When I was a Taoist

Chapter 215 It's Really Not Easy

Chapter 215 It's Really Not Easy
When I got home, I couldn't wait to take a medicinal bath with Fan Chen, and then meditated in the medicinal water to absorb the power of the medicine.Not to mention, the medicine powder given by the old man is indeed a panacea. In just one or two hours, I felt that all the soreness and pain in my body disappeared, and it seemed to be full of strength, and it was even better than before.

After Fanchen and I climbed out of the medicated bath, we couldn't wait to scurry into our sleep.After a day of nightmares, even in my dreams, I dreamed that I was being run over by countless cars, which made me break out in a cold sweat.

The next day, Fan Chen and I came to the warehouse again, and the old man was already waiting for us there.Seeing that we came on time, he nodded with some satisfaction, and said in a low voice: "I changed a car for you today, I hope you can persevere. Remember, even if you can't persist, you have to grit your teeth and persevere. We Daohui doesn't need half-finished waste!"

The words are ugly, but every sentence makes sense.Fan Chen and I nodded, and saw two vans driving in front of us!In an instant, our faces collapsed instantly.

But to my surprise, after yesterday's hard training, coupled with the medicinal bath, I found that my strength and physique have improved a lot.I thought it would be very difficult to fight against the upgraded van, but I didn't expect that my whole body was full of strength, and the training effect was much better than yesterday.

After another whole day of training, when Fan Chen and I collapsed on the ground exhausted, the old man came over, just glanced at us, and said indifferently: "Barely, we can continue tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, the old man dropped another bottle of medicine powder, then turned and left.

Fan Chen and I don't understand the old man's simple and crude training method, but we have to admit that this training method is indeed effective, and the effect is remarkable.In the next three or four days, the stamina and strength of Fanchen and I have been greatly improved.Compared with the first day, we have been able to easily carry the car, and even face a small truck for at least an hour.

"That's right, the talents of the two of you are not bad. It took the president a week to pass the training here."

A smile finally appeared on the face of the old man who had been stern for a few days, and then he waved to us and said, "Come on, you are now qualified to start the next training."

He followed the old man to an open field, where two middle-aged men seemed to have been waiting there for a long time. When they saw the old man, they rushed up to meet him and bowed respectfully.

"These two little guys will be handed over to you for training. Don't show mercy." The old man nodded and said.

"Don't worry, don't you know our methods?" One of them nodded, and then he grinned at us, making us feel cold.

"The next thing you have to train is speed and reaction. The two of them will keep throwing stones at you, and dodge them on the premise that you are not allowed to move more than three steps. When you can avoid all the stones, it proves that your training is successful .”

Hearing what the old man said, Fanchen and I were gearing up, thinking in our hearts that we just wanted to avoid their stones, and we could dodge all the stones effortlessly by stepping on the steps.

"Also, you are not allowed to use Gangbu, you can only dodge with pure reaction."

The old man's sudden addition made my face collapse, but I thought there was still hope. After all, my speed and reaction were not fake, so avoiding stones should not be a problem.

"Senior, here are the things."

At this moment, one of them took a black bag and threw it in front of us.Looking at the bag, which was only the size of a schoolbag, it threw a large cloud of dust on the ground, and even smashed the ground into cracks.

"What's inside that is so heavy?" Fan Chen and I looked at each other, and we both saw the astonishment in each other's eyes.

The man opened the bag, and it was full of black lead lumps, each weighing at least twenty or thirty catties.Seeing the puzzled expression of me and Fanchen, the man explained: "From today until the end of training, you must wear this thing, and you are not allowed to take it off unless you take a shower."

"Senior, if we wear this thing to go out, will it be too high-profile, and it will easily attract the attention of others." I asked weakly.

"Don't worry, I've already thought about it for you."

The old man asked the man to throw out two sets of explosion-proof suits, and said, "If you are afraid of being seen, you can wear these clothes to cover yourself. But these clothes are also heavy, about [-] kilograms."

When Fanchen and I heard this, we hurriedly shook our heads.Just kidding, these lead weights are enough to kill me. If I wear a [-]-kilogram suit, I won’t have the strength to walk home.

We obediently tied lead weights to our bodies, two each on our wrists and ankles, and a lead weight weighing fifty catties was tied around our waist.As a result, the weight on his body instantly increased by nearly a hundred catties.Not to mention avoiding stones, we are struggling to even run now.

"let's start."

The old man nodded at the two men, and the latter flicked his fingers, and the two stones flew in front of me and Fan Chen in the blink of an eye.Although I had seen the trajectory of the stone, I couldn't move my body at all, and the stone hit my arm hard.


I took a deep breath and looked at a bloodstain on my arm.Fan Chen was also not much better, he was hit on the shoulder and grinned in pain.

"Go on, you can only rest once in half an hour. If you are still like this at night, you don't have to finish your meal, wasting food!"

The old man snorted coldly, turned and left.And the two men shrugged at us and said: "Little brother, you can be said to be lucky or unlucky. There are few people who can be taken care of like this, but everyone who is taken care of by seniors must Take off a layer of skin."

"Seniors, please continue!" I gritted my teeth, not believing that there was no way to avoid the stone.

After that, the wailing sounds of me and Fanchen continued to be heard in the venue.Half an hour later, our bodies were covered with bloodstains.Another stone flew and hit my thigh.I couldn't hold it any longer, and fell to my knees directly on the ground.

"Little guy, I didn't expect you to have more perseverance than the president." A man looked at us and said in surprise: "I didn't expect you to persist for half an hour without hiding once. easy."

When I heard it, my face darkened immediately.Are you complimenting me or laughing at me?

After resting for more than ten minutes, Fan Chen and I got up again to accept the torture.At the end of the day, the two of us had no good space on our bodies, and even our clothes were torn. We looked like people who had just escaped from hell.

(End of this chapter)

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