Lonely laughing allure: shallow love, long hatred

Chapter 101 It's time to come, but it's still here

Chapter 101 It's time to come, but it's still here (5)

Su Momo came from a wealthy family, but she didn't have the vulgarity of many such people.

A person can be seen from the details. Over the years, he has already developed such a habit.

Behind the young master, it will definitely change in the direction the master expected, butler Xie, who is behind Momo Su, can't help but smile.

With Su Momo chewing slowly, he ate a meal for half an hour.

She was the only one, being watched by several pairs of eyes, Su Momo was still a little uncomfortable.

However, she, who is highly cultivated, did not feel the slightest discomfort, and made every move.All reveal full elegance and nobility.

Such a woman does not have the arrogance to reject others, nor does she have a savage temperament.Beautiful without makeup, delicate face.It is pleasing to the eye and does not dare to be profane.

Afraid, if you are not careful, you will break such a beauty, a rare natural state.

Su Momo finished her meal in front of everyone's eyes, and went upstairs to her room under everyone's eyes.

The afternoon passed quickly, and Su Momo stayed in the room, still writing her work.

During this period, Enen will not bother.

Soon, at 05:30 in the afternoon, Shangguanqian arrived home early.

Because it was nearly an hour and a half from here to the ancestral house, he wanted to go early and return early, so he set off from the company in advance.

When Shangguankong left, he deliberately transferred most of the people from the mansion, and now it is even more empty.

Shangguanqian entered the house, but there was no one there, so Shangguankong called him personally to arrange for him to send Momo Su to the ancestral house safely, so Shangguanqian had no choice but to do so. His closest relative was only his grandfather, so, It's not difficult for him to pick up someone after he's married.

However, thinking of last night, Shangguan's shallow breathing was still somewhat confused.

Su Momo, a woman, can't she give him some comfort?Stride to go upstairs.

Su Momo didn't lock the door. She thought that there were not many people in the house now. In her position, could anyone see her, so she closed the door slightly.

Shangguanqian saw such a scene through the gap that was not closed tightly.

Su Momo looked at the screen intently, sometimes frowning, sometimes smiling.

In her world, it seems that she and her words are free.Every plant and tree in the outside world has nothing to do with her.

Under the sunlight, her side face was white with a little pink.

Clean eyes, without the colors in this world.

Shangguanqian may not even pay attention to himself, how tender is the look he is looking at Su Momo at this moment, just like the deep affection that only lovers can have.

"Cough." Shangguanqian made a noise on purpose, because he himself was a little guilty.

Su Momo focused on the screen, but there was nothing at all. He heard other sounds in the room besides the keyboard and breathing.

The person at the door frowned.

She did it on purpose, Shangguanqian thought, she was still holding a grudge about Ling Chao.

"Bang bang." Such a loud sound made Su Momo think that the house was about to collapse.

Looking towards the source of the sound, Shangguanqian was wearing a formal suit, which set off his perfect figure and made him extraordinarily handsome.

Shangguanqian's facial features belonged to the upper class and delicate.

Coupled with that expensive dress, he exudes an irresistible vigor all over his body.

Su Momo turned her eyes away in disgust, she didn't need to respect this statue, she didn't forget how he humiliated her yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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