Chapter 14
The original scriptures show that it is moving, benefiting its quietness and mastery, benefiting its movement and making it quiet.

The translation intentionally exposes one's actions to attract the enemy, so that the enemy is pinned down to gather in a certain place because of ignorance, and then our side uses this opportunity to sneak behind the enemy to launch a surprise attack, attacking the enemy unprepared, and winning by surprise.The gain of things is smooth because of changes.

The interpretation of "Crossing Chen Cang in Darkness" is based on the historical story "Building the Plank Road in the Ming Dynasty, Crossing the Cang Cang in Secret", the premise is "Creating the Plank Road in the Ming Dynasty".It means that when the two sides confront each other, they publicly display a strategic action that makes the enemy feel stupid or harmless, so that the enemy can relax its warning.But behind the public actions, we have real actions. When the enemy is blinded by the illusion and let down his vigilance, we quietly detour to another place for a sneak attack, and give the enemy a fatal blow by surprise. Or in the case of defense, win by surprise.

Winning by surprise comes from the normal method of using troops.This goal can only be achieved by inducing the enemy to judge our intention of action according to the normal principle of using troops.Therefore, "Crossing Chen Cang secretly" must first use "Ming Xiu Plank Road" to attract and divert the attention of the enemy.

There are similarities and differences between "Crossing the Chen Cang" and "Speeding East and Hitting West".The similarity is: both are bluffs, first creating an illusion to confuse the enemy, and then taking real actions under the cover of the illusion.The difference is: "Crossing the Chen Cang" is to take two actions, true and false, at the same time. On the surface, take an action that is harmless to the enemy or take an action that the enemy finds ridiculous, such as "clearly repairing the plank road" to paralyze the enemy; But carry out an action that deals a fatal blow to the enemy or powerfully expands our own side, such as "sneaking in".However, "striking the east and attacking the west" means that there are two real and false goals behind the same strike.Deliberately use a false goal to draw the enemy away in order to achieve that real goal.

The strategy of "crossing the warehouse secretly" can not only be used in military affairs, but also a common trick used by businessmen in modern business activities.Smart merchants use this to create false appearances, confuse opponents or consumers, make them buy their own products or accept the services provided by the company, expand the company's popularity and reputation, thereby expanding product sales and increasing market share.To make good use of this strategy, entrepreneurs should also make arrangements in advance, set up separate goals to divert the attention of competitors, and pave the way for a smooth "secret transition".

However, to make good use of the "secretly crossing the Chen Cang" strategy, we need to pay attention to and grasp the following points.

First, "sneaking into the dark" is a two-pronged strategy.Therefore, it is required that the "dual pipes" be indispensable and cooperate with each other.One light and one dark should echo very appropriately.This is very important and should be the basic idea of ​​using this plan.At the same time, we can also take advantage of this point to identify the tricks of some merchants. For example, those advertisements that shout loudly are mostly "clearly repairing the plank road", and the real intention of "secretly crossing the warehouse" is up to us to understand. .

Second, the key to the strategy of "passing through the dark" lies in "darkness".Can act secretly and have the initiative to win the competition.When implementing this timing, one must not only have a clear and definite intention and purpose, but also skillfully hide one's true intention and purpose, and the deeper and better the concealment, the more likely it is to catch the opponent off guard and make them Win by surprise.

Thirdly, "Crossing Chencang secretly" needs "clearing plank roads" as a foreshadowing.It is more effective to use the method of deliberately exposing the action to cover up the big action that is being carried out in secret.This "brightness" is an illusion, a display of weakness to confuse and seduce opponents.Therefore, the better you do it, the more you can convince the other party that it is true, which will create illusions and lead to mistakes in decision-making and strategy.The more illusions the other party has, the more beneficial it is to realize the strategy.

Fourth, the party using the "secretly crossing the old warehouse" strategy must have the corresponding strength to back it up, otherwise the effect may not be very good.For example, in a war, if one side's forces are too weak, even if the secret is successful, it will most likely face the end of being wiped out due to insufficient forces.And in modern business warfare, because the scale is too small and the strength is too weak, there are neither excellent products nor high-quality and high-level services, so that the opponent will grow rapidly and defeat you.

Fifth, when using the "secretly crossing the Chen Cang" strategy, one must be on guard against being seen through by the opponent at any time.The competition is cruel, and both sides will try their best and fight wits and courage.And the outcome of the competition is not only that the brave will win when the two powerhouses meet, but also that the one with the highest skill will be the king.Therefore, to use this timing, not only must the plan be comprehensive and meticulous, but also the mental preparation to be seen through, and the countermeasures after being seen through.Only in this way can we protect ourselves.

Sixth, in the whole process of using tactics, one must always pay attention to observing the opponent, effectively collect information about competitors' actions, pay attention to analyzing and studying the opponent's movements, and then adjust one's thinking according to the opponent's changes, while constantly thinking about one's own strategy. Only by taking action and correcting your own strategy can you win every step of the way.

Examples of Wisdom
Blitz under the smoke

In wars, "clearly build plank roads and secretly cross Chencang" is often used to deceive the enemy and help one's own side to carry out real military operations smoothly, and the effect is often immediate.

