Dark Emperor, your wife is abusing scum again

Chapter 261 Don't make trouble

Chapter 261 Don't make trouble
"Then if you help him detoxify, what will happen to you?"

Wang Luo took another deep breath of the cigarette, his complexion became serious.

"His poison has been accumulating for ten years, plus the dark energy in his body, it is not easy to get rid of it."

For a big family like the Tang family, Tang Nian, as the heir, has been a target since he was a child. It is a miracle that he survived.

"I have to use mental power to peel off the toxins that have merged with his body bit by bit. This process takes about half a day. During this half day, I must not be disturbed, otherwise I will suffer backlash..."

Although treating him will lose nearly half of his energy, but he doesn't fight for power and has no enemies, and he doesn't need a lot of energy, so it's not impossible to save him.

But what he was worried about was the issue just mentioned. Once it backfired, nothing would happen to Tang Nian, and the toxins that had been stripped from his body would be passed on to him.

What Wang Luo was worried about was whether Tang Nian would do anything during his treatment.

"So what if I help you guard?"

Dongfang Lin has already heard Wang Luo's biggest concern that he has not agreed to. If she can guard him and prevent Tang Nian or others from doing things, what will happen.

"Then I don't care. Anyway, I just promised your aunt to live on and just dawdle. It doesn't matter how much energy you have."

Wang Luo's words were very sad, and when his wife was mentioned, he looked extremely decadent, and the cigarettes on his mouth continued to smoke one after another.

"Then it's settled." Dongfang Lin stretched out his hand and pressed Wang Luo's shoulder hard, "I only have ten days, so I can't delay."

"It's up to you." If it wasn't for promising his wife not to commit suicide, he would have died long ago.

Dongfang Lin withdrew his hand, and was just going to see if Lu Ying was awake, but stopped after thinking for a while, and asked, "Do you know anything about my dad?"

"Your father?" Wang Luo's expression was very strange, as if he knew something and didn't know something, Dongfang Lin couldn't figure it out.

"You want to ask how he died? It's not that I didn't suspect it at the beginning, but the big family is like that, and assassinations are indispensable. The Dongfang family is gone now, so why are you obsessed with the past?"

What Wang Luo said had nothing to do with what Dongfang Lin wanted to hear.

The matter about her father is only Tang Nian's one-sided words. It is more likely that she wants to disturb her mood, so no matter what the truth is, she intends to let it go and settle the matter in front of her, and then go to find her father and herself The truth about the body.

"Then I'll take a look at Lu Ying's situation and reply to Tang Nian tonight."

After Dongfang Lin finished speaking, he walked back and went to find Lu Ying. She probably woke up now even if she couldn't move.

Sure enough, Lu Ying had woken up. Even though she was injected with tranquilizers, she was still struggling. When she saw Dongfang Lin coming in, she stopped her resistance to the greatest extent and calmed down.

"You're back? Loulan..."

"I see, I plan to cooperate with Tang Nian, and he will bring Loulan back."

Seeing that Lu Ying gradually calmed down, Dongfang Lin pulled out the needle for injecting the sedative, and Lu Ying was able to sit up after a while.

Her upper body has almost been repaired, only the artificial skin is left, and the machine is currently repairing the parts of her legs.

"How can I help?"

"Just don't make trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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