Chapter 3
Li Ka-shing is not only careful, courageous, but also strategic.By 1979, although the total area of ​​properties owned by Cheung Kong had far exceeded that of Landmark, its actual value was much less.The advantage of Hongkong Land lies in its high value per unit area.However, Cheung Kong’s market value at that time was only HK$77.69 billion, which was far lower than that of Hongkong Land (it is estimated that Hongkong’s market value is HK$150 billion).Li Ka-shing made use of his strengths to avoid his weaknesses, and decided to vigorously develop areas with abundant land resources and relatively cheap prices, and build large-scale housing estates on a large scale to win.The hard work paid off. At the end of June 1990, Cheung Kong’s market value rose to 6 billion Hong Kong dollars, ranking first in the list of listed real estate companies in Hong Kong, far surpassing the "real estate giant" Landmark, and Landmark lost convincingly.In the process of fighting for hegemony with Hongkong Land, Li Ka-shing avoided the real and attacked the false, and fought in a roundabout way.Not only that, when conducting land auctions, he held the idea of ​​"not taking this land, there will be other lands in the future", and decided whether to bid based on whether it could actually be profitable, rather than blindly following the trend.Therefore, before each bidding, Li Ka-shing always has an insight into the opportunity first, then carefully studies and analyzes, and formulates the highest bidding price according to the specific situation. If the price is higher than this price, he will withdraw decisively.It is precisely because he knows what is in his mind and guides his actions based on profit rather than competition, that Li Ka-shing is determined to win and wins when he sets out.

In a word, Li Ka-shing's business tricks are to wait patiently, be wise and courageous, seize business opportunities, take long-term considerations, not show off, not be arrogant, and not show off for a while.Reckless and reckless actions are definitely not Li Ka-shing's style of doing things.The most important thing in Li Ka-shing's "Crossing the Sky" is to have the "whole" concept in mind, to determine the overall situation, not to make moves blindly, to hide the sure tactics in "wait and see", and to use wisdom and courage to perfectly defeat the opponent and achieve great achievements. cause.

Cai E's "Merry" is anti-Yuan
Cai E is a famous patriotic military strategist in modern my country. After the Wuchang Uprising in 1911, he served as the governor of Yunnan Province.After Yuan Shikai stole the fruits of the revolutionary victory, he has not revealed his ambition to become emperor for the time being, so that Cai E still has great illusions to serve Yuan Shikai at this time.Therefore, he wrote to Liang Qichao, hoping to be transferred from Yunnan in order to fulfill his lofty ambition of being loyal to the country.The cunning Yuan Shikai knew that Cai E had a strong military strength, and he always had a grudge against him. Seeing that Cai E's idea was exactly what he wanted, he issued an order in September 1913 to transfer him to Beijing to serve as a member of the Senate and participate in politics. General Wei.Yuan Shikai intends to raise Cai E's salary so that he can take the opportunity to control him and help him realize his wild intentions of surrendering to imperialism and restoring the emperor. If Cai E does not follow, it will not be too late to kill him.The cautious Yuan Shikai also placed many spies around Cai E to monitor and track Cai E day and night to prevent him from plotting against Yuan.

Soon, Yuan Shikai began intensive preparations for his ascension to the throne and proclaiming himself emperor, and Cai E had already seen through Yuan Shikai's conspiracy. He quietly took the train to Tianjin many times, and met secretly with Liang Qichao and other progressives to discuss how to jointly resist Yuan Shikai's restoration of the monarchy.At the same time, in order to get rid of the plight of being under house arrest in Beijing by Yuan Shikai at that time, Cai E tried every means to deceive him, pretending to be deaf and dumb in front of him, pretending to be dumb, and even though he was extremely angry after being ransacked, he was still on the surface. Pretend nothing happened and continue to pretend to be deaf and dumb.In order to successfully deceive Yuan Shikai, Cai E asked Yuan Shikai for permission to recuperate on the grounds that he suffered from lung disease and now has a throat disease, and his health is not good.Cai E also often set foot in Huajie Liuxiang, pretending to be lustful, not enterprising, decadent and depraved, which gave Yuan Shikai the illusion that this person is "no prospect" and "difficult to become a great talent", and his vigilance gradually relaxed. In the summer of 1915, Cai E got acquainted with the 16-year-old singing girl Xiao Fengxian, and used her to create public opinion of family discord.At the same time, he often quarreled with his wife openly, which finally convinced Yuan Shikai of his "faint and incompetent".

Xiao Fengxian was born in a family of a Manchu military officer whose surname Xing declined in Hangzhou.Although her parents died young and suffered from the humiliation in the world, she is kind-hearted and has a sense of justice.She saw that Cai E wanted to return to Yunnan to raise troops against Yuan as soon as possible and fulfill the great ambition of saving the country, so she offered to take the risk of beheading to help General Cai escape from Yuan Shikai's clutches. In the early morning of November 1915, 11, Cai E put on a luxurious fox fur coat that he bought in advance, and disguised himself with a big mask, and went out with Xiao Fengxian.The tracking agents assigned by Yuan Shikai saw that Cai E's back and walking posture were the same as before, and they didn't pay much attention.Xiao Fengxian, with heavy makeup and brocade clothes and embroidered skirts, walked out of the Eight Great Alleys with Cai E on her arm like a lady, and went in and out of bustling places such as Dashilan in a carriage, and spent a lot of money to buy luxury things in shops and downtown. Joking and teasing, very relaxed, just like a leisurely look.Seeing that General Cai and Xiao Fengxian were wandering the street again looking for fun, the spies following behind him relaxed their vigilance.When the time came, Xiaofengxian immediately urged the carriage to speed up and arrived at Rongbaozhai in Liulichang.In Rongbaozhai's secret room, Cai E's comrade-in-arms Dai Kan quickly changed into Cai E's full body attire, walked out of Rongbaozhai with Xiao Fengxian, and returned to the Bada Hutong brothel in a waiting carriage.This trick deceived all of Yuan Shikai's spies, and they didn't know that Cai E had successfully fled Beijing until the next day.

