My opinion about the world

Chapter 206 The Fairy of Monsters

Chapter 206 The Fairy of Monsters

"Give me one of each of this, this, and that." The nights in Heiankyo belong to monsters, except for the occasional parades such as Hyakki Night Parade, most of the time they will imitate humans like this During the daytime act, open a large bazaar out of it.

The monsters who like to be lively will hang all kinds of colorful lights on the streets, accompanied by countless cries of hawkers and all kinds of novel or weird stalls, making the supposedly quiet night all of a sudden It has become noisy, this is a carnival for heterogeneous people.

Of course, there are usually very few powerful monsters participating in this kind of market, let alone those big monsters who live in seclusion. Afterwards, very few people were able to accept this kind of prosperity that was no different from fireworks in their eyes. Anyway, what is the point of participating in it if it is just for a moment of happiness?

That's why it's said that the big monsters are a bunch of boring guys, and it's no wonder that most of these guys who are hard to die end up with self-destruction at the end.After all, when there are no more fetters and nostalgia in the world, then living is just living.

But obviously a certain little princess on the moon doesn't have such troubles at all. In her eyes, no matter how eternal things are, they are just fleeting in the eyes of her who controls the power of instant and eternity. On the contrary, things that are nostalgic can be preserved for a long time. I have to say that this is really an extremely willful ability.

But now, for her, this noisy market is naturally loved by her. She hates loneliness. Otherwise, why would she hate the family on the moon so deeply? She was exiled to this ground like this. After going there, she suddenly felt that the situation was much better. At least like this place where there are many snack vendors and all kinds of interesting things gathered, she has never heard of it before... Of course, if she can receive all kinds of food without leaving home Naturally, it would be best if there is such novel information, but now it seems that this is really a bit difficult.

"Perhaps the things called computers and the Internet that the old man once said are very suitable for me, but in the final analysis, what kind of things are they?" Kaguya didn't understand why after hearing these novel things, he first Her reaction was to feel that they were very suitable for her, since she had never even heard of their names before... Besides, she was not interested in anything, such as that strange machine called a camera.

Kaguya, who was thinking wildly like this, walked on the crowded street like no one else, but what was amazing was that she never bumped into any pedestrian from the beginning to the end, it felt as if everyone was subconsciously avoiding her Same... Obviously, in order to make this journey less boring, she deliberately changed into a relatively ordinary dress and wore a mask on her face.

It's just that what she didn't consider was that all the clothes in her family were printed with the unique red leaf pattern of Ran Yexuan, as long as she saw that, it would not be difficult to guess her identity... After all, there was such a hair in Ye Yu's house. Miss Hui Ye is the only one with beautiful long black hair and who will come out for night tours.

"Well, forget it~~" Kaguya, who was swallowing the whole takoyaki without any image, threw away the bamboo stick in his hand, "Anyway, it's more comfortable here, the group of people at home are all day and night I don't know what I'm busy with, even the old man went to reply to his students...God knows where he got so many students?"

Kaguya wouldn't admit that he came to the street just because he was bored. It would be a hard life if there was nothing to pass the time, and Kaguya really didn't know what to do.Calligraphy, flower arranging, tea ceremony, etc. She was already proficient enough when she was on the surface of the moon. After all, tasting tea on the moon is not her hobby every day. ...It would be too dazzling if the moon was replaced by the sun, wouldn't it?
"Forget it, go eat some grilled hagfish and go home to sleep, so today is over." Kaguya was also hesitating whether to find something to do, but she really didn't know anything about this kind of thing.The life on the moon has long left an indelible imprint on her body. In the final analysis, she is just a lonely girl.

However, she is always very happy when Ye Yu is around. The stories she heard from other worlds and unbelievable experiences seem to have opened a door for Kaguya to a new world, such as the one called " The pure love story of "Cross Days", the daily life of Akizuki Osan and his daughters, and the epic battles between good and evil like Black Beast all made Kaguya extremely intoxicated, but it was too much not to be able to play these games by herself. Pity……

By the way, Alice was also there when Ye Yu told her these stories, but she didn't seem to understand their greatness as if she wasn't interested at all... Well, it turns out that Maxima often has it, but Bole doesn't often have this sentence It is a wise saying!
Thinking like this, Kaguya walked forward unhurriedly. The person who runs the grilled hagfish stall is a night sparrow monster. This kind of timid monster is not very good at mixing in crowded places, but she The craftsmanship of home-baked hagfish is quite good, it is said to be passed down from the ancestors~~
It's just that compared to hagfish, Kaguya sometimes wants to try grilled bird meat, but thinks that it's full of small bones and so on, so he backs down. After all, it's really delicious to eat like that. It's too much trouble!

Walking out of the noisy and bustling bazaar only a few tens of meters away, the surroundings suddenly returned to the quietness that belongs to the night alone. It is obvious that there is only a small distance between each other, but it seems to be in a different world.Fortunately, Kaguya doesn't dislike this feeling at all, on the contrary, as long as it is on a moonlit night, she can always feel comfortable.

The small stall of Yeque's house is not far away, and even standing here can visually see the lights coming from there. Along the way, Huiye swallowed all the snacks he bought before, from how to eat From the point of view of not getting fat, being a monster is still good~~
Kaguya maintained her usual elegance outside and walked slowly and calmly. The beauty under the moon alone is enough to form a beautiful scene, not to mention the natural nobility of Kaguya. If there is a poet or If the artist is here, he will definitely be able to create immortal masterpieces, but unfortunately, the one who appears here at this moment is a somewhat reckless little girl...

"Woo!" Kaguya, who was startled by the little guy who jumped out of the nearby grass suddenly, softly called out, and the other party obviously just noticed Kaguya's figure.But it was too late to stop at this moment... Just like the not-so-good encounters described in countless works, the two collided with each other at once. Fortunately, Kaguya was also a big monster after all. It just made her body shake slightly, but because of this, the mask she had been wearing on her head fell off.

"It's so beautiful!" Just from the first sight, Meihong knew that she was deeply fascinated by the beauty in front of her... It wasn't the so-called infatuation between a man and a woman, but a purer kind of infatuation for her. The pursuit of beauty, she dared to bet that she would never see such a beauty again in her life!
(End of this chapter)

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