peasant shrew

Chapter 165

Chapter 165

I don't know how much time passed, but Zhao Tieniu, who was running around in a hurry, felt like he was going crazy.There was another weak cry from inside.

Mrs. Zhou settled the three children, helped Yueniang change the bedding, and then picked up the basin and went out of the house with the midwife.As soon as the door was opened, well, my son was scratching the door frame with red eyes.

"Two big fat boys and a girl." Zhou was holding a swaddling baby in her left and right hands, and the midwife behind her naturally had another in her arms.Speaking of which, such a happy event has never happened in the village.

What a blessing to have three children in one child.

Thinking of this, the midwife grinned even wider, just waiting for a reward for a while.Zhao Tieniu took a quick look at the child, and saw that he was small and wrinkled, not as long as half his own arm.Immediately, he lost interest and jumped over the two of them and went into the house to see his wife.

Mrs. Zhou was not surprised, she was still coaxing the baby in her arms with a happy face.By the way, it also makes Nie and Yang rare together.After the child was settled, Mrs. Zhou took out half a cent of silver, and went to the kitchen to get a basket of eggs and handed it to the midwife.

"Old sister-in-law, I have to trouble you to come over for the baby's third day in a few days." When Zhou sent the midwife out, she said with a smile, "Our village counts you as very lucky. The child you took over All of them are very strong."

The midwife is also a woman with water in her eyes. Seeing that Mrs. Zhou is so upright and so generous, she has long since laughed so hard that her teeth can't see her eyes.How could there be any reason not to accept it?
After seeing the child with Yang, Mrs. Nie and Mrs. Zhou had a conversation, and found an excuse to leave.On the other hand, Zhao Tieniu with a simple face sat on the edge of the kang, staring at his daughter-in-law for a moment, for fear that she would not be able to see him when she opened her eyes.

When Yueniang woke up, it was already dark.Mrs. Zhou was getting old and couldn't bear it anymore. Seeing that the children were still sleeping soundly, she told her son Yueniang to wake her up later.It's not that she's worried, it's just that there are some women's words that she can't explain clearly to the elders, and she can't explain them either.

She moved her body and felt a hot current under her body, knowing in her heart that it was still showing lochia.She didn't know if it was a psychological effect, but after smelling it for a while, she felt the smell of blood all over her body.

Embarrassingly asking Zhao Tieniu to bring the child over, Lin Yueniang's heart almost melted.

Zhao Tieniu, who had just brought chicken soup and noodles into the house, looked up and saw his wife looking down at the smiling child in her arms under the candlelight, feeling inexplicably sore and satisfied.

Yueniang was carefully served by Zhao Tieniu and ate some food, she regained her strength, and only then did she think about breastfeeding her baby.But at this time, she discovered that no matter how much the baby sucked, he couldn't suck the milk.

Then, Zhou Shi, who was awakened by the child's crying and howling, rushed over in a hurry with only his outer shirt on.Seeing the situation in front of him, how can he not guess what's going on.Immediately, she pushed her son out of the door and asked him to fetch boiling water and a clean white cotton cloth.

Mrs. Zhou lifted Yueniang's skirt, saw her evasively blushing, and laughed to herself, "It's like this for every mother, there's nothing to be ashamed of. After the first mouthful of milk, It will be smooth in the future..."

She rubbed Yueniang carefully, and then wrapped her chest with a warm cloth.

"It stands to reason that Tieniu should help you clear up this matter, but mother is really worried about his clumsy appearance. If you don't do this carefully, you will suffer in the future." Zhou looked at the milky white After overflowing, he removed the veil, and then put the crying little ancestor into Yueniang's arms.

The sweet little milk baby who was tired from crying and sleeping just now smelled the sweetness like a puppy, and rubbed his head to find the tip and started to suck it.

The little person looks like a piece of dough, and occasionally hums, it's really cute.Perhaps it is because there are three children in one child, so the children are smaller than other families.Although the skin was still wrinkled, and the eyebrows and lips were pale, but Yueniang felt that they were the most beautiful children she had ever seen.

Looking at it, her eyes were a little wet.Leaning over and lightly touching the baby's delicate cheek with the tip of her nose, she curled up the corners of her lips.

Coming to this strange place, marrying a man who loves her dearly, and now she has given birth to three cute babies. Compared to being alone in her previous life, what is there for her to be dissatisfied with?

The originally pungent woman was full of tenderness at this moment.As soon as I looked up, I saw the man who pushed the door and entered the room, and those dark but loving eyes.

"Daughter-in-law, I steamed egg custard for you." Zhao Tieniu was taken aback by his wife's look, and then said with a silly smile. "I'll look at the child later, and you sleep a little longer."

He didn't know what happened to his wife, but just now, he always felt that something was different.Although he couldn't tell what it was like, he just felt that his wife's eyes were so beautiful just now, it made his heart beat non-stop.

Seeing the young couple, Zhou smiled and hugged the child who had just burped.After changing the baby's diaper and covering her with a small quilt, she glanced at sitting on the edge of the kang, looked at Yueniang's son eagerly, and went out.

Only the peace and warmth of a house is left.

(End of this chapter)

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