Chapter 470

However, a person's patience, after all, has a limit.

Not only did Qi Liuao not express anything to Master Shangshu, the future father-in-law, he didn't even look at Master Shangshu...

The courtiers who complimented Lord Shangshu kept saying congratulations in Lord Shangshu's ear.

Qi Liuao passed by Master Shang Shu, and he should not be able to see it.

Qi Liuyan walked beside Qi Liuao silently, taking Master Shangshu's expression into his eyes.

After leaving the main hall and on the way to the gate of the palace, Qi Liuyan couldn't help but said: "Brother Emperor, do you really want to marry the daughter of the Shangshu family?"

Qi Liuyan asked Qi Liuao more than once about this question, how many times did Qi Liuyan have to ask him to be satisfied and stop asking?
Qi Liuao glanced at Qi Liuyan, a look that was enough for Qi Liuyan to understand.

Qi Liuyan rubbed his nose: "Isn't my brother concerned about Brother Dahuang?"

Qi Liuao's matter, Qi Liuao must be clear before he can think about the next step. Should he help Qi Liuao, or stand aside and be a bystander?
"Don't worry about these meaningless..."

Qi Liuao responded in one gulp, with dissatisfaction on his face.

Qi Liuyan nodded embarrassingly: "Well, this matter should not be mentioned in front of the eldest sister-in-law..."

If you want to mention it in front of Lu Qingge, Gu Qingge cares, even if Qi Liuyan jumps into the Yellow River, he can't wash it away.

What kind of messy things are in Qi Liuyan's mind?

Qi Liuao didn't even want to listen anymore, when he arrived at the gate of the palace, Qi Liuao's carriage was leaning against Qi Liuyan's horse.

They each got into the carriage and horse, Qi Liuao and Qi Liuyan walked separately.

Qi Liuao returned to the palace, the palace was no different from usual...

Qi Liuao went to the study as usual. During this period of time, Gu Qingge was resting in the bedroom.

Glancing at Rufeng who was following beside him, Qi Liuao asked uncertainly, "What is the princess doing?"

There was a hint of embarrassment on Rufeng's face...

This question asked by Qi Liuao made it difficult for Rufeng to answer.

Qi Liuao went out to go to the morning court. Gu Qingge called Rufeng, Xiao Feifei and others together. Seeing that Gu Qingge looked very anxious, Rufeng's heart was lifted up. Could it be that there is something important? Want them to deal with it?
Who would have thought that Gu Qingge would let Xiao Feifei, Rufeng and others go to the street to buy some things...

The things I bought were all rouge and gouache.

Piles after piles, Ru Feng, Xiao Feifei and the others couldn't be carried back...

Looking at Lu Qingge looking excitedly at the things they brought back, Xiao Feifei couldn't help asking: "What are you preparing for?"

Such an obvious thing, one or two can't see it?
Lu Qingge explained in a rare good mood: "Of course it's a bride price..."

Qi Liuao wants to marry the daughter of the Shangshu family, shouldn't he prepare something to show his sincerity?

Gu Qingge thought about things that Qi Liuao couldn't think of, not to mention, this should have been done by Lu Qingge...

"Princess, I'm preparing the dowry."

Under Qi Liuao's oppressive eyes, Rufeng explained honestly and clearly.

Qi Liu proudly heard the words, his deep eyes sank slightly, and after a while, his thin lips raised lightly and said: "Whatever the princess needs, you are all satisfied."

As soon as Qi Liu's proud words fell, he walked into the study...

Chang Jinglan, standing like the wind at the door of the study, looked at each other, somewhat confused about what Gu Qingge and Qi Liuao were thinking.

In this palace, there is absolutely no place for it, except for Gu Qingge, the second mistress.

I don't know who spread the news about Lu Qingge preparing a dowry for Nan Gongqin.

The image of Lu Qingge in the hearts of the common people suddenly changed again...

Even the empress has changed towards Lu Qingge, it doesn't matter whether Lu Qingge is sincere or not.

What matters is what's on the scene...

Hearing that Lu Qingge was preparing something, Nan Gongqin angrily smashed everything in the bedroom.

Nangongqin's personal maid was persuading Nangongqin, but Nangongqin couldn't listen to a word.

Who cares about the things that Gu Qingge prepared?
Qi Liuao didn't pay attention to Nangongqin, but Gu Qingge did. What's the matter?

Nangongqin clearly remembered what Gu Qingge said to Nangongqin at the gate of the palace last time.

Is Lu Qingge indirectly protesting against Nan Gongqin?

Nangongqin sat on the chair frantically, panting heavily, and couldn't swallow the breath in her heart no matter what.

Lord Shangshu heard the news, came to Nangongqin's bedroom, and saw the torn things that were smashed by Nangongqin, His face sank instantly...

He picked up his steps and walked in. As soon as Nan Gongqin saw Master Shangshu, he immediately showed an aggrieved face: "Daddy..."

"What have you become?"

Before Nangongqin could complain to Lord Shangshu, Lord Shangshu first shouted at Nangongqin: "You are going to be the side concubine of the great prince, this is the etiquette you have learned?"

Is this what Nangongqin wants?

If Lu Qingge hadn't pushed her into a hurry, Nangongqin would never have done such a thing...

"What is the side concubine of the great prince? That's just Daddy, you are delusional. Dawang, you don't want to marry your daughter at all. Daddy sees that the great prince attaches a little importance to me?"

Nangongqin simply took this opportunity to express her grievances!

"From the day the emperor made the decree, the great prince didn't consider this matter to exist at all. Only our family foolishly took this marriage matter to heart..."

Nangong Qin felt unwilling, whether it was about Gu Qingge's matter or Qi Liuao's matter.

What Nangong Qin wants is to be taken seriously by Lu Qingge and Qi Liuao...

It would be best if Lu Qingge could lower his posture in front of Nangongqin. Why should Lu Qingge ride on Nangongqin's head as a person with no status?
"Father, if we want to continue with this situation, our Nangong family has no place in the prince's heart..."

The one with status is Lu Qingge, and only Gu Qingge.

When Nangongqin said this, why did Lord Shangshu not understand?
At the banquet, Qi Liuao had already expressed his words clearly...

For the time being, he will not marry any side concubine. It is enough to have the concubine Lu Qingge by his side.

It was Lord Shang Shu who insisted on marrying Nangong Qin into the palace of the Great Prince. Nangong Qin has no right to complain at all...

After Nangongqin made a fuss, Master Shangshu became irritable.

Lord Shang Shu felt no better than Nan Gongqin: "Okay, shut up, you won't get the attention of the great prince, isn't it the great princess?"

Master Shangshu is old and confused, right?
How could it be possible that Lu Qingge really valued Lord Shangshu?

"Murong Qingge's attitude is the same as that of the great prince. What she did was all on stage..."

(End of this chapter)

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