Chapter 82

Ye He carefully put the eggs into the cupboard again, that's right, the two old hens at home lay fewer eggs, and now these chickens are equivalent to being raised by her, isn't it just a sense of accomplishment? .

Liu Man'er stood up again, and followed Ye He to the backyard. She was going to look for the laying chicken, and then reward it well. Liu Man'er said that she will be rewarded for her merits and punished for her mistakes.

The chicken laid the first egg and set a good example for the other chickens, so she will reward him well.

In the backyard, Ye He couldn't even find the chicken that laid eggs, but Liu Man'er found it easily. Liu Man'er fed the chicken and ate grains, and then called Ye Yuan to let him feed it. These chickens make some nests for laying eggs.

With this first one, there must be more chickens laying eggs tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and the nests will be prepared in advance, so as to save these chickens from laying eggs everywhere, and it is easy to break these eggs.

Ye Yuan found a tree and built a shelf on top of the chicken fence. The chickens like to lay eggs at high places, because in this way, they feel more secure.

Ye Yuan's shelf is neither high nor short, these hens can just fly up, and Liu Man'er asks Fu Lu to put some straw in, so that the rows of chicken coops are considered ready.

Liu Man'er is also waiting for these chickens to lay eggs. Ye He is right, after raising these chickens, she will not have to work in the future, and relying on these chickens, she can live comfortably.

Of course, although these chickens are omnivorous animals, they are usually fed with worms, but they still have to be fed with some food, such as corn, broken rice, and cooked vegetables and leaves mixed together, these chickens eat with relish.

In addition to chickens, today's ducks have actually grown up, but the laying period of ducks will be one or two months later than chickens, so they should not lay eggs for the time being, but unlike chickens, ducks lay eggs at night , She doesn't have to worry about picking up eggs.

In fact, it is said to raise chickens and ducks well, and when they lay eggs, they can sell eggs without worrying about food and clothing, but in fact, it is not that simple to take good care of these chickens and ducks. It is difficult to deal with them.

Not to mention cleaning the backyard every day, the chicken pens and duck pens must be cleaned well, and every day cooking and boiling water, Liu Man'er let them dump the hot ashes into the chicken pens and duck pens, which can be regarded as killing. Sterilize.

Otherwise, these chickens and ducks are prone to illness, and fleas will also grow.

This is what Liu Man'er is afraid of. If these chickens and ducks get fleas, she will be finished walking around the backyard every day. There are so many ancient clothes, if fleas get caught, it will take a long time to wipe them out. difficulty.

The chicken breeders are still afraid that the chickens will get chicken plague, but this year is a good year, and this has never happened to the chickens in the village, and Liu Man'er's chickens are even more lively and jumping every day.

For the sake of cleanliness, she divided a large piece of land in the backyard into the activity area of ​​these chickens and ducks. Even if she moved to a new house in the future, she would have to do the same, so as to save the house from being dirty.

Some people in this village are like this, because these chickens are raised casually, so the house is full of chicken feces, it is very dirty, Liu Man'er is not like this, she specially asked Ye Yuan to surround the fence, not allowing those chickens and ducks to come out.

The Fang family also loves cleaning, and they go to clean it almost every day. Now that there is Fu Lu, this work is handed over to Fu Lu. It may be because she doesn't have to clean it herself. Liu Man'er has added tasks to Fu Lu. Every few days, Lu boiled hot water to rinse the chicken pen and duck pen, and the girl Fu Lu obediently followed suit.

But Liu Man'er felt sorry for her young age, she didn't let her do the work of carrying water, she sometimes let Ye Yuan do it, and sometimes went back to fetch water by herself, so Fu Lu usually does housework at home, she is a diligent little girl Every day, she cleaned the inside and outside of the house, and the front and back of the yard. Liu Man'er liked her very much, and even asked Fang to make new clothes for her.

Now there are more rabbits in the house, Liu Man'er occasionally asks Ye Yuan to bring some fat rabbits to the restaurant to sell, and each fat rabbit can be sold for almost [-] yuan, so adding up, it can be regarded as an income.

But while earning income here, building a house at home requires a lot of money outside. Others' homes have mud walls or fence walls, and Liu Man'er's yard needs solid green bricks for the walls.

There are people in the village who specialize in brick-burning. Knowing that Ye Yuan's family is so generous, they send the bricks from the previous kilns to the foundation of Ye Yuan's house, and at the same time, they decisively open the kiln to burn bricks again. , the laborers in the village are basically busy, and even invited people from other villages to help.

If you have something to do, it means you have money to make, and if you have money to make, it means that you can have a good year this year, so the people in this village are jealous that Ye Yuan's family has the money to build such a good house, and at the same time they are licking their faces Come to your door and ask for something to do.

