Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 3 Taekwondo Little Girl

Chapter 3 Taekwondo Little Girl

The face under the sunglasses has a cold, lonely and inviolable majesty.

He was wearing a blue school uniform with the name of the school engraved on the front of his chest: Gangpei High School.

It seems that there is him besides her who doesn't want to see people.

Is it the way Chinese pop stars dress up for outings these days?Big sunglasses become an essential style?

The young man is tall and tall, with lean and capable muscles and bones, healthy and dark skin, a stern expression, and a face with sharp corners. He is very handsome and outstanding. Kong Wu's strong arms are holding the suitcase tightly and passing by her. Pass.

She stretched her arms and stood in front of him: "Hey, Boy, you took the wrong suitcase."

He frowned lightly and looked at her sideways.

On his left ear, two earrings of the same style were inlaid side by side, shining coldly under the light.

There is only a palm gap between the two of them, and he is a head taller than her: "This is my suitcase."

She said categorically, "Wrong, it's my suitcase."

The boy seemed a little impatient, but his tone was slow and forceful: "This is Louis Vuitton's men's suitcase."

The word "men's style" is accentuated.

"My suitcase is LV's men's suitcase." She was too lazy to talk to him, and reached out to snatch back her own suitcase from him.

How could she admit the wrong suitcase?

Season bought it from France, and she kept it the last time he visited her in the US, and it still has Season's favorite basketball team logo on it.

The young man easily pushed aside her snatching arm, and switched the suitcase to the other arm to prevent her from snatching it again.

At the same time, two big men in black came rushing from a distance, and asked the boy softly like bodyguards: "Boss, what happened?"

"It's okay." The boy was calm and calm beyond his age, and handed over the suitcase in his hand to one of the big men: "Let's go."

With an order, two big men followed him and left.

She rushed forward to stop them: "That's my brother's suitcase, you can't take it away."

The young man sneered coldly: "When did I have an extra sister?"

She seemed to be irritated by him, and without a word, she rushed forward and raised her fist to punch his smiling face.

The opponent dodged sideways, she squatted down and jumped with her left foot to attack his lower body.

He also dodged away, very easily and naturally, and praised: "So she is a little girl who practices Taekwondo."

"I'm not a little girl." She stared at him and gritted her teeth: "My name is Ye Ziye."

"Xi Wei!" Yeguya's voice came from the tense air: "Here is your suitcase!"

(End of this chapter)

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