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Chapter 500 The Taste of Routine

Chapter 500 The Taste of Routine

The wind howled in the sky of the underworld, Amon’s black hole was in a state of high-speed movement, and the black hole that remained still was so terrifying, what would happen if the black hole moved? answered.

Perhaps because of the bad taste, Amon didn't choose to eat those gods of death, but used the powerful suction force of the black hole to smash them into pieces, which could no longer hinder her from looking for Ruby.

"No, no, no!"

Amon's eyes flicked across the tombstones. There are more than thousands of ghosts here. It is impossible to find them one by one. Fortunately, the equal contract with Ruby has not disappeared, and Amon can feel his position to some extent. , but it was not obvious, which made the devil's mind more and more anxious.

"Hurry up, little bone, why are you flying so slowly!"

At this time, Ruby was being moved by the back of the collar hooked by the small bone with a sickle. He was very aware of Amon's dependence on him. Hurry over as soon as possible, even though Little Bones is flying much faster than himself, he still can't help complaining.

Little Bones also had troubles that he couldn't tell, so he could only speed up with all his strength. At this moment, a golden shadow flashed in the sky, and the bone dragon with its wings stretched landed in front of Ruby, and handed him a golden hand. paw.

"Come up."

Bone said to Lubi, and Luby got into the special car of the underworld boss unceremoniously, and the golden wing bone flapped slightly, and the little bone was thrown out of the distance invisible to the naked eye, which was completely different from the previous speed. Same day.

"Ruby, according to Hun, remember to cooperate with me later."

In the process of rushing, bone-cold words sounded, Ruby was slightly taken aback when he heard the so-called plan, and quickly nodded to express that he understood.

When Ruby rushed to Amon, what he saw was a very frightening scene. How frightening was it? His mother-in-law was staring at Amon. To a man, this was indeed the scariest scene in the world. The picture is gone, although he also mentioned how he came to the Demon Realm before, but in order not to cause misunderstanding about Amon, he briefly mentioned it.

Especially after Moyuji saw him coming and showed her scrutinizing eyes of "what's your relationship with this woman", Ruby felt that maybe he could come later?Wait for one of Amon and Moyuji to hang up before coming back.
"Help! Amon!"

Ruby shook his head to get rid of the random thoughts that popped up in his head, and yelled directly, although he didn't have a voice now, and Ruby didn't know how he yelled, maybe it was the urgency in his heart that became concrete.

"Give me back Ruby!"

Amon froze for a moment, and before he recovered from the joy of seeing Ruby, he showed anger. Without saying a word, he flew up, rushed to the front of the head of the golden keel, and hammered it with his fist.

'Bah! '

The armor on the fist collided violently with the skull, and Gu's body suffered a severe blow when caught off guard, retreating hundreds of meters in the air, not to mention the entire skull fell down.

Amon also took the opportunity to catch Ruby floating in the air, and Ruby also stretched out his hand towards her. Now that Ruby is in a ghost state, it should be impossible to catch the entity, and Amon is also ready to catch the air , but what she didn't expect was that she really caught it, and now her hands were tightly clasped with Ruby's, and she could feel that she had really caught it even through the armor.

"Amon, let's go."

Ruby didn't have time to think about the details, and Gu reminded him just now that he had to leave as soon as he could, and absolutely couldn't give the other gods of death time to react.


Amon also knew that now was not the time to be tired, so she didn't let go of Lubi at all, and as soon as she turned around, she accelerated and flew towards the Styx that came over.

"I will definitely take good care of Mouna, absolutely."

After Lubi was taken out of sight by Amon, his voice slowly floated to Moyuki's side.

"Do you think Nana is the only one in his heart?"

Moyouji didn't catch up either, and turned to Mikael and asked, Amon's appearance has proved too many things, Lubi can remember leaving such a promise to the two elders before leaving, which is considered to be firm in his heart manner.

"Well, I think it's fine as long as Nana is the most important one in his heart."

Mikael smiled slightly, it was rare that he didn't criticize Ruby who left with a vicious tongue, children and grandchildren have their own blessings, and he, a dead old man, doesn't plan to care so much, pretending not to know can save a lot of things.

Amon led Lubi to get rid of the pursuit of many gods of death, and after returning to the bank of the River Styx, he stepped on the ship guarded by Xiaobai. After seeing Amon successfully connect with Lubi, Xiaobai's soul fire flashed With a flash, he immediately turned the bow of the ship and galloped away. The God of Reaper who caught up could only stare blankly.

"Ruby, Ruby! Are you okay, I'm really worried about you."

The armor on Amon's body fell off in an instant, and she herself squeezed her soft body into Lubi's arms. The Demon King was never allowed to cry, but at this time, tears fell out without disappointment. It is very good, but Amon never wants to experience it again.

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

Ruby touched Amon's head and comforted him, not just talking about it, he really saw that Amon's face was very ugly, and he lost a lot of weight, probably since he died. Let's run around.

Amon wiped away his tears, but refused to leave Ruby's arms, and just stayed there quietly like this.

Ruby didn't push her away, but just observed the surrounding scenery. After seeing Xiao Bai who was punting the boat, she seemed a little puzzled. After thinking about it, she asked, "Where is Bai Yu?"

"Master has been sent back by me because I can't bear the death energy floating on the Styx River. This is her letter to you."

Xiaobai explained the current situation, then took out a letter from between his ribs and handed it to Ruby. After all, Baiyu is still a human being, and the name of the Styx is not for nothing. The dead energy floating on it can absorb the life Angry, it is impossible for a living person to cross the Styx alive under the ebb and flow.

"Death? Is Amon okay?"

Ruby didn't feel any discomfort, but he knew from the name that the substance was harmful to the body. He supported Amon's shoulders to make her stand upright, and carefully observed whether she was injured.

"I'm fine, as long as I go anywhere for Ruby."

Amon showed a haggard smile, and fell into Luby's arms again. His plump body gradually shrank, and he became the state of that child, and fell asleep peacefully.

"I'm really jealous, master's feelings for you, if only someone could stay up for a month for me."

The armor spirit who became the size of a figure said jealously very jealously, obviously the switch of jealousy was flipped again.

Ruby could only touch Amon's face, silently thanking the girl for everything she had done for him.

(End of this chapter)

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