rain on dawn

Chapter 229 Meeting Song Xinxin Again

Chapter 229 Meeting Song Xinxin Again

Ye Muyu ate a lot of snacks this afternoon, she couldn't stop eating her own, Ai Wen's, and the tea room's.It frightened Ai Wen, and quickly pulled her back to watch, not letting her eat any more.

And He Tinghan didn't leave the office for an entire afternoon, and apart from Xiao Che who came a few times, no one else went to his office.

As dusk fell, it was time for Ye Muyu to get off work.Originally, it was a good idea to go to dinner with Xiao Jie, but he couldn't come due to something, so she called Luo Siyu, but her phone was turned off, so she called Zhao Yu, and only then did she know that she was hospitalized because of a fever!Immediately ran to the hospital in a hurry.

When she cautiously opened the door of the ward, Luo Siyu was already asleep, but there was a man guarding her beside her, it was Qiao Yanli.

He sat on a chair, leaning against the back of the chair, crossed his hands, closed his eyes tightly, and didn't know if he was asleep or not.

And Luo Siyu was lying on the hospital bed, her complexion was a little pale, Ye Muyu stroked her forehead, there was no burning heat, and her hanging heart finally let go.

Ye Muyu gently put the fruit she brought on the table, took out a post-it note from her bag and wrote on it, "Sisi, have a good rest, and see you again tomorrow!" Adding a smiling face, and then gently He took a quick look at her, tucked the quilt for her, closed the door very gently and left.

And the moment the door closed, Qiao Yanli's closed eyes slowly opened.


Ye Muyu left the ward, just walked to the hospital lobby, but met Song Xinxin who also appeared in the hospital.

"Why are you here?"

"Why are you here?"

The two said at the same time, and then looked at each other with a tacit understanding and smiled.

"My best friend is hospitalized here, I'll come and see her." Ye Muyu said first.

"I'm feeling sick to my stomach. Let me prescribe some medicine." As she spoke, Song Xinxin raised the bag in her hand.

"Did you eat something bad?" Ye Muyu asked out of concern.

"Probably so!" Song Xinxin smiled lightly, "Is your girlfriend okay, why is she still in the hospital?"

"Fever, but it's gone."

"Oh, that's good." Song Xinxin continued, "Have you eaten yet?"

Ye Muyu smiled slightly, "Not yet."

Song Xinxin was delighted by this answer, "I haven't done it yet, why don't you accompany me to have a meal, I'll treat you!"

"How embarrassing is that!" Ye Muyu came to the hospital right after work. It was true that she hadn't eaten yet, but she was a little embarrassed to invite someone who had only seen two sides to treat her. Even though she was a colleague, she was still a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, I know a very delicious restaurant near here, I'll take you there." Song Xinxin said, took Ye Muyu's arm and walked out.

Ye Muyu couldn't resist her enthusiasm, so he had no choice but to let her drag him out. "Then... I will trouble you!"

"You're welcome!"

The store was indeed very close to the hospital, and they only had to walk about 50 meters to get there.It was a store that had been renovated for some years, and it seemed to be an old store.

As soon as they walked in, the proprietress warmly greeted them at the front desk, and when she saw Song Xinxin, she took the initiative to take them to a place near the window.

"What will Xinxin eat today? Is it still the same?" The proprietress smiled and said to Song Xinxin, the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes were raised, and she looked very familiar.

"I feel a little sick to my stomach today, just a bowl of oatmeal and a few side dishes." Song Xinxin also said to the proprietress with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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