super prodigal

Chapter 646 Low!

Chapter 646 Low!

"No, she left happily."

Zhang Qiong smiled, glanced at the black card that was still on the counter, and swiped the money casually, the boss wanted to make some money for nothing today.

Afterwards, Li Qiuya chose clothes for Zhang Qiong.

"These clothes are not suitable, they belong to young people, and the price is only a few hundred to one thousand yuan!" Li Qiuya said.

Zhang Qiong immediately snapped his fingers and said, "Honey, I understand!"

With a snap of his fingers, Zhang Qiong was stunned, and then he came to a shop with a marked price of 1000-5000. He said, "Honey, how about this?"

"Is this barely enough?"

Li Qiuya frowned and said.

Actually, I wasn't very satisfied with this one, but it's not good to keep changing it. In the end, Li Qiuya and Zhang Qiong chose this store to buy a set of clothes.

Shirt: 1000
Underpants: 500
Jacket: 2000
And belt: 400
Shoes: 2000
Socks: 200
Not bad.

It needs to be comfortable to wear. A set of thousands of clothes is not bad. After Li Qiuya carefully matched Zhang Qiong, she was ready to go downstairs. Li Qiuya said: "Oh, don't, I still Let me dress you up, you are still short of a watch called, that or something!"


"it is good."

Zhang Qiong nodded and said that he was also in a good mood. Touch his hair, it is handsome enough, touch his clothes, it is FASHIN, and then touch Li Qiuya's PI ass, oh, it is soft enough...

"Zhang Qiong, what are you doing?" He glanced at Zhang Qiong who was doing some kind of movement behind him.

Looking at each other, Zhang Qiong felt that it was a moment of embarrassment, why did she see it in person, he quickly withdrew his hand, and said with a smile: "wife, hehe, he can't help this hand, is it right?" obedient."

Looking at Zhang Qiongna's funny expression, Li Qiuya shook his head helplessly, but there was a shy expression on his face, and Zhang Qiong couldn't help but look a little dull when he looked at the dart expression on Li Qiuya's face...

I really don't know, Li Qiuya is still pretty!

Li Qiuya walked out of the clothing store with two sexy long legs, and then Zhang Qiong went to the counter to brush!

After a payment was made, he followed and left, and then appeared in the square outside. Fu Bo drove the car over, and the three of them got into the car, and then Zhang Qiong said, "Go straight to the bungee jumping!"

"Hey, Zhang Qiong, do you still have a watch?" Frowning, Li Qiuya said.

He smiled, then patted the seat and said, "Forbe, go buy a watch first."


Uncle Fu naturally listened to Zhang Qiong, but he just walked around here, but he didn't see that kind of regular watch shop with a slightly higher price...

"Zhang Qiong, why don't you just stop here, if the grade is a little lower, it's better to be low-key, don't you think so?" Li Qiuya said.

Looking at a large watch shop.

Zhang Qiong said, "Okay."

So Uncle Fu still didn't let him go upstairs. Li Qiuya followed Zhang Qiong to the watch shop. Is it too out of class?"

Originally, Li Qiuya thought that the watches here were 1000, or even 1, which was a bit low-grade, but a watch worth 10 yuan or 100 million yuan is really not low-grade. Li, low! ~
However, after looking at a few and being introduced by the animal watch staff on the shelf, Zhang Qiong nodded and said, "My wife, although the watches here are a bit low-end, but I'm too lazy to run away, why don't I just buy one here?"

"Beast Watch Yuan" is the first time I heard that they came here to talk about low-end watches. It's really strange. The watches they sell are one of the most expensive in Tokyo. The people who come in and out here are super super super rich people. But looking at Zhang Qiong, how can you say it's cheap?
(End of this chapter)

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