Chapter 396
The yellow scroll of talisman paper is ready, with two knives on his waist, the old man is leading the way, the man is carrying the wooden box, and by the way, he is bringing some guys who go into the mountain. Going around the village from the entrance of the village, it took half a circle before rushing to Niupengshan!

Dongtouer Shili Niupeng Mountain, it is said to be a mountain, but to put it bluntly, it is just a mound of strange mountains, but standing at the foot of the mountain and looking at the terrain, I was a little stunned. its not right!

In the Chen family's classics, the art of geomancy and feng shui accounted for a full fifth of it. In the past few months, I have devoted myself to studying it for a long time. It can be seen clearly!
Looking at the mountain in front of me, the west mountain is overwhelming the east, the east is dominated by the blue dragon, the west is the white tiger, and the west is high and the east is low. There is still a bit of distortion, this mountain is weird!
Looking at the mountain, I thought to myself, logically speaking, if this big sinkhole is a big tomb, it must be an old pit that has been around for a long time. Speaking of opening the tomb, it must be to find those with good Fengshui and the luck of prosperous descendants. The terrain of Fuyun's mountain range, especially the Jiuyuan tomb, and the posture of this Niupeng Mountain is full of murderous aura and overwhelming vitality. If a tomb is built and opened, it will inevitably become a place of great danger. To dig a grave and build a tomb. People with a little common sense of Feng Shui would never look for such a fierce place!
The mountains are strange, the tomb is strange, and this big trap is even more strange!

Seeing me standing there in a daze, the father and son were also there, the old man looked at me and asked, "Little brother, why don't you leave!"

"Something's wrong... there's still something wrong with this mountain!" I nodded and laughed, the old man was taken aback when he heard that, "What's wrong with the mountain, little brother, can you see something?"

"It's nothing, let's go, don't worry, it doesn't interfere with your business!" I smiled, and walked up the mountain as soon as I greeted. Looking at the mountain, I wondered a little bit more, the mountain is extremely bad, and this poor land is really buried like a tomb!

Niupeng Mountain is not high, and the terrain is quite flat along the mountain road. The grass is sparsely covered with trees, and it is completely barren. The landslide washed away the road, the rocks were jagged, and the potholes made it difficult to walk all the way!
While walking, I asked casually, "Does anyone in the village know about this big trap, old man?"

"Well..." the old man was stunned for a moment, "you should all know that the heavy rain... But there was a lot of noise, and there was a mudslide, and most of the cowshed mountain slipped down, and the mountain road ruined the mountain. It's changed too."

"The mountain has changed..." This sentence shocked me, a heavy rain... changed the mountain, this mountain...
The old man shut up immediately with this startled face, and I nodded," said, and continued...!"

The old man stared blankly for a moment, nodded and continued, "In the past, the mountain was gentle... the surroundings were flat, and the terrain was much easier to walk. At this time of year, the mountain was already full of flowers and plants, but now... A mudslide caused the cliffs to the east to collapse directly, and most of the Niupeng Mountain collapsed, and it became the barren mountain and wild land it is now!"

"Bare hills." I looked around. In May and June, it's time for grass and flowers to bloom, but on this huge mountainside, there are very few wild grasses and wild trees. The Niupeng Mountain has changed its shape, and the terrain of the mountains The pattern has changed drastically. The originally flat and vibrant land has now been killed by a white tiger. This is the chaos in Niupengshan.A thunderstorm... destroyed a mountain, this is also a weird thing!

Talking while walking, the old man led the way, and the man carried the wooden box. The mountain road was rugged, and I walked for more than half an hour. When I was about to reach the top of the mountain, the old man stopped me and pointed, "Look at that, little brother, that's the big one." pitted 1"

Following the gestures, I looked to the northwest from a distance, and I stared in shock, "This is the big trap, this is what you call the big trap!"

I glanced sideways, along the top of the mountain less than three to five meters below, above the ridge. A big deep pit with no bottom, like a big hole that was cut open by a knife, uneven, protruding strange rocks It is densely covered with jagged edges and spreads downwards!
I took two quick steps and got close to the big sinkhole. At first glance, it was a depression created by a landslide. The qi is definitely not the damp, cold and damp underground. Although the evil aura is very weak, it is an unmistakable evil aura. After dealing with evil ghosts for so long, this feeling is absolutely unmistakable!
The cave entrance was stunned for a while, the father and son saw that I had not moved, the old man asked me suspiciously, "Little brother, what's wrong?"

I nodded slightly, "Indeed.. there is indeed something wrong!"

"Has anyone else entered this trap besides those five people?" I asked in a deep voice, and the old man shook his head in a daze, "I don't know about this, at my age... I don't know. Can't run here!"

"I know, I know..." The man continued, "When the trap first appeared, the village leader Ma's boy took two people down, and they came up in a few minutes. I don't know if they arrived or not. In the end... But, listening to what they said, there was a strange laughter at the bottom, the more you walked in, the more you could hear it, since they said that... no one went in afterwards!"

"Strange laughter!" I was happy, this protracted time... It's been more than half a year, and I can feel a bit evil when I stand at the door, the strange laughter hums, it's good if I don't lose my life, but, this time The five members of the Zhao family walked back and forth several times. I figured there was some hard nail, and it must have been kicked down a long time ago! "

After thinking about it, I nodded, "Liu Zi, let's go down here and have a look, and by the way... send these four dolls back!"

"What little brother, you...won't tell the truth, really go on." The old man was startled, and I glanced at him, "Of course it's true, those four dolls are still there, born evil That’s not something you can just throw away, let me tell you. If these four things are not handled properly, they may harm a whole village!”

"Don't worry, those five people have been on the road for several times, and everything has been settled long ago. Besides, I will follow along. If I don't die... I can't lose your son's life. I'm dead. ..Hey, aren't you waiting to die when you go back?"

Hearing what I said, the old man immediately shut up, turned on two torches like a guy, and plugged in two flashlights by the way, the sixth son was that man, and he carried a hatchet, it was convenient for me to kill pigs and deboning them Two handfuls around the waist, yellow talismans and yellow scrolls are ready... I pasted four yellow talismans on Liuzi's chest, shoulders, and back, just in case!

The old man was old, but I didn't let him go down, he couldn't help him, maybe he would become a burden, and he just wanted to have a companion with his six sons, so he was at ease, to be honest, deal with these four people I am one of them. In this deep pit.. The unknown ancient tomb can make the Zhao family from Longxi come all the way here. I am really curious, what is there in this deep pit!
I made a gesture with the six sons, I was in front, he was holding the wooden box in the back, the two torches reflected the light, we entered the pit one after the other!
The outside is full of potholes and strange rocks, but when you enter the inside, it is smooth and easy to walk. The fire is reflected, and the ground is washed by the water. It was cold and humid, and within a dozen meters of walking, a small wind blew... I trembled and shivered!
I stroked the fine hair on my neck, it was so cold and cold wind, I felt it carefully, the cold wind was not blowing from outside the cave, on the contrary, it seemed to be blowing from the depths of the cave!
I coughed dryly, walked forward with a torch in one hand, and found two yellow talismans with the other hand, and the pit was facing downward. After a long while, I estimated the time in my heart, it should be no less than 10 minutes, what the six sons said... Those few people went back and forth for a few minutes, and heard strange screams, and there was no sound in the past 10 minutes. The strange screams should have been silenced by the Zhao family!
(End of this chapter)

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