Chapter 900 Gu Tianxu's Choice (10)

Everyone looked at Lv Yanyao unanimously, seeing that Lv Yanyao was angry, everyone didn't even dare to take a breath.

Gu Tianxue sat beside Lv Yanyao and comforted Lv Yanyao softly, then took Lv Yanyao's cell phone, and told the bodyguards over there to keep Gu Fanan in prison.

Lv Yanyao seemed to be seated only after being comforted by Gu Tianxue, but from the eyes of everyone, Lv Yanyao seemed to be even more haggard.

Everyone faintly felt that Lu Yanyao's seal seemed to be a little dark.

Parents with children all lamented in their hearts, it is hard to have a bear child in the family, and Lu Yanyao was tortured so miserably.

Gu Tianxue was a little funny. Is Lu Yanyao angry that Gu Fanan always occupies him? This time, although Lu Yanyao used it to force Qin Mianyin and Lu Rubo to take action, it must have been designed by Lu Yanyao to blackmail Gu Fanan.

Gu Tianxue sat beside Lu Yanyao, but there was some worry in her eyes.

After a while, Lu Yanyao suddenly leaned into Gu Tianxue's ear and asked, "Since when did your acting skills get so good?"

Gu Tianxue still looked at Lv Yanyao worriedly, "Are you really okay?"

"I'm really worried about me," Lu Yanyao squeezed Gu Tianxue's hand tightly, "Is it stupid, I told you that today is just a joke."

Gu Tianxue lowered her head, probably because Lv Yanyao's acting skills are too good. Seeing Lv Yanyao's fragile appearance, she would be afraid that Lv Yanyao would really leave her.

Lu Yanyao looked at Gu Tianxue's sad look, couldn't help but hugged Gu Tianxue's shoulders, and clasped Gu Tianxue's fingers together, "Don't be afraid, I'm sure nothing will happen now."

Gu Tianxue returned Lu Yanyao with a pale smile.

If it was normal, the people sitting opposite would definitely yell at the dog, but now, for some reason, they just can't say such words.

Between Lv Yanyao and Gu Tianxue, there seemed to be a faint atmosphere of sadness circulating.

At this moment, everyone suddenly admitted that there must be something wrong with Lu Yanyao's body.

The meeting continued, and Lv Yanyao still said the same thing, and when he spoke, no one refuted it.

Lv Yanyao has now merged with the Russell family. It is no exaggeration to say that Lv Yanyao can definitely change the entire international financial market structure overnight.

However, Lu Yanyao also said a few words at the beginning, and seemed to lack interest in such an international event.

The organizers of the conference did not have any objections, and they were already quite happy when Lv Yanyao was willing to show their face. How could they dare to ask Lv Yanyao to have a good attitude.

After all, Lu Yanyao's status has always been detached.

Gu Tianxue was sitting beside Lu Yanyao. Although Gu Tianxue was very quiet, no one dared to ignore Gu Tianxue's existence.

Because, all of Lu Yanyao's actions undoubtedly showed the importance of Gu Tianxue to him.

Everyone already thought that Gu Tianxue was very important, but now seeing that Lu Yanyao was such a precious Gu Tianxue, everyone became more cautious towards Gu Tianxue.

Halfway through the meeting, Lv Yanyao's cell phone rang again, and Lv Yanyao looked at his cell phone, frowning deeply.

After a while, Lu Yanyao connected to the phone.

For some reason, Lu Yanyao made a mistake and pressed the hands-free button directly, and Gu Fanan's immature but arrogant voice came from over there, "Lv Yanyao, what do you mean by locking me up! Get out, let me out!"

(End of this chapter)

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