Chapter 411

With a word from the six sons, I turned around and left the house. Looking at his back, I couldn't help but smile wryly. One person, one incident, two nights, the whole family was ruined. is gone.

What did I do, I did a lot, but after all.. saving lives?Harmful?There are two arguments!If I want to be nosy, I have to have that capital!
After thinking about it, I sighed and slept for five days and five nights in a daze. Although I was still tired for a while, my mind was indeed very clear, and I couldn't afford to feel sleepy!

Opening the package, I opened the envelope for the last letter, and took a look at a few sheets of paper. At first, it was fine, with beautiful handwriting, but the next few strokes... were suddenly sharp and sharp. This... This is obviously not a person's handwriting!
Three pieces of paper, one letter, looking at the handwriting at the beginning, it looks like it was left by old man Zhai!

"Jiu Jin'er, this farewell came in a hurry, and we may never meet again in the future. Two thin letters, and a few more words for you, it is the last thought of me, old things, for you!"

"Speaking of it...although I don't have the grace to teach you, but after all, I have a sense of preaching. After meeting for a month, I can figure out how much you are kid. After many years of being together, I can only comment on you. One word, silly!

"Silly boy, in fact, you shouldn't be on the path of yin and yang. You are not cruel enough, don't know how to make choices, don't care about the general situation, let alone intrigue, and guard against others like a tiger. If you continue like this, you will suffer a lot. of!"

"But now, you are gone and you have to go. If you want to go far, as shown above, you have to change!"

In addition, let me say something more.. Your eyes, which can recognize people and judge ghosts, are caused by Yin and Yang, and are formed by years and years. You have neither, but you are like a mirror. This pair of eyes , it is really rare, and it will be of great benefit to make good use of it in the future!

I have said this, let it go, let me say a few more words for some old things!

The Jiang family has a unique line of learning, his wife and children are far away, Jiang Zhonghu has no intention of passing it on, but there is have acquired his skill, and he said that if you have the hard work, no matter who you are in the future. Pass it on for him!
On the other hand, the father and son of the Zhu family met each other once, and shared the hardships of life and death. They passed their fates, and the heirs of the Zhu family would like to become friends with you as brothers of different surnames. Unfortunately, it is hopeless to say goodbye today. We will meet again in the future... Drink a glass of wine and express your heart!

A vulgar person has nothing but two handicraftsmen, the art of slaughtering pigs and sheep, and a silk script.

In addition, a generation of Gu Tong, a master of the three arts of witchcraft and poison.Shocking ghost called Zhong's family, a sonic explosion technique.I have been old for a long time, and there is no other biography, and the righteousness of fighting the enemy side by side with you, the yellow-mouthed child, will be enough.Today's two handicrafts.. also pass on to you, don't hope to have the grace of master and apprentice to pass on the art, in the future, the two handicrafts can only be carried forward!
A few words, that’s all for now. If you open this letter, I believe you will be safe. The rivers and lakes are not easy, and the five ways are difficult. What I said today, I hope to listen to it. Sometimes in the future, there will be a war on one side. Goodbye!

Two paper-thin letters, saying this. Old man Zhai ran out of pen and ink on one side, and I flipped through the back, and there was still a piece of paper. Looking at the three big characters signed, my heart trembled slightly, Shen was him!

Shen Jingxie, the so-called official person. The kindness of saving lives in the old house at the beginning, and the feeling of rescue in the hospital that day, so to speak, he helped one after another. Although it may be ordered by the official, but in the end... he is still my benefactor!

However, I have to say that this person is very mysterious, and even the people who travel with him have an incomprehensible background!

It was a thin page, and I read it right away!
"Brother Jiujin, let me call you brother, the word brother... is absolutely true!

The battle in the old house, today's battle in the hospital, the fate of the two sides is on this battlefield. Back were still a penniless kid, but I really didn't expect it. Has progressed so fast!

