My opinion about the world

Chapter 776 The Holy Grail War ends

Chapter 776 The Holy Grail War ends

(This is the second update from yesterday...)
"Why is it you?" Sensing someone coming, Saber subconsciously drew out her sword, but she didn't expect that the person waiting was Ye Yu... This made her frown faintly and at the same time she was secretly on guard. What is the timing of the final battle here?

"You don't need to be so on guard against me, this is a battle between you and rider and I won't interfere..." Saber's alienated attitude made Ye Yu feel annoyed, so he simply complained softly and stopped thinking about it Provoke this woman who is obviously in a bad mood.But standing like this is really boring, just when he couldn't help but look around, he noticed the difference between Saber and usual at a glance...

"That scabbard..." The scabbard is by no means a rare thing, but if this extremely common object is combined with King Arthur, then it has an extraordinary meaning, "It seems that this battle The outcome of the battle is still unknown, King Arthur who picked up the scabbard again... Does this mean he has faced his heart again?"

As a treasure, Avalon can take effect no matter where it is placed, so generally speaking, it will be conceptualized and hidden in the body like the lady, but now Saber is hanging it on the waist brightly, it is undoubtedly I want to explain that she pays more attention to the meaning of the scabbard itself than the power of Avalon...Have you understood the guardian king...

"Since you don't intervene, then as an outsider, you should stay away from here!" Saber turned the blade and pointed the tip of the sword directly at Ye Yu's direction. The threat in it is self-evident... But for such a In the end, Ye Yu just shook his head. "I don't want to miss such a duel between two legendary kings... Besides, do the majestic kings need to shrink back because of a spectator?"

"Well said! How can there be no witnesses in the battle between kings?!" A wild voice came from the air, accompanied by thunder from the Shenwei wheel, "Saber, don't be so stingy No matter what you say, Brother Ye Yu is also a participant in this Holy Grail War, he has the qualifications to witness the final victory!"

"Tch..." Saber snorted dissatisfied, but after all, she didn't refute the rider's statement.Calculating carefully, four servants fell under his hands in the entire Holy Grail War. Such a proud record makes these summoned spirits feel ashamed. In this way, Rider's so-called qualifications are naturally Undoubtedly, it is precisely because of this that Saber is more wary of Ye Yu... After all, when he and Rider really decide the outcome, if he wants to seize the Holy Grail, who else can stop him?
Placing hope on the other party's ability to abide by morality is essentially a kind of irresponsible naivety to oneself.The king can be tolerant and merciful, but the only thing he can't do is to let the situation go. After holding the dominant power in his hands, no matter what he does, it is a matter of course. All that remains is the freedom to pray.

"But having said that, what about Kiritsugu? Since even the rider's master has shown up, there's no reason for him to hide in any corner." Ye Yu pretended to look around the corners, but in fact, he had been here since he came here. He was sure that Emiya Kiritsugu was not here, " he going to use his assassination method to snipe Weber again?"

"Please be careful!" Ye Yu's provocation made Saber furious, but after a while, she suddenly realized that she didn't have the room to accuse Ye Yu of making unreasonable speculations. After all, Kiritsugu's actions made it very difficult for him. What kind of trust was given in return, which made Saber lose the confidence just now in the end, "Kiritsugu is just staying with Ari... let the two of them stay for a while longer."

Saber's voice was so low that it seemed to be pleading, even Ye Yu couldn't continue to persecute her like this... Although he knew very well that Emiya Kiritsugu was not such a sentimental man, it was more important for him to stay by his wife's side In case Saber loses, he made preparations to snatch the Holy Grail in advance, but... that's all for now.

"Okay, Saber, there's no point in talking too much here... Since it's the last battle, let's have a gorgeous ending!" The atmosphere on the field was a bit dull for a while, which made people who love and enjoy fighting The Conqueror King was a little displeased, so she simply pulled out the saber at her waist and challenged Saber, "As a duel between kings, how can it be done without an army! Saber let you see how I conquered the world with me the great army!"

The rider laughed, and the magic power on his body began to evaporate rapidly, which made Weber on the side start to frown, but after only a moment, he raised his arm high and used up all three Command Seals that belonged to him, and obtained the magic power of the Command Seals The supplementary rider turned around and smiled at Weber, and then her king's army expanded to the maximum extent, and the entire Liudong Temple was replaced by a barren battlefield...

This is undoubtedly the inherent enchantment that rider obtained by relying on his subordinates who turned into heroic spirits. This battlefield is the place where she yearns for all the time, and behind her is a warrior who can die for her at any time. This is a paradise that only belongs to her and will be the ultimate nightmare for every enemy of the King of Conquerors!

"Is this your army? Rider..." Facing the neat army of 5000 men, the oppressive force was so huge that it was suffocating. Power, rider! I recognize your qualifications as a king!"

"Where does the king need anyone to admit it, little girl..." Rider's answer caused a burst of laughter, and the group of eager fighters standing beside her couldn't see the slightest bit of nervousness about the upcoming battle, maybe For them, the battlefield is the most peaceful destination.

"Really? The unrecognized king is nothing more than a lunatic who only lives in his own imagination..." Not for the sake of arguing, in the end Saber narrated it softly as if explaining a fact, at the same time she alone He took off the scabbard hanging from his waist and held it in front of his chest, "Rider, I'm afraid you will never understand... As a king, how ecstatic I was when I was recognized, maybe as a king, I am not so happy." Competent, but as long as someone is willing to obey me as king, and is willing to stand under my banner and fight for my beliefs, then no matter when I will keep the promise of the knights, I will give them asylum as a king."

"I swear to be kind to the weak, I swear to be brave against the strong, I swear to fight all mistakes..." Holding the holy sword in hand, facing the strong enemy, I chanted the oath I had made loudly, and accompanied by this symbolizes the most essential perseverance of the knight. The oaths of the king were sung again, and the heroic soul of the knight who once galloped the territory with the king also obeyed the call again.

Those are the king's most loyal knights, even if they die, they can't stop their mission of loyalty to the king, just like Iskandar has countless warriors who are still willing to go to the battlefield with her after death, the knights under Saber As the king's sharp blade and shield, it will always follow the king's footsteps until death!

The knights who obeyed the oath swear loudly with their past, the voice from the depths of the soul echoed loudly in this wilderness, and finally converged into a raging torrent that no one could ignore.

A loud neigh made Saber couldn't help turning her head back, she pulled the rein of her mount just as instinctively, turned on the horse, and behind her, 150 Knights of the Round Table rode the mount together with their king in a uniform way, this feeling made Saber Familiar yet unfamiliar, the only constant is the peace of mind that never fades...

Saber looked to her side, her two most loyal knights - Lancelot and Gawain were accompanying her on the left and right, and when they saw Saber's gaze, they both lowered their heads humbly, It's just that Lancelot's face was more imperceptible than Gawain's.

"Knights who follow the oath, please wipe out the enemies in front of me! I swear in the name of the King of Knights that I promise to bring you the glory of victory. Under my protection, you will also maintain your bravery forever! "


Saber's oath raised the morale of one's side to the highest level, even though they faced nearly 40 times as many enemies, there was no trace of fear in the eyes of these knights.Such a situation made the warriors who conquered the king feel contempt, and the emotion called anger gradually spread in the army.

"A group of guys who are about to lose their sanity..." The change on the other side made Saber couldn't help but sneer, this was almost the best time, so she pointed her sword at the place without hesitation and announced loudly, "Follow me to charge !"

(End of this chapter)

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