On June 1967, 6, with the support of the United States, Israel launched a large-scale war of aggression against Arab countries at lightning speed.In order to achieve the purpose of this raid, Israel "built the plank road openly and crossed the warehouse secretly", and used a series of measures to confuse the opponent before the action.

The first action was on the night of Saturday, June 6rd.Israel's hawkish leader Dayan made his first public speech after taking office as defense minister.His speech immediately spread to every corner of the world through the airwaves.Early the next morning, the Jerusalem Post published a report: "Minister Dayan said it was too late to deal with the issue of Egypt's blockade of the Strait of Tiran by military means, and it was too late to draw conclusions by taking diplomatic action. Early. 'The government was diplomatic before I took office, and we have to help with that diplomatically.'”

Defense Dayan
Dayan ordered several Israeli officers and soldiers to take leave the next day in order to convince people of the authenticity of his remarks and divert the attention of the Arab countries to the diplomatic actions of the two countries. , Go to the lively and bustling places on weekends to play, so that people can't feel the atmosphere of the upcoming war.Soon, the major morning newspapers on Sunday reported the situation of these officers and soldiers playing on the beach and between the bars in the form of large photos.Not only the Israelis, but even the top Egyptian generals breathed a sigh of relief and spent the weekend happily on the tennis courts in Cairo.Israeli journalists, Egyptian journalists and all kinds of people gathered from all over the world to Israel to collect war intelligence also spent the weekend peacefully as usual.

In order to echo these deceptive activities by the upper echelons of the Israeli government, the Israeli military has also adopted tactical deception measures.In order to attract the attention of the Egyptian Navy from the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea, a few days before the start of the war, the Egyptian Navy dressed up as preparing to carry out landing operations in the area centered on the Gulf of Aqaba in the Red Sea. The four torpedo boats were transported to Eilat by land, and at night, they secretly covered the good luck and returned to the original place.The next day, they were transported back and forth in this way to create the illusion of setting up heavy troops in the Red Sea.This deceitful operation by the Israeli Navy forced the transfer of two Egyptian destroyers from the Mediterranean Sea, and these two destroyers accounted for 30% of the Egyptian Navy's strength.

The southern army of the Israeli Army, in order to prevent the Egyptian side from knowing the real situation of the ground troops operating in the Sinai area, sent small-scale tank troops to move back and forth in the rear area, and piled up many mounds around them. It's like there's a massive tank army building up.

Before the war, General Sharon equipped fake tanks in order to make the enemy mistakenly think that the attacking direction of the army in central Sinai of Israel was the south of Sinai. Danger can attack Aqaba through Kontila.At the same time, Israel's air force also echoed the navy, increasing air patrols of the Gulf of Aqaba and the Red Sea area.The Egyptian side believed it and quickly transferred the 20 Soviet-made aircraft on the front line from the northern base to the southern base.

Israel used a series of tactics to confuse the enemy in this war, "building plank roads openly and crossing the warehouses secretly", which successfully deceived the Egyptians.Therefore, when Israel launched its first air attack at 6:5 on June 7, it successfully destroyed 45% of Egypt's first-line air power, laying the foundation for the final victory of the Six-Day War.

The Greeks cleverly attacked the city

On the battlefield, sometimes a small trick is far more powerful than a strong blind attack. The famous Trojan War is a classic case.

Troy is an ancient city in the northwest of Asia Minor.At the end of the 12th century BC, the ancient Greeks went here on an expedition and fought a 10-year war with the Trojans. During this period, the famous Trojan horse trick happened.

The Greeks believed that all major events in the world were arranged by gods.Therefore, they also endowed the Trojan War with a strong mythological color, saying that the war was caused by gods, and gods also participated in the whole process.

According to legend, when Peleus, the king of Phthia in ancient Greece, and Thetis, the daughter of the sea goddess, held a wedding ceremony, many gods on Mount Olympus were invited, and the banquet was very lively.Suddenly, a goddess rushed in angrily and threw a golden apple on the table. There was a line of words engraved on the apple: "For the most beautiful goddess."

The one who threw the apple was the "goddess of quarrel".King Peleus hadn't intended to invite her, but she came anyway, and there was at once a chattering quarrel.In order to prove that they are the most beautiful, the goddesses all want to win the golden apple.So Zeus ordered the goddesses to go to Troy and ask a shepherd boy named Paris to judge.In order to get the golden apple, each goddess promised Paris the greatest benefit: Hera, the queen of heaven, promised to make him a king; Athena, the goddess of wisdom, would make him the wisest person; Tete swore to have the most charming girl in all Greece to be his wife.

In fact, Paris was disguised by the son of Priam, king of Troy.He didn't want wisdom, and he didn't want to be a king, he just wanted the most beautiful girl to be his wife, so he gave the golden apple to Aphrodite.And the most beautiful woman in Greece is named Helen, the queen of the Spartan king in ancient Greece.Aphrodite kept her promise and successfully helped Paris abduct Helen.

The king of Sparta was furious and vowed to cross the sea to attack Troy and take back his wife Helen.He agreed with his elder brother, King Agamemnon of Mycenae, that Agamemnon would be the commander of the Greek coalition army, leading 10 horses and more than 1 warships to attack Troy.But Troy was a very strong city, and the Greeks besieged it for 000 years without success.In the tenth year, the Greek general Odysseus finally came up with a clever plan.

(End of this chapter)

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