Chapter 1252 Changes in Life
It is said that Xiao Ai will send a text message to Guangyou before going to bed after the study is over, and he will know what time she went to bed when he wakes up the next day, however.
At two o'clock in the morning the next day, Xiao Ai completed the research goal she set today ahead of schedule.

After washing up, she went back to her room and changed into pajamas, and after lying down in bed, Xiao Ai sent a text message to Guangyou as said.

After sending the text message and putting the phone aside, Xiao Ai closed her eyes and fell asleep.

3 minutes ago, on the third floor of the office
Conan, who got up in the middle of the night and was about to go to the bathroom, frowned, half-opened his sleepy eyes, and saw light on Guangyou's bed.

After stopping in place and rubbing his eyes, Conan saw Guangyou leaning against the head of the bed with a mobile phone in his hand.

He then asked:

"What time is it?"

"You can't talk for so long, can you?"

"No chat." Guangyou didn't hide anything, and explained to him, "Wait for my family to tell me that she's gone to sleep."

"What do you mean?" Conan basically woke up, but he still didn't understand what it meant.

Do you want to wait for the other party to finish talking first when chatting?

"I just want to know what time she studies until she goes to bed every day."

"I knew she was staying up all night studying, so I couldn't fall asleep, so I just sat here and waited for her text message."

After a brief explanation, Guangyou reminded Conan again, he said:
"She doesn't know about it, so don't tell it, do you hear me?"

Now Conan understood, and he replied:

"Don't worry, I'm fine, what are you talking about?"

"Then wait slowly, I'll go to the bathroom."

After speaking, he opened the door and left the room.

And Guangyou was lying on the bed, waiting for Xiaoai's text message with his mobile phone.

It didn't take long before he received her text message.

After that, Guangyou put the phone next to the pillow, lay down and fell asleep.

Ever since he learned that Xiao Ai stayed up late every night to do research, Guangyou also adjusted his life slightly.

Every morning before the sun was fully lit, he would get up and go for a jog downstairs to buy ingredients.

Spend half an hour preparing breakfast for five.

He tried his best to ensure that the breakfast was not the same every day while ensuring nutrition.

Fortunately, it's only been a few days, and he didn't worry about what to do today.

During the lunch break at noon, Guangyou and Xiao Ai would still go for a walk, but the time was reduced a lot.

He will go back to the classroom with Xiao Ai in advance, and let Xiao Ai use the remaining 10 minutes before the end of lunch break to catch up on sleep.

You can sleep on the table, or sleep in his arms, he can too.

Anyway, even if Xiao Ai said she wasn't sleepy, she had to close her eyes and squint for a while.

The nap time should not be too long, about 15 minutes is enough, and you will be more sleepy if you sleep for a long time, so you can use this time for lunch break.

And Xiao Ai also knew that Guangyou was doing it for her own good, so even if she didn't feel sleepy, she would squat on the table and squint for a while.

There are so many people in the school, she is too embarrassed to lie down.

However, although Xiao Ai said she was not sleepy, she fell asleep within a few minutes.

After school, Guangyou occasionally takes Xiao Ai out to play for a while to relax, and then sends her back early.

After all, people are not machines, so they have to relax properly.

In the first few days, Guangyou couldn't sleep at night, so he just leaned against the head of the bed like that day, and sent him a text message when Xiao Ai finished his research.

He didn't go to sleep until he received the text message.

Later this situation changed.

After he has figured out what to do for the next day and has written it down, he goes to sleep.

This kind of life lasted for a while.

During this time, nothing major happened.

In terms of the detective agency and Uncle Mori, "Sleeping Kogoro" is famous, so there are not many people who come to Uncle Mori to solve the case.

Without the ability to match the title, no matter how big the title is, it is useless.

But this is not a problem for the firm.

With the help of Conan, the detection rate of Maori Detective Agency is as high as 100%.

Of course, these cases were not all solved by Conan, and there were not many cases that Uncle Maori solved by himself.

There are not many murder cases involving human life, but they are not too few.

On average, there are about two or three homicides a week.

Some were met by Conan and Guangyou by accident, and some were directly asked by Uncle Maoli.

More commissions, from another perspective, means more money earned.

This made Uncle Maori very happy.

In terms of other people's lives, Xiaolan's life is the same as usual, going to school and taking care of the family, nothing has changed much.

Not without words.

During the recent period, Conan often used the identity of Kudo Shinichi to contact Xiaolan.

Therefore, Xiaolan's mood is much better.

Occasionally, because Kudo Shinichi has not shown up for a long time, he loses his temper, but he can reconcile in a blink of an eye.

She wasn't really angry. On the one hand, she missed Kudo Shinichi, and on the other hand, she was worried about his personal safety.

The two are childhood sweethearts, and Xiaolan knows what kind of character Kudo Shinichi is like.

Ordinary people are fine, but Kudo Shinichi is a reasoning fanatic, and he can't help but want to know the truth when encountering a case.

In the process of solving the case, it is inevitable that there may be dangers.

After all, not every prisoner will be caught after revealing his identity.

If he met a desperado, with his force value, it would be too easy to get into trouble.

As for why Conan kept in touch with Xiaolan more, it was also because he saw the hope of turning back in Friday.

He felt that the day when he would turn back into Kudo Shinichi would not be long.

Therefore, the usual worries are much less.

And Guangyou also saw it in his eyes.

He deliberately gave Conan a temporary antidote that was effective for one day.

Let Conan really use Kudo Shinichi's identity to meet Xiaolan, brush up his sense of presence, and tell Xiaolan by the way that he is really fine.

One day was chosen because changing back to one day would not have much impact, and theoretically, the side effects and drug resistance would be much smaller.

The two were out on a date that day and had a good time, but Conan still didn't confess his love to Xiaolan.

Conan didn't confess his love this time, Guangyou can understand.

The effect of the medicine is only one day.

Isn't it a little bad to find an excuse to leave after confessing?

It's better to wait for the showdown with Xiaolan before the decisive battle to confess your love, or wait until the end of the confession.

During the recent period, Friday has been collecting the information that Guangyou asked him to collect, and absorbing all kinds of knowledge through the Internet.

In the beginning, it was necessary to manually screen the collected data.

Basically, every day, you can see that there are fewer and fewer materials that need to be screened. In the last few days, there may be only one that needs to be deleted.

And because the storage space is limited, Friday also came up with a technology to compress files, which can effectively reduce the size of the data.

This was something Guangyou didn't expect, and it gave them a more intuitive view of artificial intelligence.

However, Guangyou went out to buy a hard drive at a big price and installed it on Friday.

During this time, Xiao Ai was still working on a permanent antidote.

With a lot of strong help, she can save a lot of time for collecting data, and her daily research goals can be completed ahead of schedule.

The progress is also very gratifying.

Although this speed is not fast, it is already very good compared to the original.

During this period of time, Guangyou was also very busy.

In addition to taking care of Xiao Ai and strengthening his own training, he participated in the management of his property for the first time.

Let Cheng, who is usually responsible for these things, make various jokes:

"It's really strange that you, a big boss, would come to help."

Naturally, Guangyou doesn't care about Chengshi's teasing.

He is indeed a "hands-off shopkeeper", there is nothing to refute, so he explained with Chengshi:
"Aren't you free recently?"

"So I'm here to help you, Sister Chengshi, share a little."

 Pretty bland.
(End of this chapter)

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