Passionately 0a

Chapter 2 Sister?

Chapter 2 Sister?

The final exam was over, and the air pressure instantly changed.The road is full of people dragging their suitcases home.Rong Xiqing was not in a hurry to go home.Instead, I went for a stroll in the north with my roommates, and after having had enough fun, I dragged my luggage back home in a dispirited mood.

Rong Xiqing's parents divorced when she was 15 years old.Rong Xiqing's mother Ji Youhan is an artist, well, strictly speaking, she is a freelancer.She looks very heroic, with a strong and uninhibited look between her eyebrows.In Xiqing's memory, mom and dad rarely spend time together.Mother travels around the country 365 days out of 300 days a year, and sometimes flies to foreign countries.His father, Rong Jing'an, runs an advertising company, and is quite famous in Jingchang City.Since she was in junior high school, the school's parent meeting has always been held by her father. Most of the birthdays are accompanied by her father and classmates.Until her parents divorced peacefully, she followed her father, and her stepmother Han Yun took a boy who was one year younger than her, Ling Qian.

The stepmother was very kind to her. In Rong Xiqing's words, her stepmother completely broke the traditional image in conventional gossip novels, and she was definitely the best stepmother.She is not an ignorant child. Like some children, she thinks that her stepmother is a born witch and a vicious queen.From the bottom of her heart, she is grateful.

The following is the memory dividing line -
In order to give his daughter a complete family, after a year, his father and Han Yun remarried.They did not hold a wedding, but invited some relatives and friends symbolically, and booked more than a dozen tables in the hotel.It was then that I saw Ling Qian for the first time.

Rong Xiqing had a big heart, she calmly called Aunt Han, received a big red envelope and sat down.

"Where's Xiaoqian?" Father Rong asked Han Yun.

"Hey, that kid," Mother Han sighed, "I know to hang out with that group of friends all day long, but it's time to come in a while, no matter how naughty this kid is, he's got his way."

"Mom!" Ling Qian walked over holding the basketball.

"Going to play basketball again, it's so hot that I don't know how to take a break, let's wipe off my sweat first." Han Yun took out a piece of paper for Ling Qian. "This is your Uncle Rong. This is your Uncle Rong's daughter. She is one year older than you. She should be called sister."

"Sister?" Ling Qian laughed, looking darkly at Rong Xiqing who was reading a novel with her head down.

No matter how addicted to novels Rong Xiqing had to raise her head at this moment. "It's you!!" She widened her eyes and yelled out in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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