Cai E, who escaped successfully, arrived in Japan via Tianjin.In order to make Yuan Shikai think that he was stranded in Japan, he asked his old classmate to send written postcards to Beijing regularly, informing Yuan Shikai of all his whereabouts in Japan.At the same time, Cai E returned to Kunming from Hong Kong and Hanoi, Vietnam. During this period, he escaped several assassinations, went through hardships and dangers, and united many colleagues with lofty ideals.At the end of the same year, Cai E organized a full-scale war to protect the country and oppose Yuan, which finally completely shattered Yuan Shikai's dream of imperial rule.

Cai E successfully deceived the cunning Yuan Shikai by using the strategy of "crossing the sky and crossing the sea", which made Yuan Shikai gradually doubt his character and ambition, and concluded that this was a chess piece that would not pose a threat to him. The step-by-step anti-Yuan actions provided convenience.Cai E's bravery and strategy won him the feat of rebuilding the democratic republic, and it will be recorded in the annals of history forever.

00 Zeng Guofan's "hidden mouth" became a major event
China has always had the admonitions that "disaster comes from the mouth" and "too much talk is bound to be wrong". We should not be too transparent in our dealings with others, and we must properly conceal our character, otherwise we will expose our bad habits and bring disaster to others.

In the eyes of modern people, Zeng Guofan is an image of a gentleman with rigorous style, inarticulate, calm and dull.But in his early years, he was eloquent and fickle, he liked to be exaggerated, and his behavior was crazy, and he didn't hide his temper at all.It was only later that he realized that those who are self-willed and show off their "not good at concealing" will often be caught by others and lead to bitter fruit, so he worked hard to correct it.

Zeng Guofan

In his youth, Zeng Guofan was straightforward, multi-lingual every day, and always argued strongly when discussing knowledge with his friends.What's more, he also likes to talk about other people's merits in the dark.Once, when Dou Lanquan came to visit, Zeng Guofan made a big speech without understanding the original intention of his friend, and finally made the two break up, let alone exchange ideas.Later, Chen Yuanyan's mother's birthday celebration was also very embarrassing by Zeng Guofan's careless remarks, and everyone broke up unhappy.Zeng Guofan's talkativeness and conceit often lead to conflicts with his friends.Occasionally, when there was disagreement, he lost his temper.Friends knew his character well and were unwilling to persuade him, only Chen Yuanyan dared to speak out.One day, Chen Yuanyan came to Zeng's house and had a long in-depth conversation with each other. Zeng Guofan was eloquent again, talking about his harsh expectations of others.Chen Yuanyan saw that Zeng Guofan was still going his own way, so he had no choice but to speak out, hoping that he would get rid of those bad habits.

A few days later, Zeng Guofan celebrated his father's birthday at home, during which time he clashed with his friends again.After the guests left, my father talked with Zeng Guofan about the way of life, and hoped that he would pay special attention to the proper way of speaking and doing things.Zeng Guofan finally realized how serious the problem was, and immediately got up and went to his friend's house to apologize.Since then, Zeng Guofan's father has sincerely persuaded him by letter.Zeng Guofan was touched by Chen Yuanyan's words and his father's handwritten letter, but soon Zeng Guofan repeated the old drama. Shortly after the Spring Festival in 1843, Zeng Guofan presided over a gathering of Juren classmates from Huguang in Wenchang Hall. He should try his best to entertain his former classmates, but his negligence and arrogance once again hurt the deep friendship among classmates. .

Afterwards, while Zeng Guofan was reviewing himself, he slowly went to the other extreme, intentionally becoming more and more alienated from his friends.He thinks that the distance will increase the students' respect for him, but the effect is not obvious.Zeng Guofan was very confused, and suddenly he was at a loss as if "all the people betrayed their relatives".Fortunately, his good friend Wu Tingdong enlightened him in time, let him dispel negative thoughts, do it himself, listen to advice well, be strict with himself, and let his friends accept him again.

After a lot of hard work, Zeng Guofan gradually understood the true meaning of being a human being and gradually matured.He has fully realized the importance of "concealing" tactics to a person. Those who are not good at concealing will often hurt others by their excessively exposed words and actions, while those who are good at concealing tend to pay more attention to propriety when interacting with others, and even more It is easy to be welcomed and respected by others. Others are more willing to exchange knowledge with you, discuss life, and conspire with you. Such behaviors benefit others and yourself.After understanding this truth, Zeng Guofan broke through the hurdles of life and achieved a great career.

(End of this chapter)

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