Chapter 143 Yan Huiya, I've seen you?

Xuanyuanji took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "Chihiro, even if I'm stupid, I'm still mad at you!"

Xuanyuanji used to be a breezy person with an open-minded and open-minded nature. Even after waking up again after undergoing a huge change, he quickly accepted the reality. Just listening to Feng Qianxun's teasing, Xuanyuanji snorted a little bit in disbelief. "Fortunately, in order to save you, I fell off the cliff with you. Fortunately, you didn't say thank you, but you still laughed at me! Hmph!"

"Uh, I didn't laugh at you, am I afraid that you will be stimulated by myself..."

Hearing this, Feng Qianxun rubbed her nose with an embarrassing face, looked at Xuanyuanji and said nana, "I went to the encouragement banquet just to meet you, Xuanyuanji. I just want to ask you about what happened back then. you……"

"I also want to ask you..."

Xuanyuan raised his head when he heard the words.

Looking at each other, Feng Qianxun immediately understood what Xuanyuanji wanted to ask.

After being stupid for three years, Xuanyuanji's memory is missing, and he doesn't know anything about Liu Yiruo and what he experienced afterwards...

"You ask first!"

Xuanyuan raised his hand to Feng Qianxun in a very gentlemanly manner, and then...

Seeing his fat hands, Xuanyuanji immediately took a deep breath.

Take it back violently!

Can not bear to look!

"When A Ruo asked you to take me away, what happened after you took me away?"

Feng Qianxun took a look at Xuanyuanji and made sure that he was fine, so she spoke slowly.

"It's a long story. Back then, I was invited by Xuanyuan Ling to have a banquet with him outside the palace. Although I knew how much he coveted the crown prince's position and how much I was on guard against him, I never thought that he would be so daring. When you invited me to a banquet, you tampered with the wine..."

"After I drank the wine, I fell into a coma. When I woke up again, I was already in the suburbs. I saw Ah Ruo fighting with Xuanyuan Ling and Feng Jianjia. You passed out and I woke up instantly. Having fallen into the trap of Xuanyuan Ling and Feng Jianjia, he probably wants to use the mechanism to trap you and me for selfishness, and ruin my way to become the crown prince..."

"I wanted to help Ah Ruo, but I just woke up and felt exhausted. Seeing this, Ah Ruo yelled at me to take you away. After she came to die..."

"I saw that she was very anxious. I knew that she and you were like sisters. If she didn't take you out of danger, she would not feel at ease. So she took you into the carriage and fled. , who would have guessed..."

Having said that, Xuanyuanji sighed, and said with annoyed expression, "Who would have thought that there would be constant pursuers, and Xuanyuan Ling's subordinates would not give up, I was fighting with them, and at the same time, I was driving the carriage in a panic, and finally I was forced to the Yanhui Cliff ..."

Ye Youming, who had been watching with cold eyes and listening quietly, suddenly let go of his arms around his chest when he heard the words, and frowned, "Yanhuiya? Where is Yanhuiya?"

"On the outskirts of Kyoto, there is only one Yanhui Cliff. It is located in the north of Beast Mountain. It is said that the bottom of the cliff is connected to the abyss of Beast Mountain. It is a famous place in our Northern Qi Kingdom where we never return!"

Hearing the words, Xuanyuanji replied subconsciously, and then glanced at Ye Youming, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, but he frowned slightly and said, "You... who are you? Why do I look familiar to you, But I don't remember where I saw you..."

If I have seen a man with such an outstanding appearance, I should not forget it...

But he can't remember?
Xuanyuanji frowned tightly, shaking his head in pain...

Seeing this, Feng Qianxun immediately stepped forward and inserted a silver needle into Xuanyuanji's Shenchi acupoint, "Okay, don't think about it if you don't remember it, maybe..."

(End of this chapter)

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