Chapter 378 Are You My Dad?

Murong Jue ran away, but Xiaobai didn't chase after him, because he enjoyed the fight well, and the safety of the owner is the most important thing.

Although it doesn't believe in any ghosts and gods, but it is night now, and there will be some raptors and beasts haunting them, and they are much more difficult to deal with than humans.

Also, they are more lethal.

Therefore, it must stay close at every step, and protect its owner with high vigilance.

Xiaobai walked towards Mengwa, his height became shorter again, and he didn't stop until he returned to more than one meter.

"Master, where should we go?" Xiaobai glanced around and asked the cute baby for instructions.

The cute baby also walked around in large numbers, with no direction, the place was too big, and he had never been here before, and he couldn't find his way home.

"I don't know." Mengwa shook her head, having no idea.

Xiaobai was searching the satellite map again, but on the map, he found a place similar to a research room.

"Master, let's find a place to spend the night first, and find our way home tomorrow."

Although it found the way back, it was too far away, and the road was not easy to walk, so it was not suitable for night travel.

"Okay." Mengwa agreed with what Xiaobai said, if Ruoruo is so timid, she will definitely be scared if she finds her way home at night.

"Master, let's go with Xiaobai."

Xiaobai opened the way ahead, Mengwa led the little girl, and followed behind unhurriedly.

After walking for more than half an hour, they arrived at their destination, a laboratory.

But as soon as he arrived at the laboratory, Xiaobai immediately became alert, as if he felt that there were other people here.

"Master, there is someone here!" Xiao Bai was almost sure.

someone?Won't be a bad guy again?

At the moment when the cute baby was thinking, the originally dark laboratory immediately lit up with a green light.

"Ah! Monster... wow..."

The little girl burst into tears immediately.

"Who?!" A deep and cold voice sounded.

Xiaobaisecond becomes bigger and taller.

But the cute baby is very indifferent.

For some reason, he vaguely felt that the voice was very kind.

Just like what I heard in my dream that day, it sounds very nice.

"Wow... little brother... there are monsters..." Lihua, the little girl crying, took the rain and tried to hide behind the cute baby.

"If you are not afraid." Mengwa remained calm.

His unruffled attitude has surpassed his age line.

He doesn't seem to be a five-year-old cute baby, but a "little adult" with a head and a head.


The man's voice softened a lot, and he walked out of the laboratory freely.

The spotless white clothes set off his unfathomable beauty. He is like a legendary angel.

Seeing him, the little girl couldn't even cry.

The cute baby stared at the man with a pair of watery eyes, he seemed, like a father.

"You... are you my father?" Mengwa asked stupidly.

The man didn't stop walking towards them, his eyes were also looking at the little cute baby.

As the distance drew in, he stopped, squatted down, and held the cute baby's small face that was almost the same as his. It felt like he was looking in a mirror. The only difference was the size.

"Baby, what do you think of me?"

He sketched a smile, good-looking or not, very deceptive.

"Yes, you are father!" Mengwa was sure.

If there is such a good-looking person in the world, then that person must be his father.

"Well, my son is really smart." Fu Boyan stroked the cute baby's little head, although it was a simple action, it was full of love.

Their son is so clever.


Mengwa yelled out the two words that had been in his heart, in his dreams, and when he was alone since he could speak.

Great, he met Dad.

"Dad..." shouted, Mengwa suddenly cried, he was so happy.

Apart from crying, he couldn't find any other way to express his happiness and excitement.

Seeing his precious son crying, Fu Boyan's heart almost broke.

(End of this chapter)

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