Chapter 254 Buying a Cow (1)

Li Yue didn't want to worry about this matter that made her very unhappy, so she walked ahead.

After a while, I came to the inn, and the second brother felt a chill no matter how far away he was.Looking up, he saw two people coming up.

"Miss Li, here you are. Are you looking for shopkeeper Jia? The shopkeeper is inside."

Li Yue immediately smiled and nodded, "Then thank you, little brother. 
Li Yue went to look for shopkeeper Jia. She knew where shopkeeper Jia worked, because she had been here several times, so it would be strange if she didn't know.

"Uncle Jia, my girl is here." Li Yue stood outside and knocked on the door, smiling and shouting.

The shopkeeper heard the sound, and Zheng Yizheng said, "It's a girl, come in, the door is unlocked."

Hearing this, Li Yue pushed the door lightly and walked in, and saw shopkeeper Jia was still busy.

Shopkeeper Jia heard the sound of footsteps from far to near, raised his head, and looked at Li Yue with a smile.

"Girl, what are you doing here this time? Are you here to ask about Tudou's situation during this time? Or is there something else?" Shopkeeper Jia asked these questions in confusion.

Li Yue saw these words kept coming out of Shopkeeper Jia's mouth, and the corners of his mouth trembled a few times. Uncle, you have asked too many questions, can you ask them one by one next time.

"Uncle, this time I'm here to ask you to find someone to help you buy a cow for the girl. The girl doesn't know how to pick and choose, and the girl also knows that there must be someone in your inn." Li Yue smiled slightly.

Shopkeeper Jia thought that he was very pleased when he heard this, and his mood immediately became better. The meaning of what the girl said was obvious. To say that he is a man in the inn is a compliment for his ability to pick people. No matter how good a thousand-mile horse is, you have to meet Bole, otherwise it will be the same as an ordinary horse.

"It's a trivial matter. When the time comes, uncle will give you an order. Isn't it because of this?" Shopkeeper Jia got up and walked out. He got a glass of water in the teapot and handed it to Li Yue. He also saw the standing figure. He casually glanced at Li Dazhu out of curiosity.

I was stunned for a moment, so this person is a little more gentle than the young master.

Turning to ask Li Yue, "Who is this girl?"

Li Yue knew exactly who shopkeeper Jia was asking, so she sat on the stool and took a sip of tea. After walking for so long, and talking loudly to the lady, she was really thirsty.

He raised his eyes and glanced, "This man is a servant bought by a girl."

Li Dazhu was actually very thirsty, no matter what they talked about him, he walked over, picked up the teapot and cup, and got a cup of tea with himself.

Shopkeeper Jia saw Li Dazhu's movements with wide eyes, and suspected that Li Yue was joking with her. The servant looks like this, and he pours water for himself. If it is a servant, it is true. It's too uneducated, and it's too disrespectful.

"Yes," Li Yue replied with a nod and a smile, but she didn't notice that shopkeeper Jia's scrutinizing eyes wandered back and forth between the two of them.

Shopkeeper Jia heard the words and said, "Oh, I didn't go to see Li Dazhu anymore."

Li Dazhu was very polite, but he stood quietly by the side, like a standard servant.

"Uncle, you just asked the girl, is the potato bought well?" Li Yue suddenly remembered one of the questions that shopkeeper Jia had just asked about potatoes.

"Of course, you can only eat it at Yuelai Inn in Qinghe City. We all know that you can't eat it in other places." Shopkeeper Jia sighed with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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