Chapter 482 Whose fault is it? ([-])
Rarely, the ghost judge really felt guilty this time.

So he tried to comfort her, but he was afraid of irritating her, so he didn't directly mention Shang Guanmo's name.

"I'm not afraid that something will happen to him..."

Shangguan Mo's martial arts are good and his reaction is quick.

As Guipan said, they are all fine, so Shangguan Mo must be fine too.

But where is he now...

This is not the valley they lived in at all, even the soil here is black, while the soil next to the previous valley is red.

The witchcraft was interrupted, and it seemed that time and space would be disordered as she had guessed before.

She is not even sure if he is still in this time and space...

Shangguan Mo said at that time that he would come to find her, but if he was not in the same time and space at all, how could he find her...

The ghost judge glanced at Ruan Taotao who was silently shedding tears, and then at the leader who had never spoken.

In fact, the moment the witchcraft stopped, he regretted it.

At that time, the person he felt most sorry for was Ruan Taotao.

At that time, she could have left first, and she stayed to persuade him not to be stupid.

It seems that besides Hei Yan, she is the first person who really cared about him...

So even though it was chaotic at the time, he still seized the time to let her soul return to her body, lest she become a lonely ghost.

It was at that time that he was injured because he couldn't distract himself from falling rocks.

It's a pity that there was not enough time at that time, and he couldn't send her to Shangguan Mo.

But he didn't expect that at the critical moment, the leader would not let go...

He could see the scene at that time clearly, Ruan Taotao obviously wanted to return to Shangguan Mo's side, but the leader didn't let go, she couldn't go back even if she wanted to.

What the leader did is no different from forcibly taking people away...

In the past, the leader had done so much for Ruan Taotao, but he didn't say anything. He thought that the leader just wanted to guard her silently.

I didn't expect... alas.

It is also at a critical time that the true thoughts in people's hearts can be revealed.

For example, he couldn't do anything to make Xiao Xiao completely disappear from this world. For example, the leader is not really willing to give silently.


Interlude, this is the plot that was planned long ago in the outline, poor people must have something to hate
But after the hateful uncle, he is still pitiful, and I can fully understand his actions

So whose fault is this (look up at the title)... I think it's the author's fault... Cough, so wholesale and retail small leather whips, if you are dissatisfied, you can beat me ●▂●

(End of this chapter)

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