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Chapter 332 Tears of the Goddess

Chapter 332 Tears of the Goddess
"What is this, clam spirit?"

Akua looked curiously at the dwarf who suddenly appeared in Ruby's hand, and her clam shells as the main ones really made people think that sea clams had become spirits.

"You are the clam spirit! I am the noble Hailar tribe."

This little girl who claims to be from the Hailar tribe is really small, and everyone can only see her long black hair draped over her shoulders after careful observation. Her round face should be an immature girl. Judging from the size of her chest, there is no It can be seen that it caused her troubles in action.

Now this little one was talking with the trident in her hand beside her, Akua squinted her eyes and managed to see a little proud expression on her little face.

"What is that, I've never heard of it."

Akua thought carefully about the races in the sea and remembered the existence of such a race, and said with a confused expression.

"Guys like you certainly haven't heard the name of our ethnic group, after all, we are the orthodox goddess hand-picked."

"What are you talking about! The one chosen by the goddess is obviously our mermaid tribe."

Akua's hair exploded now. This is simply a resounding insult. All the races in the sea know that the goddess loves the mermaid tribe the most. Of course Akua is also proud of it, but this little man who suddenly popped up said so It made her very dissatisfied and reached out to grab her, wanting to teach her a lesson.


Instead of hiding from Akua's hand, the Hyrule man grabbed the finger that was a little bigger than her with both hands and pulled it hard, smashing Miss Mermaid to the ground abruptly.

"See, this is the gap between you and me."

The Hyrule who completed the shoulder throw said happily, and Ruby was also curious that her small body could produce such strength.

"Miss Hailar, may I ask what your name is, and why are you insulting the Mermaid?"

Ruby shook his palm and asked, causing the little man to wobble unsteadily and sit on the hard clam shell, which could be regarded as revenge for Miss Mermaid.

"Listen well, my name is Zelda. As for what I just said, I have to start with our ancestors, but I don't want to say that there is nothing to eat."

Sitting on the ground with her hands on her hips, Zelda said to Ruby with the appearance of "I'm so awesome, let's do my hips first", and made her an assorted fruit and cream with the existing ingredients on the spot. The gluttonous guy started to move chairs and prepare popcorn to listen to stories after he was full.

If you ask what makes human beings linger in the sea, the answer you get is almost rich seafood and pure water elements, but some magicians who do research may tell you that there is a creature called rainbow clam in the sea that is very popular. , they are only the size of a palm, but the colorful shells are as beautiful as a rainbow, and even if the clams inside lose their lives, the shells will maintain the same rainbow color for hundreds of years.

The number of this kind of mussels is very small, and it is impossible to catch them one by one like catching fish, and they also have a very research-worthy characteristic, this mussel shell can help them leave any magic enchantment, it is still many years A former magician who likes to raise fish discovered it. He used a magic enchantment to make a transparent aquarium, so that he could watch the fish he raised very well.

Among them is the rainbow clam. This ability to ignore magic barriers is really against the sky, but then the rainbow clams were caught back because of their poor movement speed. After that, countless experiments were done to find that they can really penetrate all barriers. causing their value to rise again.

These materials are popularized by Ruby to the girls, and the story of Zelda begins with their ancestors. Of course, this matter is inseparable from the goddess of water.

One day, the goddess playing in the lower world was walking on the bottom of the sea, and suddenly saw colorful colors shining on the sand on the bottom of the sea. The curious goddess went over and took a look, and found that the light was two clam shells, one of which was slightly larger. A big hole was opened, exposing the clam meat inside, and the other was moving with difficulty with the ax foot. What caught the goddess' attention was that every time the small clam shell moved a little distance, it would stick out the ax foot to stick to the injured The clam shell, trying to pull it to his side, has been repeating such steps to move.

The goddess tilted her head and thought for a while, and soon used her divine power to search for what happened. She is the goddess of water, and nothing that happens in the water can escape her perception, even if it is the past.

Soon she found the experience of two clam shells, they were a male and a female pair, the bigger one was discovered by human hunters one day, and was able to escape when there was a big storm on the sea by luck, but still It was blown up by human magic, which is already a very serious injury in mussels. If there is no shell to protect the inner mussel meat, it is difficult to escape the capture of some carnivorous fish.

And its partner never gave up on it, and they walked together for a long time, and the goddess who knew the inside story burst into tears. She had such feelings for a race that was just beginning to have wisdom. She held the two rainbow clams together In the palm of the hand, two tears fell on the clam shell separated by the sea water like a solid. Even the goddess did not expect the miracle caused by the tears. It also began to transform into a human form, and eventually became the current Hailar tribe.

The reason can only be said that gods have different powers. Although gods are superior, they also have emotions like human beings, but they will not easily have such emotions after seeing too much. Akua’s tears are the tears of the heart Tears are different from those tears of waking up and tears of laughter, which is why such a miracle can be produced.

Let's use the human favorite God of Light as an example. If he saw such a story, he would never cry. If he died, he would help them heal. Perhaps only the naive Akuya would do this.Although the God of Light loves human beings, he doesn't care about so many wars in the past and present. Maybe he just sits in front of the TV and picks his feet to watch.

"That's how the great Hyrule race came about. You mermaid race are just servants, but we are a race with the power of a goddess."

Zelda still maintained the waist-throwing posture, and after telling the story, he took a big bite of the fruit that Ruby had prepared, showing a satisfied expression.

"It's a long story, so Miss Zelda, how did you appear here?"

Ruby can only lament that there are so many wonders in the world, and gods are indeed very magical species. In contrast, Moyuna seems to have only reached the level of gods in magic power, and nothing else has been developed.

"It was the patriarch who asked me to come. He said that the reincarnation of the goddess will appear soon, and he came to help her in order to repay the kindness of the goddess."

After speaking, Zelda looked around, as if she really wanted to find out where the reincarnation of the goddess was and immediately went to serve her.

"Is that so, the race of Link and Mipha has continued to this day?"

From the perspective that everyone ignored, Akua's eyes seemed to lose focus, and she muttered words that she didn't even realize.
PS, all the names in this chapter are jokes (laughs)
(End of this chapter)

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