I'm happy for you, cheers for you, but I have to say something more!
I know, some things, you don't ask me not to talk, this is a kind of silent tacit understanding, maybe some things show that it is not good between you and me.Now, I can only say one thing, the only thing I can tell you is that I...or even we, will never become your enemy, because your surname is Chen!

Don't think about it, let alone try to figure it out. There are many things that you can't understand. Many people are not as complicated as you think, nor are they as simple as you see. I can't tell you, because this is a secret!

The matter of the old house has come to this point, you know a lot, and you have experienced a lot. For the Xie family, maybe you have regarded him as a sworn enemy, but on the day of changing skins, I hope you. Forget about these!

Don't deliberately investigate, and don't be too aggressive to attack the Xie clan. This pool of water is far deeper than you imagined. Before you are sure to drain this pool of water, you must not get contaminated. Once you touch it, you will be lost forever !
Go your way well, save your ghost daughter-in-law well, and the day you succeed may be the time when this pool of stagnant water is drained!
That's all for now, don't say much, take care!

The world is flawed, life and death are like a coffin, on that day. You and I will meet again!

"The sky is flawed, and the earth is a coffin." I stared at the eight characters in astonishment. What do they mean... What do these eight characters mean?

I stared at the eight characters in astonishment. I was in a daze for a long time. The heavens and the earth are falling apart, and life and death are like coffins. These first four words may be understood as a catastrophe, but I can’t figure out how life and death are like coffins. Fighting for life and death for the coffin, could it be...he said the dead coffin in the old house?

I was at a loss, my mind suddenly turned into a mess, Shen Jingxie, who is he, and what is he doing, he won't let me speculate, won't let me be infected with Xie's lineage , but someone vaguely gave me an introduction, some words are not much, but very cryptic!
I shook my head, forget it, don’t think about it anymore, some things are really beyond my comprehension, fog, it’s all fog, I’ve come so far, I’m still stuck in a cloud of fog!
It is enough to know that it is a friend rather than an enemy!

After opening the three letters, I felt an indescribable feeling of anxiety and heavy weight. Maybe this is the pressure!

I opened the baggage, a thick stack of ancient books and scrolls, and couldn't help but smile when I looked at me, how many people were looking forward to it, but last night. I almost wiped my neck and committed suicide. I'm also a bastard!
Withdrawing my thoughts, it was already after midnight, too many things had been poured into my mind, and I had already started to feel confused. I lay on the quilt, in a daze. After a flash, I was so shocked that it was dawn!
Early the next morning, the sky was dark, and I went out with my six sons. The family of three died. I promised to find him a good Fengshui point, but it was easy to think and hard to do. With my superficial knowledge of Fengshui and earth veins, Walking around this huge cowshed village, I was amazed that the living can live, but the dead are endless!

To put it bluntly, this Niupeng Village couldn't find a acupuncture point for a yin house!
Niupeng Village is surrounded by mountains in the east and water in the west. To put it bluntly...with the beautiful mountains and rivers, it is definitely not difficult to find a dead man's house, but it is unexpected
After a while, I was so shocked that I realized that there was a water show...but the mountain...has been extinct, and the Niupeng Mountain should be said to have been destroyed!
The Sanyin Absolute Dragon Array, the famous Yin and Evil Death Array, can exterminate even one dragon, let alone a mountain or a village!
After a heavy rain, the Sanyin Juelong array was exposed, affecting the entire mountain. The feng shui formation of the mountain changed its course, chirping and ferocious.. directly became a barren mountain dead!
Perhaps, in the past six months, the Sanyin Absolute Dragon Formation will only change the terrain of one side of the mountain and affect one village, but it is uncertain when the formation will directly affect the village, and this formation will not eliminate the absolute danger!

The story is a bit far away, and I turned around and said that it is hopeless to find Fengshui acupuncture points in this Niupeng Village!
Simply, this Niupeng Village has no feng shui, and the nearby villages are not affected. I traveled fifteen miles west with him, and found a half-acre peach grove. , At least the three of them were buried!

(End of this chapter)

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