all go quickly, or we will be in trouble if the police don't come, otherwise everyone's subsequent trips will be delayed."

When the group of tourists heard this, they all said yes, and the crowd dispersed at once.

Although the middle-aged couple was also very grateful to Liu Xinyi and Baoling, they were also afraid of getting into trouble because of this, so they both left after thanking them a thousand times.

"I warn you, if you dare to steal Chinese tourists again, then you will not be what you are today."

After Liu Xinyi kicked the man again, she smiled at Baoling, turned and left.

At this moment, the two patrolling policemen just turned around again, and when they found the man who had fallen to the ground, they immediately began to question him.

Several foreign tourists standing not far away pointed to Liu Xinyi and Baoling and their backs when they were interrogated by the police.

The two policemen rushed after them and saw the two girls and a young man talking and laughing as they walked forward.

"Stop, stop quickly, I am the police, I order you to stop quickly."

Two policemen chased and shouted loudly.

But the three of them continued to talk and laugh as if they hadn't heard what they were saying, and walked forward unhurriedly.

While calling for backup, the two policemen drew their pistols and gave chase.

"Stop immediately, if you don't stop, I'm going to shoot."

Seeing that the distance was getting closer and they were about to catch up with the three of them, the two French policemen took a big leap, ready to throw themselves down and arrest the other.

But in the next moment, they felt that their eyes were blurred, and the two of them fell heavily to the ground, missing nothing.

They suddenly found that the three of them disappeared without a trace in front of their eyes as if they had evaporated in place.

The two French policemen who were panting and lying on the ground looked at each other, unable to believe what they saw.

The two of them hurriedly looked around and found that there was no one within tens of meters around. It was like seeing a ghost.

The two policemen saw the deep fear in each other's eyes, and cold sweat broke out on their backs.

At this moment, Lin Fei, Bao Ling and Liu Xinyi had already appeared on another street across the river. They were strolling along the street, admiring the scenery by the river.

"Master, it's almost time for the parrot fruit to ripen. When will we go there?"

Liu Xinyi asked while leaning on the railing by the river.

"According to the information on the Internet, it should be this weekend when the Yinghong fruit is ripe. We will go there tomorrow and check the surrounding situation two days in advance."

Lin Fei said.

"Master, I guess there must have been a lot of people ambushing there, how do we start?"

Baoling asked with some concern.

Just as Lin Fei was about to answer, he suddenly frowned and looked ahead of the road.

(End of this chapter)

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