Dedicate science to a better world

Chapter 370 The System Can Only Help You So Far

Chapter 370 The System Can Only Help You So Far

"Stop, stop, is this how you go shopping?"

After sweeping through five or six shops, Ruby stopped Eve, who had never lost her desire to shop. Judging from the smiles on the faces of the shopkeepers and players, it was obvious that this was not the first time for a pink-haired girl to shop. As for money. Miss "Please spend all my money" ranked first in the server's money holdings has never had this trouble. Xingye's family has opened several stores that specialize in buying game currency with real money to serve this young lady. .

"Is there anything wrong?"

Eve tilted her head and asked suspiciously, but her footsteps did not stop, and she took Ruby's hand again and dragged him into a low-grade material store.

"Don't you try on the equipment before you buy it to see the attributes? Why do you have to buy a bunch of junk materials like this goblin hand bone and cat monster claws?"

Ruby complained helplessly, when Eve was about to buy those materials at an obviously uneconomical price, he squeezed Eve's little hand hard to prevent her from buying them.

"Hmm, you don't understand this, do you see my profession? I am an excellent profession that can turn decay into magic, but sometimes the alchemy system will always ask me for some weird materials, so I basically I will buy all the materials I can see on the Internet, so I don’t have to go out and buy them specially in the future. As for the equipment, it’s more convenient to disassemble and get some fabric and iron pieces than to buy it myself.”

Eve knew that Ruby cared about her and stopped her, but she also had her reasons for doing so. After opening her attribute bar and showing Ruby the words [Occupation: Alchemist], she began to explain why she was crazy Shopping, for this extremely money-consuming occupation, doing so can indeed save a lot of time, but the cost is to spend money like water, but it seems to be nothing to Eve.

"Hey, this mushroom"

Since it's what her career seeks, Ruby has no reason to continue to restrict Eve's shopping. The pink-haired girl quickly picked up a mushroom in the material store and thought about it. Most of the materials for this game come from The Holy Continent, so it's normal to see materials with a sense of sight. For example, this mushroom reminds Eve of the oolong experiment she and Ruby did in the academy.

"Do you remember anything bad?"

Ruby still remembers that oolong still vividly, and he naturally knows what Eve was thinking, thanks to some idiot who roasted lust mushrooms in the laboratory so that he had to knock himself out.

"Hey, you said that if you hadn't knocked yourself out, would we even have children?"

Eve winked playfully at Ruby and asked, after paying the money, she stuffed the mushroom into her package, as if intending to keep it as a souvenir.

"No, no, it will only happen that I was beaten into a disabled person by your father."

"Really, you bastard, it's a pity that I thought you had a crush on me back then."

Eve puffed up her mouth and ignored Ruby. Compared with a few years ago, she has matured a lot. After experiencing several partings with Ruby, she no longer has the willfulness of a little girl, but has become more mature and dares to admit My previous mistakes are a kind of proof.

"Actually, I've wanted to say it a long time ago. No matter how I look at it, I'm not the kind of guy who would attack underage girls."

"I'm not young anymore! And I'm an adult now!"

Eve pushed Ruby's chest with her head, and her words seemed to imply something, but Ruby ignored it selectively, and the two of them spent an afternoon visiting all the player shops and stalls in the main city. The sky gradually darkened, and Eve also received a reminder of the mission at this time. Of course, Ruby, who was in her team, also saw it together.

[Main quest: Set off gorgeous fireworks in the main city of Tal. Completing the task will increase the charm of the main city by 1, and increase the prosperity by 5. However, the goblin responsible for setting off the fireworks seems to have encountered some troubles before this, so let’s go first. Let's see. 】

"Wait, I didn't say that before! It was clearly agreed that the fireworks will be set off tonight!"

A small task reminder made the two of them look at each other, and Eve was the first to scream in disbelief, feeling that she had been fooled by the system.

"It's useless to complain, let's see and talk."

Ruby is not surprised. The main quests that can increase the prosperity of the main city are generally not easy to do. They usually make such main quests twists and turns due to the malice of the game creators.

Following the mission prompt, they soon came to the largest square in the main city of 'Tal'. About a hundred square fireworks boxes had been placed on the ground here, and many players were attracted by these boxes. , but because it wasn't the main quest they took, the sweaty green-skinned goblin in front of the fireworks box just repeated some words mechanically, and didn't issue quests to those players.

"Mata, what happened?"

Eve and Ruby saw the red exclamation mark on the goblin's head at the same time. Eve seemed to be very familiar with this NPC, so she called out its name and asked.

"Oh, it's 'please spend all my money', my friend, although you have helped me complete so many fireworks, I forgot to tell you that there is still one last piece of material here, with which fireworks can Fired up smoothly."

The NPC goblin Mata stopped running around in a hurry after seeing the designated player he was waiting for appeared, but gave a task reminder.

"Impossible! The fireworks in this game have been completed, isn't it just a matter of lighting the fire?"

"It's the shards of the stars. Only by adding the shards of the stars can it be fired smoothly."

"Xing, you big head! Do you dare to confront me with the chemical formula of gunpowder? If there are no such ghost fragments, you can set off the fire, and I will smash your dog's head!"

Eve was so angry that her face was flushed. She found that this game was not scientific at all, and even started anti-science. If she knew who the chemistry teacher of this goblin was, she would have to kill him. Now she is also angrily launching a game with an NPC. Lost temper.

"Now the fragment of the star has appeared, see that arc? Please give it to me within 10 minutes, so that I can set off the most beautiful fireworks in the world."

Although this game has emotional NPCs, there are also dull ones. Obviously this goblin is one of them. Its AI makes it impossible to understand what Eve is saying. It just raises its thin arm and points to a path that happens to be in the sky. The golden light that flashed across the center said that the light did not mean to fall towards the main city, but fell willfully into the mountains outside the main city.

At this time, Eve has also received the task, and put an hourglass on her head that can flow for 10 minutes, and watched it start to decay second by second.
PS, Mo Aotian: The fireworks will not be green, right?
PS, I’m sorry to tell you that the author got bronchitis because of Jia Geng’s overdose (correct, sure), and he will have to hang up for about a week. It's just a cough, nothing serious

(End of this chapter)

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