When I was a Taoist

Chapter 518 Ways

Chapter 518 Ways
I stepped forward and stepped on the monster, and said with a sneer, "If I'm not mistaken, you are all semi-finished products manufactured from Tianji's research institute. Be honest, where is Tianji's research institute here?" , otherwise they will be your fate!"

"Since you know that I am a product of Tianji, then let me go quickly! If the boss finds out that we are missing, he will definitely not let you go! Even if you can escape, those humans in the town will not let you go!" Die!" The monster sneered, not taking my threat at all.

Hearing this, I directly stabbed Qingfeng down from his shoulder, the sharp blade easily pierced through the monster's shoulder blade, and then nailed him to the ground.As the blood spewed out, the monster screamed and struggled, pleading again and again: "I tell you, I will tell you everything! In fact, we don't know the location of Tianji's research institute. If the boss needs to call us, he will Show up in person to find us, then blindfold us and bring us into the research institute. All I know is that the place is some distance away from here, and it seems to be underground."

"You are really cautious. It seems that your boss is also afraid of capsizing in the gutter, and he doesn't even trust you."

I snorted coldly, I didn't expect to get any useful clues after spending a long time.If we can't find out the location of this research institute, after we leave the forest, I'm afraid the town will suffer devastating revenge from the Heavenly Opportunities.

Seeing the displeasure on my face, the monster was afraid that he would be blamed on himself again, and quickly added: "Although I don't know where the research institute is, I know that the research institute seems to be an empty nest now, and almost all the monsters have been killed. The boss took it away in secret, as if he was participating in some kind of competition... By the way, the supernatural competition!"

"Could it be that the person sent by Tianji to participate in the supernatural competition is your boss?"

Pace and I looked at each other, and we both saw the worry in each other's eyes.If the so-called boss brings so many monsters to the supernatural competition and doesn't believe that there are no conspiracy ghosts, I'm afraid this time the competition will definitely not be peaceful.Coupled with Andre who is eyeing me, it seems that my situation has become more dangerous.

I immediately went forward and grabbed the monster's neck, and shouted coldly: "Say! Who is your boss!"

"I really don't know. I only know that our boss is about the same age as you, and he often disappears. None of us can know where he is."

The monster quickly shook his head and begged, "I've told you everything I know, can you let me live?"

I didn't answer him, but asked instead: "If it were you, would you let go of a scourge that would only harm the town?"

The monster was stunned for a moment, then his eyes widened and he roared: "Bastard! You despicable guy is playing tricks! Even if I can't live, you don't want to feel better!"

After finishing speaking, the monster's body began to swell rapidly, and it was about to explode and die with me.I quickly kicked him flying, then raised my hand and shot a pillar of fire from the purgatory formation, blasting the monster hard.His self-explosion was forcibly destroyed before it was ready, turning into a pile of coke and scattered from the air.

Although I cleaned up all the monsters wandering around the town this time, there is still a research institute that threatens them.If I'm not mistaken, the town's residents lost so many people not because they were massacred by monsters, but because they were caught in the research institute for the chance to create monsters.If this heinous behavior cannot be stopped, the residents of the entire town may suffer.

Pace and I returned to the town, and the residents saw us coming back safe and sound from a long distance, and immediately rushed out in groups to surround us.The mayor limped up to us and asked expectantly, "Brave young man, have you found the lair of those monsters?"

These ordinary residents don't need to know what is a chance, what is a horrible research institute, I thought about it and said: "I just cleaned up all the monsters in the forest, and I also learned about the rest of the monsters from them. They all went to Hell City. Don't worry, I will immediately go to Hell City and wipe out these monsters."

"Hero! You are our hero!"

The residents of the small town cheered excitedly, and everyone raised me on top of their heads to celebrate.These guys, who wanted to kill me just a few hours ago, now worship me as a savior. The huge contrast makes me dumbfounded.

Originally, the mayor wanted to keep the three of us for a rest for a day, but there were less than two days before the start of the supernatural contest. I rejected everyone's kindness, and continued to set off with Pace and Anna after eating and drinking.

This small town is less than half a day away from the edge of Hell City. In the evening, we finally saw the outline of Hell City.The first time I looked at Hell City from a height, the only feeling in my heart was the magnificence and grandeur.Don't look at this as a desolate area, but the area of ​​Hell City seems to be the largest city in the entire country B, and you can't see the edge from a high place.

Due to hundreds of years of strife and chaos, the original luxurious appearance of Hell City has long since disappeared. Now most of the city is ruined walls and dilapidated buildings.

If it weren't for the fact that it was the preparation period for the supernatural contest, fighting and blood could be seen anytime and anywhere on the road.At this time, Hell City is the most lively time, and various races can be seen everywhere. This is a scene that is absolutely impossible to see in China.

Here is a paradise of killing and lust.As long as you have enough strength, you can even get anything you want.

According to Pace, we should now find the general location of the supernatural contest as soon as possible, and only after confirming our identity there can we officially participate in the competition one day later.Soon we came to the center of Hell City, which is the headquarters of every supernatural contest, where the organizers and all the referees live.And this is also the most luxurious and safe place in Hell City.

Although it was almost midnight, the place was still bustling with people, and even many races that I had never seen before signed up for the supernatural contest.

The three of us were almost at the end of the line, registered by a three-headed monstrosity who seemed to be from a dying species.Finally it was our turn, but the three-headed weirdo put away the registration form, cleared his throat and said, "I'm sorry, there was a little accident this time, and we didn't have enough lava jade, so we can only take the first-come-first-served one." First served way."

(End of this chapter)

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