Chapter 27

Shangguan Lu's face was ashen at the moment, biting her vermilion lips, unable to refute again, yes, she had already noticed the broken nail at that time, but time was too tight for her to find the broken nail.

Unexpectedly, a small mistake would bring about such a big flaw.

Fingerprints, skin flakes and broken nails, she couldn't even wash them off.

Zuo Zhe pressed forward step by step, pressing harder on her shoulder: "Hand over the things."

She stared at Zuo Zhe aggrievedly, and finally turned her face away: "Inside the carriage."

Hearing this, Qin Jun quickly opened her car, found the lost and recovered black box inside, and pointed at Zuo Zhe the things in his hands: "Here it is."

Shangguan Lu shouted angrily: "Can you let go?"

Qin Jun walked over with the black box, gritted his teeth and said, "No, we'll take you to Uncle Peng for the crime."

She was in a hurry: "You said that I handed over the things, and we won't hold each other accountable."

Zuo Zhe let go of her shoulders, stepped back and stood, looking at the expression on her face, the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "Next time you want to tease us, weigh yourself first."

She was not convinced: "How did you find out?"

"Your expression is revealing." However, he admired her courage and dared to challenge his and Qin Jun's authority. She deserved to be a newcomer that his father valued highly.


Zuo Zhe ignored her and raised his head towards Qin Junyang. The two quickly left the parking lot.

【—Ye Xiwei original ***Tencent release —].
Gangpei School is divided into junior high school and high school, and the two are separated by a wall.

The students in the high school are in a period of rebellion, and there are many adult students, most of them will participate in gang gatherings and fight.

There are associations and gangs among students, and it is commonplace to fight in schools.

But the students in the junior high school are different. They are still young, and their student style and school discipline are not bad, which is almost the same as that of ordinary junior high schools.

The most here is cursing and one-on-one, and there will be absolutely no group fights.

This is also one of the reasons why Season assured her that she came in to study.

In the morning, when Ye Ziye was standing on the podium in the classroom, introducing herself, the students in the audience became commotion, all because of her handsome appearance and attire.

The school uniform in early autumn is a long white shirt, a red and black and white checked skirt, and a tie of the same color around the neck. It can be very elegant and cute on girls.

(End of this chapter)

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