Chapter 270 Formation
"Aw!" Among the strange beasts, an unknown one suddenly let out a deafening roar, and then the strange beasts surrounded by the protective cover slammed into the protective cover at the same time.

With just one blow, the protective cover was instantly hit with cracks. Dongfang Lin also held his breath, leaped lightly, and was suspended in mid-air.

"You guard inside."

Dongfang Lin always felt that the other party connected to such a large space channel and attracted so many strange beasts, it would definitely not be as simple as killing Wang Luo just to interrupt the treatment.

But since the other party wasted so much energy to run towards Wang Luo and the others at this moment, it meant that the key was still on Wang Luo and Tang Nian, so she was bound to guard them both publically and privately.

These sixteen people spread out, covered the innermost protective shield, and waited for it.

Because they knew that if they clicked again, the outer protective cover would be broken, and hundreds of ferocious beasts would rush in.

Dongfang Lin lifted Shengshi up, and then fell down with his body forcefully. When Shengshi poked on the ground, a sword light quickly spread around them, forming a circle around them.

The electric light flows in the thin circle, this is the strongest protective net she can create at this time.

She is here, the net is here.

Although they couldn't kill the beasts, they would also burn them if they approached. Some beasts with low energy would not dare to approach them, which could be regarded as a little protection.

"Aw!" There was another roar.

Immediately afterwards, the beast slammed into the protective shield again at the same time.

"Crack! Kick!"

This time the sound was more crisp than before, because the distance was so close, it seemed to be shattering right next to the ear.

It was so quiet that even the sound of breathing could be heard in the protective cover. Everyone stared nervously at the protective cover, wondering if it would shatter in the next second.

The moment the protective cover shattered, there was no time for people to adapt or fear. Hundreds of strange beasts rushed over like a tide.

Dongfang Lin waved Shengshi in his hand, and the sword energy mixed with thunder and lightning instantly cut off one wing of a six-winged beast that rushed towards her.


With a mournful cry, the huge six-winged beast lost its balance, and fell straight down, hitting a strange beast below it.

With a sound of "Boom!", a burst of dust was thrown up, and the two beasts smashed together seemed to be corroded by something, and instantly turned into a pool of black flesh and blood.

And those beasts that were close, spattered or touched by the dirty blood screamed in pain instantly, and their bodies began to decompose and melt.

The dark energy in Dongfang Lin's body is not very sufficient. I just tried it just now, but I didn't expect the effect to be good. The dark energy should be able to corrode at least a dozen strange beasts.

Seeing that Dongfang Lin's side had won the first battle, the guards' momentum surged.

They also used their abilities one after another and began to fight with the strange beasts.

Most of the alien beasts rushing to the front are power-type, and there are no too difficult abilities.

Therefore, although it was the first time for the personal guards to compete with so many strange beasts, they would not be too embarrassed.

Just as the two sides were fighting, and the strange beasts fell behind because they had no rules, and began to trample on each other, suddenly there was another sharp roar not far away.

"Woo... ouch... ouch!"

After the sound, the alien beasts that were colliding with each other in a panic stopped suddenly. As if they had received an order, they began to retreat in an orderly manner, and then moved quickly.

After about a minute, Dongfang Lin found that they had formed a formation!
(End of this chapter)

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