Ye Yuan is not a small person, anyway, who in this village doesn't talk about right and wrong behind their backs?As long as they did their homework well, he didn't care, anyway, they didn't dare to speak ill of him in front of him.

Although Liu Man'er had some minor opinions, she didn't care about it anymore. If she invited others, she would say the same thing anyway. What's more, she was busy making money now, so she didn't have time to worry about these trivial matters.

You must know that these blue bricks are not cheap, and Liu Man'er used good bricks five inches wide in order to be strong, maybe that's how people are, they always want to make their house strong and strong.

Liu Man'er is a person who likes stability. She has a low sense of security, especially in this ancient time. Some turmoil might happen again at any time. Having a strong house is more important than anything else.

As a result, there is not a small amount of money to be spent every day. In addition to the cost of raw materials, the labor cost is also not to be underestimated. Fortunately, I still have some savings before, and now I can make a little money by making sachets every day.

Liu Man'er estimated that there is still some money to build this house, mainly because it takes a lot of money to build furniture. What's more, Liu Man'er plans to use marble to lay a flat ground in the backyard. There are places.

There is also the chashou corridor, she also plans to use marble to pounce on it. In this way, the ground will not be covered with mud when it rains. As for the yard, she has thought about it. The paths extending in all directions should be paved with cobblestones. You won’t get your shoes wet on rainy days, and sometimes you can take off your shoes and go for a walk, and you can also have a free foot massage.

But all of these require effort and money.

No matter, just take one step at a time, take your time, and make money when you have no money.

At night, when Liu Man'er has nothing to do, she will keep accounts in the house, recording expenses and income, so that at the end of the year, she will not know where her money is spent. Ye Yuan often laughs at her when she sees it. A little money fan, Fang called her housekeeper.

She accepted it gladly. In fact, she didn't like to manage money very much, but now the family has invited villagers to help, at least they have to calculate their wages every day, so as to avoid any misunderstanding when paying when they get the time.

This is not ignorance, but Liu Man'er was startled when she calculated that the daily wages at home were as high as one or two taels of silver, and almost all of her money for making sachets went to this wages.

Alas, making money is not easy. Seeing her money decrease day by day, Liu Man'er felt depressed. Sure enough, this landlord is not so easy to be a landlord. There is still a long way to go, and she still needs to work hard.

In the past few days, Liu Man'er checked the sachets they made, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with them, she asked Ye Yuan to send them to the county seat, while she herself was bored at home, so she spent a whole day drawing patterns.

At noon, she stood at the door waiting for Ye Yuan, but she didn't expect that the manager from before would come to the door.

Liu Man'er hadn't seen him for a long time, but she completely forgot about this person. She only remembered him when she saw him.

Oh, it turned out to be the manager who bought peanuts last time, Liu Man'er quickly invited him in.

The steward explained the purpose of his visit, originally he wanted to come to Liu Man'er to buy some spiced peanuts, and Liu Man'er happened to have some peanuts for himself at home, so he sold them to him.

However, it was not easy for the shopkeeper to come to Liu Man'er's house from such a long distance. This time, he was very peaceful and humble, not as arrogant as before.

When Fang saw guests at home, she wanted to stay with the steward for dinner, and the steward agreed.

Liu Man'er chatted with the steward, "I'm really sorry, my head has gone to the county seat, please sit down for a while, he should be back later."

"That's how it is, you're welcome, little sister-in-law. I'm here this time mainly to buy your peanuts." The steward said:

"I didn't expect your peanuts to be so popular. Several masters in the family like to eat them. The basket you sent to our house last time was sold out very quickly, so this time you asked me to come out." Buy, are there only a few peanuts left in your house?"

"For the time being, there is only so much left. Our family originally planned to keep food for ourselves. Since you want to buy it, let's sell it to you first. Then we will do it ourselves." Liu Man'er replied.

In fact, she didn't think about selling peanuts for a long time, so she didn't do it again during this time, because after all, she didn't have a shop, and it would be inconvenient to go to the county town to sell peanuts all the time.

Her family doesn't have a carriage, and it's not good to always rent an ox cart from Tie Zhu's family. This is great.

"Your peanuts are so popular, why don't you open a shop?" The manager said a little puzzled, because it would be too inconvenient for him to come to her house to buy peanuts next time.

"The main reason is that I don't have the money to open a store. Besides, besides a mother, there are some younger siblings who need to be taken care of in my family. I am husband and wife and the two of them really can't leave."

"I see." The steward looked up and down at Liu Man'er's house, and saw that although the house was simple, it was very clean.

The two chatted for a while, and when they learned that the steward's surname was Wu, Liu Man'er didn't say much, she just let the steward Wu sit by herself, and let Fu Lu greet him, while she went to the door to look at Ye Yuan. When are you coming back.

(End of this chapter)

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