Returning to the Pastoral: Mrs. Yipin

Chapter 163 The County Grand Master is Here

Chapter 163 The County Grand Master is Here
Three days later, the peaceful Lujia Village became lively again.

Knowing that the county magistrate is coming, it was a big deal for everyone.Although someone in the family is a high-ranking official in Beijing, the common people in this era always fear and worship the official land.

After a while of beating gongs and drums, the county master came in a sedan chair.Afterwards, there were many arrests from the yamen, as well as the county magistrate and the six-room clerk. Such a big battle almost scared Miss Su into the urine.

This is the leadership team of the entire county government has come? !

The biggest official she ever met in her previous life was only the director of the street office, Miss Su suddenly felt a little timid.If the magistrate of this county is to be left to future generations, he must be at least a department-level cadre!

But after thinking about it, girl, I have even met the prince, so what is there to be afraid of a magistrate?Thinking of this, a certain girl couldn't help but straighten her waist, no matter ancient or modern, this first impression is very important.

"You are Su Sanniang?"

Chen Ce looked at the woman in front of him, and couldn't help admiring secretly, what a beautiful woman!If the emperor hadn't issued an edict to stop the draft, it would be a pity that everyone with this appearance and that would be destined to enter the palace as a nobleman.

Seeing that this woman's temperament and charm are very unusual, she has a sense of elegance and elegance, and she is not as submissive as ordinary people, so she can't help but secretly marvel at it.

It is really unusual for someone who has the courage to buy so much wasteland and mountains.

"Ms. Lu Su, the folk woman, pays her respects to the old parents, Wan An, the old parents!"

Su Yun led the children to kneel down, and felt helpless again in his heart, alas, without status, he had to kneel when he saw everyone, and he almost became a kowtow.

"Excuse me."

Chen Ce seemed very approachable. After Su Yun got up, he quickly sized up the county magistrate.

Seeing this, I couldn't help being a little dazed.

It is said that in ancient times, being an official valued appearance very much, and now it seems that it is true.Although the county magistrate looked a little old, at least 45, his appearance was very handsome, and he looked like a handsome uncle.

This temperament is also very elegant, which makes people feel a little bit of intimacy at a glance.The official uniform of a green robe was worn on the body, which was very decent.Then he quickly looked at the county magistrate behind him, the official of the sixth house, and secretly sighed in his heart: It is not easy to be an official in this ancient time, this is really an era of face-to-face!

A group of big and small leaders in the yamen, regardless of their age, have never seen an ugly person, their temperament and demeanor are good, and they are all considered good. At this moment, a certain girl finally believed in the potential of the ancient officialdom to look at the face. rule.

Back then, when she heard the legend of Zhong Kui, she still felt that it was made up by people without any basis!Shouldn't all the talented people be selected for the talent ceremony in this country?How can people be eliminated because of their ugliness?

Now it seems that it is true!

The officialdom of this era is based on the rules of judging appearances. No matter how talented an ugly person is, he can still be an official, because it will affect the image and majesty of the government.

After Su Yun cast a quick glance, he immediately lowered his head.However, her little action did not escape the eyes of Chen Ce and the leaders of the county government.I was secretly amazed, this woman is not simple, she not only behaves gracefully, unlike ordinary people who are afraid of officials, but also has the courage to look at them, it's really interesting.

Su Yun didn't know that these leaders had paid attention to her, and after paying the salute, he backed away. After all, she was a woman, and the men in the clan had to support this scene.

However, she only took a few steps back, and after the officials exchanged some polite words with Lu Shuwen, they called her forward again, Chen Ce stroked his beard, and asked, "Su Sanniang, it's good for you to open up wasteland and farm land. It's just that I still have a question in my mind, I wonder if you can explain it to me?"

"Thank you, my parents, for your praise, I dare not be a commoner."

Su Yunfu said: "I don't know what questions the old parents have? But please tell me, the women must know everything and say everything, and dare not hide anything."

"Have you ever read a book?" Chen Ce was a little surprised. This woman's words sounded like someone from my generation, and her conversation was also very elegant. If she hadn't read a book, how could she say such elegant words? ?
I was even more curious in my heart.

Su Yun groaned secretly, she didn't know how this ancient man spoke.She always has the impression of her previous life, and getting along with ordinary people is fine, but after meeting these powerful people, she always unconsciously imitates the lines in the movies of later generations, and she doesn't know why this is wrong.

"Back to the words of the old parents..." Su Yun said slowly, thinking quickly in his mind, and in a blink of an eye, he had already thought of his words, "The folk woman has never read a book. It's just that the housewife and the father-in-law read every day when he was alive. Holding the sage's book and studying it for a long time, the women of the people wrote down a few sentences."

"So that's how it is..." Chen Ce suddenly realized, and after nodding his head, there was a trace of appreciation in his eyes, "You are a caring person, you can hear the sound of reading books every day, and you can write a few classic sentences. If you are a man, you are a talent."

"It should not be praised by the old parents and adults, and the women of the people are terrified."

"Hmm... There are limits to advancing and retreating, this woman is indeed somewhat different from ordinary people..."

Chen Ce stroked his beard and secretly came to a conclusion, his appreciation for Su Yun deepened a bit.

"Su Sanniang, why do you want to reclaim wasteland? As far as I know, it costs a lot of money to reclaim wasteland, but the return is very slow. Everyone says that reclaiming wasteland is a thankless task. Su Sanniang, can you explain to me? Confused?"

As soon as the senses of people are improved, the tone of this speech also changes.

After calling himself an "old man", the magistrate of the county seemed to be more close to the people.

After Su Yun heard this, he thought about it for a while, and after organizing his words, he replied, "Returning to the words of the old parents, the women are thinking that this fertile land is also slowly obtained from the wasteland. If everyone If you refuse to open up wasteland, won’t future generations starve to death after a hundred years? Something has to be done, if you don’t do it, if he doesn’t do it, who will do it?”

"it is good!"

As soon as Su Yun said this, he immediately received a lot of praise, and the county magistrate couldn't help but clapped his hands and praised: "Although the words are rough, the reasoning is not rough. The words are simple and sincere. Someone has to do a good thing. If you don't do it, If he doesn't do it, then who will do it? County lord, although this Mrs. Su has never studied, she has the integrity of a scholar like me, wonderful, wonderful!"

Chen Ce couldn't help being moved, nodded his head and said: "The Prime Minister He's words are reasonable, although these words are simple, they are the truth of the world, well said!"

Su Yun smiled lightly, and said: "I don't deserve the praise of so many adults, and the women are sincere and terrified."

After a pause, she continued: "Actually, the woman dared to buy this wasteland, but there was something to help her. Without this thing, the woman would not dare to buy this wasteland all at once."


When everyone heard this, their eyes were full of curiosity. When Chen Ce heard the word object, his eyes were already shining brightly. With his wisdom, he could immediately think that the "object" in Su Sanniang's mouth should be something that helps farmers. tools for things.

The brilliance in his eyes was very bright, he stroked his beard, and thought to himself: "Last year, a Taoist said that the nobleman in my official career is in the south of the Yangtze River. Could it be this woman in front of me?"

Thinking of this, I couldn't help feeling hot in my heart, and hurriedly said: "What kind of equipment is it? Please tell me in detail!"

(End of this chapter)

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