Chapter 221 Bicycle Lover (3)

In life, the luckiest thing is that the person you love loves you unreservedly.Fortunately, the one you have a crush on is just like you, watching your every move, every frown and smile.

This night is so long, because we all look forward to imagining tomorrow.

Waking up in the morning, Su Momo just opened the door when she saw Enen waiting at the door with a smile on her face.

Seeing this, Su Momo looked at her suspiciously.

Enen smiled and said: "Young Mistress, hurry up and have breakfast, the young master has been waiting for you for a long time." Enen looked shy and cheerful, like a girl waiting to be married.

"Yes." Su Momo replied to En En calmly, and when she was about to go downstairs, En En said again, "Young Mistress, for the convenience of today's trip, you changed into a simple set of clothes."

En En's expression is wonderful, she is so happy, the young master is going out with the young mistress today, which means that the relationship between the two is relatively smooth, and the young master's happiness is just around the corner.

Su Momo smiled but said nothing, nodded, and returned to the room. The moment she turned around, her heart was very sweet. Maybe today will be different.

After a while, Su Momo was sent to the destination designated by Shangguanqian by Lao Liu.

On the edge of City X, there are countless people, a paradise in a dream, here, there are thousands of varieties of chrysanthemums gathered, and this season, they are all budding or blooming in full bloom.

However, it can only be heard, but few people can see it.It is said that its owner planted it to commemorate his first love, because his first love, who liked chrysanthemums, was killed by a car accident.

When the plane flies around it, you can see the shape of "I'm fine" full of pain, big and small, countless, surrounded by flower seedlings.

That is because, with this layer of mystery, it is even more popular to spread it.

Momo Su stopped in place, unable to move, her eyes sparkled with excitement.

The colorful chrysanthemums are blooming in various poses, charming, graceful, dignified, enthusiastic and unrestrained, and there are so many kinds of them that make Su Momo mesmerized.

The stems are light green, sometimes purple, the leaves are oblong, and the green edges are serrated.Alone or in groups of flowers, standing on the top of the branches, dancing lightly, so brilliant and beautiful.

Su Momo was already stuck in such a picturesque and poetic scene, and couldn't extricate herself. Just by closing her eyes, she could smell the refreshing fragrance.

It can let you imagine it, forget all the right and wrong, just watch and listen so intently.

Suddenly, Su Momo's eyes darkened. Throughout the ages, the poets of the past have given him extensive and far-reaching symbolic meanings for plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum.

"The chrysanthemums stand in the autumn smoke and weep dew, the curtains are cold, and the swallows fly away." In the works of Yan Shu, a poet of the Northern Song Dynasty, the chrysanthemums are endowed with a sad style.

"Don't be ecstasy, the curtain rolls in the westerly wind, and people are thinner than yellow flowers." From Li Qingzhao, the number one poetess throughout the ages, with deep lovesickness.

"Pick chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, and see Nanshan leisurely." Tao Yuanming, a pastoral poet, gave chrysanthemums an image that transcends the world and has spirituality.

These deeply influential verses really fully interpret the chrysanthemum.

At the same time, sincere friendship, pure love, lofty faith, perseverance, unyielding, holy and chaste... all represent and embody the chrysanthemum, which cannot be spoken.

(End of this chapter)

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