Chapter 777 Framed by Kai Luola (6)

Gu Tianxue said to Lu Yanyao, "Okay, I got it, I will coax Xiao Bubu to sleep elsewhere tonight."

Only now did Lv Yanyao feel better, and Lv Yanyao said to Gu Tianxue, "Come back early."

Gu Tianxue nodded obediently to Lü Yanyao.

Gu Tianxue's lecture during the day was very successful, the people in the school over there were very enthusiastic, and everyone recognized Gu Tianxue's skills in painting.

In the past, some people said that Gu Tianxue's paintings really lacked artistic conception, and that Gu Tianxue was too young.

Gu Tianxue lacks social experience, and Gu Tianxue's path seems to be too smooth in everyone's eyes.

He joined Mr. Zhao's school without graduating, and was deeply loved by Mr. Zhao. His boyfriend is Lu Yanyao, who spoils Gu Tianxue to heaven. Everyone thinks that Gu Tianxue's paintings are not convincing.

However, after Gu Tianxue disappeared for four years and reappeared, Gu Tianxue's paintings often unconsciously brought a deeper layer of philosophy and thinking. When Gu Tianxue returned, the paintings caused even greater disturbances.

Many lonely and arrogant people in the painting world are also willing to discuss further issues in painting with Gu Tianxue.

Of course, Gu Tianxue's lecture was well received by everyone. If Gu Tianxue's schedule was not too tight, the school really hoped to hire Gu Tianxue as a visiting professor of the school, or invite Gu Tianxue to give another lecture.

Gu Tianxue politely declined the school's request, and got into the car sent by Lu Yanyao and returned home.

However, when Gu Tianxue walked up the stairs, she found a person she didn't want to see very much.

"Kelora?" Gu Tianxue looked at the innocent and harmless woman in front of him and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Kai Luola pursed her lips, looked at Gu Tianxue cautiously and said, "Gu Tianxu told me that you are getting married, I want to congratulate you."

"Thank you." Gu Tianxue acted very unfamiliar.

Gu Tianxue was a little surprised why Kai Luola came here. After all, Kai Luola must know that Lv Yanyao wanted to kill her very much, and Kai Luola's various behaviors touched the bottom line of Lv Yanyao.

Gu Tianxue also heard that Kai Luola hadn't appeared in City A for the past four years, so Gu Tianxue thought Kai Luola was a sensible person.

It's just that now Gu Tianxue finds that Kai Luola doesn't seem to be so sensible.

Kai Luola looked at Gu Tianxue hesitated for two seconds and asked, "Are you still angry with me?"

Gu Tianxue frowned and did not speak.

Kai Luola immediately had tears in her eyes, Kai Luo La looked at Gu Tianxue with tears in her eyes and said, "I'm really sorry for what happened back then."

Gu Tianxue couldn't see someone acting like this the most, so Gu Tianxue stopped Kai Luola's actions immediately, and Gu Tianxue said to Kai Luola, "Don't apologize in a hurry."

Gu Tianxue said, "If there is nothing else, you can leave. You just need to be nice to my brother. I heard Tianxu said that he wants to marry you this year, but you have never agreed."

Gu Tianxue frowned, "You and Tianxu have been dating for more than four years, don't procrastinate any longer. If you think your relationship is good, then get married. If you don't want to get married, tell Tianxu why."

Kai Luola lowered her head and gave a hum.

Gu Tianxue looked at Kai Luola's obedient appearance, and didn't want to talk to Kai Luola anymore.

Gu Tianxue didn't know what this girl was thinking. Every word she said seemed to make Kai Luola's eyes fill with tears, as if every word she said was bullying her.

(End of this chapter)

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